Killers can no longer change characters in lobby
While it's true that survivor might get high tier killer more often in red ranks, the locking shouldn't be a problem at all since people got lower mmr on weaker killer and therefor don't really have to care about specific items. So there would actually more people playing weak killers since they might have a fair game. And based on stats after these killer mmr's, BHVR would be able to nerf/buff more precisely.
Also, going againat 4 flashlights and so on is extremely rare IMHO. Even if you get a game like this, at least 3 people don't know how to use it right (yes, red ranks). So, the cases where you feel like you "need to swap killers depending on items" are extremely low where you can just dodge this lobby and move on if you really want to.
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I don't recall them saying something specific, but I don't imagine there will be separate mmr for individual survivors.
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While that is true for now as this is the only change, when the new mmr system is put into place in theory that should allow players to choose a killer they want to play rather than feel they have to play.increasing the variety of who you wish to use.
This change needed to be done in a patch while the mmr system doesn't. This says to myself that the mmr system is planned to be implemented pretty soon.
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The problem is probably it will increase the amount of "played" killers on the killer side but will decrease the amount of variety of killers "played against" (atleast in high rank/survivor mmr) due to some killer performing way better than others while survivor have there on MMR across the board.
But maybe the devs will manage to bring all killer at an equal power level at some point.
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I didn't read every reply, so I don't know if this has been covered. Apologies if it has.
I'm not saying I agree with the change described in the OP. However, I believe I know why they did it.
The matchmaking is now based on how good/bad you are at a given killer NOT how you good/bad you are as ANY killer. To do that, they can't have people loading in based on your Doctor rating and then have you switch to Legion. It would throw the whole thing off.
So, again, not saying I agree with the change. Just explaining why it exists so that if you didn't know, now you will.
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It could go either way but the argument why this was asked for was players didn't want to try other killers in high ranks in the first place.
So in theory this gives players a chance to learn a killer they don't know how to play which then in the long run could mean more variety in the high ranks. Time will tell of course.
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To make it fair they need to have survivors locked too.
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Survivors are just a skin with no unique ability, and they are going to be matched under a single mmr rating so why would they be locked.
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There needs to be a lock for survivors as well at the 30 seconds mark, so that they cannot pull a last second switch.
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Worst they have done so far. Before you had killers set up so you could switch when someone equipped a key, or switch to Plague when many medkits came up. Now you have to lobby dodge, switch killer and hope you get the same lobby again. This is just stupid.
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"Besides, no-one is going to play killers such as Wraith anymore at high ranks if your locked into a killer. Again, decreasing killer variety. I can tell you from experience that vs'ing Spirit 9 times in a row is not fun."
I would really like some stats to see how many killer players switched killers to handle a survivor group better. I highly doubt that happened very often. I for myself do not really care about the survs, I just pick whomever i want to play now. And that can also be Wraith in red ranks, even against multiple FL. Heck, then I'll just equip Lightborn and take more care when uncloaking. The only issue I can agree on is hag, bc she can really rendered useless by FL. But then just dodge the lobby, where is the problem?
Sure, I see a killer leaving ther lobby when 4 surfs are ready somewhat more often recently, but since the introduction of dedicated servers the survs will remain in the lobby, with the next killer ariving after jsut a few more seconds. I fail to see the dreaded increases of queing times, sorry.
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I got Huntress not long ago; got completely bizarrely lucky and got a 4k first game and I think one 2k and then it all went downhill and I got severely, embarrassing outplayed each game after that and just gave up playing her. I haven't played Nurse in over a year because I just can't seem to work her out. If there's a chance the new MMR let's me play other killers I can't play at the moment I guess I can try and get used to not spending bp on a killer I'm trying to prestige up while waiting for a game 😑.
In regard to the Wraith/Hag vs multiple flashlights squad:
I'm wondering if certain "non meta" perks might become more popular or even get buffed? I've only tried it a few times I had some small success using Overwhelming Presence against a flashlight squad; "clicky clicky clicky, whoopsy no more battery, oh no!"
