Can someone explain this to me?

I did the 4k and 12 hangs but it says "2 survivors found", "28 survivors beaten", "38 chases won", I was trying to do the expert and this was the result, I don't see any sense 🤔
I think it's the "found" score in game. Like "late sacrifice".
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I'm actually a bit confused by this any chance did you grab two of the survivors off of a gen / out of a locker to kill them?
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No, I found them all walking and I chased them
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To clear one thing up, the found survivors points shown on the emblem screen there does not mean how many survivors you've found. The number on the emblem screen a percentage of the total points required for an iridescent emblem. In this case, finding survivors gives you 5 chaser points, and you found survivors ten times that match, leaving you with 2% (50 of the total 2,550 chaser points required).
Outside of that, chaser is awarded for having lots of successful and fast chases, where a chase ends when you either lose the survivor or land a hit. The shorter your chase, the more chaser points you bank. Chaser does not award bonus points for downing a survivor, so using things that allow you to down a survivor from healthy effectively halves the number of chases you'll be scoring points on.
You didn't lose any points for camping, so you're already doing great there. If you're looking to get your adept, you might want to slug a little bit rather than hooking right away. That'll give you more opportunities to chase survivors before they die.
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So if I understood correctly the problem was to use tier 3 and make the chases extremely short, right?
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So... He played too efficiently?
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You guys have said repeatedly that a 2k is a win, so why doesn't a 4k guarantee a win?
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I don't like the Chaser scoring system, i would say it needs to be looked at like gatekeeper was. It doesn't feel right that i don't get a good score since i didn't "chase enough". Sometimes in a match im just not presented with that many opportunities.
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Wait, so...survivors found doesn't mean how many survivors you found? Why not word it differently then? I've gotten a match saying I found six survivors, it doesn't explain what that means.
Also, the talk about the Adept achievement. Why should we be punished for killing someone instead of giving them extra chances? The shorter chase, the more points. I can get that. But if you play the game too well, you get punished in terms of points earned? Why? The objective is to kill people as killer, that's like if survivors went into chases on purpose instead of doing gens. Funnily enough, sometimes they have to do that because winning a chase and not being seen the rest of the match apparently gives me a bronze in stealth.
I get developing a game is tough. I'm not being disrespectful or anything, but I'm saying that these scores should be explained or adjusted so that people can get points and understand how to do so a bit easier for both sides.
Unrelated, but I'm hoping you also discuss the reasoning behind the Aura changes in the next Q/A.
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I got Oni's adept by not pressing M2 all game, if you play any killer with an instadown, the best way to make the ranking system happy is to pretend they have no power. Gotta love it. No problems here at all...
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I've had games that it says that I found 5 survivors... like I found a 5th survivor
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2ks a draw, where did you see win?
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I know it's a draw, but the devs have repeatedly said that a 2k is a win, even though the emblem system doesn't reflect this.
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But in that case isn't it punishing Killers for being effective and using their powers properly.
The adept achievement is meant to be a showing that your competent with the Killer but with a system like this you're essentially forced to artificially extend the game and restrict yourself for you to get it.
It's not really rewarding your skill in that case in fact it's quite the opposite you're getting punished for your skill because you didn't hit the required amount of checklists items.
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It should be Adapt Killer, not Adept. Meaning you adapted to the scoring mechanics rather than the Killer's power.
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What i was saying is ive heard them say a 2k is a draw.
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Don't know how you've heard that because the devs have said on the forums and livestreams that they believe a 2k is a win.
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And ive seen them say on tge forums and licestreams that a 2k is a draw