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One of the Aussie streamers i watch with over 7k hours, switches out his entire build and killer depending on what his going against to play at the highest optimal level so he can to consistently 4k every game.
I guess it won't matter for the casual player who plays a game here and there.
Being on low populated servers also doesn't help. It already takes 20 minutes to find a killer game. 5 minutes for survivor. I feel it's also going to push a lot of players away from killer in case they don't want to vs certain items and have to dodge and requeue, which will raise the wait times on survivor side. I can only imagine it being worse once your forced to play a certain killer.
I for one will probably be only playing the top tier killers myself, just so i can handle whatever situation i'm put in.
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Everyone wanted killer specific ranks. Skill ranks affect match making. Of course the killer gets locked, how did you think they were going to do this?
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Yet you ignore that survivors can still quick switch. This post is perfectly valid.
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Is kinda annoying because sometimes I like to change the killer after taking a look to the items, but lobby dodging is not bannable so...I guess is still fine.
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Something I haven't seen addressed with this whole new killer MMR.. what does it mean for survivors and their queue times? If I normally would go against someone who is red rank as I am, who is now playing a killer they do poorly with.. oh well, I have to wait for the next killer?
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I have never read anywhere that people wanted specific killer ranks. This is a first for me. As far as i can see, most of the top players disagree with this change.
Every killer plays the same except for a few exceptions. If your good at killer, you're literally good at every killer.
This game doesn't need such a complex rank system when ranks mean absolutely nothing. There is still no incentive to even bother getting to high ranks, hence why a lot of players will sit a low ranks for easy games. This happens already, and more so now that the DC penalty has been removed.
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This is a very shady move from the devs, they just won't stop beating down Killer players, we're already weak compared to survivors and now the new barely visible auras.
I honestly don't know if I want to keep playing this game, I really wish there was a better game with licensed killers so that I can stop playing DBD for good.
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1. New ranking system coming, part of it involves separate rankings for each killer you play as SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO FACE RED RANKS ON A KILLER YOU AREN'T RED RANK LEVEL WITH. This is GOOD because higher ranked players won't be queued against a rank 1 Squadette group on their very first try of Deathslinger, because their Deathslinger will be ranked lower.
If you are rank 1 (by current match making system standards) with Freddy/Spirit/etc, do well most matches with him (enough to consistently stay rank 1), etc., and then decide "hmm, I'm gonna try playing as Oni, a newer character that I just bought and have ZERO experience with", you queue up, and match making will search for a lower rank level of survivors for you to verse. You are locked in on Oni because if you get into a lobby of, say, green ranks, switching to your rank 1 Freddy is simply unfair for those lower rank survivors, because the only reason you were queued up to play against them was because you readied up with a lower skill rated killer for you.
Now, I imagine this is sort of a testing period for how they're changing ranks, skill levels, match making, etc. Ideally, there will be a visible indicator of what skill level each of your killers are, and you will be able to switch between killers that are of the same level.
Honestly, I'm not a HUGE fan of the change. I understand what they are going for and I do totally support at least trying this new system out, but I think there should at least be an option to opt out- you'd always play at your own rank regardless of your killer skill level, which means you couldn't try out Nurse without going up against your main's skill level, but you'd have the option to counter pick from Hag in a 4 flash light lobby to maybe Billy or whatever other character you'd rather play as, without being forced to lobby dodge if you REALLY didn't want to play against a lobby like that, you know?
(caps for emphasis, not yelling btw hehe)
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survivors knows killer name in the lobby (by cheats or smth, anyway dont fixed of course). so now, they will get counter perks vs any killer. bravo
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If you really think so youre completely off.
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Good point, didn't think of this. Even more time players will be out of matchmaking - along with more DCs and dodging.
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because they do the last sec switch with survivor with a key or flashlight killers can't do anything about it.
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If you look at their post history, you'll see that they are extremely condescending and biased.
You're better off ignoring them.
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killer lock shouldn't been added till the new MMR came right now it just dumb.
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for what? survivors are just skins. killers actually have varying abilities that can either be absolutely stomping or just causal
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The problem with that is, there is only a small amount of skill involved with playing a new/different killer, because their powers is different from others, but by all definition, their fundamental structure is exactly the same. You chase, you hit a survivor twice, pick them up and hook them (there are a couple of exceptions).
But once you know how to run the correct path around a loop, which pallets are safe/unsafe, the distance on when you should lunge etc, you are always going to be a red ranked killer no matter how good you are with their power, because that skill remains the same. If you good with one particular killer, you're going to be good with every killer.
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Oh I completely agree with that- which is why I do not think for a second that a red rank killer will be put up against brown ranks even if he is playing Nurse on console for the first time ever. I'd be surprised if they even got as low as green ranks. I'm imagining it'll be something like rank reset, where red rank killers will have their new killers default to purple.
Since they're reworking match making a bit, I'm sure it will even end up a little more different, but it sounds like killer locked match making will be the first step before any other match making changes come through, so that's what my thoughts are for what rankings currently are.
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If you dodge a lobby as a killer regardless of the reason you're just a baby. Don't like them using items then bring franklin's demise and its dealt with.
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Not trying to defend anybody but. Do you call people a baby for what? This is a game, no one force you to certain playstyle, if they want to lobby dodge, they are allowed to do it. And second, you know that Franklin's is for a paid DLC right? Not everyone can pay DLC's.
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Although it isn't a perfect system, that was implemented to keep people from smurfing with killers they are bad with, then switching to their main and demolishing them. Just dodge against things like that.
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See that's where you're wrong.
Some of us take whatever game were given and do what we can with it instead of bitching about suboptimal circumstances.
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When i saw that i stoped playing killer. I even have proof that survs using killer lobby viewer, even submited reports and they did this???? Ok when they change that i will back to play killer.
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Personally I don't think killers should be able to see survivors at all when they load up. Or maybe they can see the survivors but can't see what items they have. I mean survivors can't see when a killer brings a Mori until the match starts. Survivors also can't see if they are facing a doctor to know to put on calm spirit, or to put on perks designed to counter Trapper. Or if it's a Spirit to put on Iron Will/Spine Chill. Outside of any bugs that might be present anyways.
So why should killers get to see keys, flashlights, medkits etc. And then decide it's time for Franklin's, or Lightborn. Or if they see medkits they can bust out Plague. I've heard some people argue that Franklin's is useless if survivors don't bring items...but chests always spawn, giving some level of insurance against them.
Either way I think the double standard is pretty annoying. Sometimes I just want to bring a broken key, with a wedding ring to be able to see someones aura, without the killer busting out a mori, or dodging because they think it's a normal key.
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If they were going to do this then they could at least give killer loadout set slots so they can change quickly between perk groups. I had different killers with different perks just to counter what the survivors brought. And to say they did this for ranks when they didn't implement the rank system yet is just b.s. as well.
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You can't have everything the way you want. What are dodgers gonna do when or if they add the punishment for that back in? It extends how long you have to wait to queue again. Just suck it up and play the game and if it bothers you that much use the perk and if you can't pay like $5 for a character to get the perks i don't get how you even get the game and the console or pc to play it along with the online fee of consoles. Now for people that are legitimately that poor and can't afford to spend extra money like that i'd just say sorry for their situation but their best bet is to play around with looking up or facing walls and wait for the perk to be in the shrine.
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Some of us also play on a level above most players, at the point where the game is much more competitive than the casual game it is. This applies to survivors and killers alike.
For those players, playing suboptimally as killer is not an option if you intend to win every game, as the power role in every one of those games will always belongs to the survivors.
Being locked into a certain killer and not being able to switch that killer/power depending on the situation is not optimal for those that play at the highest level and want to win. This means the majority of killers that will be picked at high ranks, will only be the top tier killers who can handle every situation thrown at them because they can't afford to play killers that have any weakness.
You don't have to agree with me, but people already dodge certain match ups when they want to play a specific killer. I only expect that number to increase, and if that number increases, lobby times will.
Post edited by CronaWins on1