Saving Bloodpoints Tome 4 Level 1

Here is my path for completing all the challenges in the Tome and reaching the end while saving as many Bloodpoints as possible.
Red Line = Collect
Yellow Circle = Save
I will check over my path again to make sure it's as optimal as possible.
I Love U <3
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@CashelP14 you are a MVP! I always wait for your posts about saving tome bloodpoints😘
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But why there is a cow?😅
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Person I've never met in my life and you could literally be anyone.
Love you too lol
Try to get them out as quick as possible before people start collecting the challenges lol
Cow was there when I took the screenshot 😉
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You're a great person. Too kind for us complainers (jk ;) )
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Thanks a lot!
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Give this man some upvotes
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Who are these complainers? Haven't seen any on the forums 😂
No problem mate 👍
Assuming genders in 2020?!?! I actually identify as a tug boat lol
Thanks mate 👍
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Hey any way you could post what the challenges are for us sad bastids at work?
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Top man!
Even if the Auras make the game unplayable (had to shoe horn it in somehow), I'll grind these out the best I can...
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You've got 2 weeks to do it so hopefully in that time they fix the auras lol
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Is the point of this to show people a path of challenges that don't require a certain perk or item?
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The point of this is to show people how to save points for the next chapter. The cap for Bloodpoints is 1 million but with what I'm doing you'll have an extra 1 million ready.
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Hey, you could use this page for "preparation".
There are all levels from this archive.
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This is pretty helpful. I'll probably just wait though till it's released incase they change the layout or the placement of mastery challenges.
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Is this avoiding master challenges? If not would it not be quicker to just do this?
Apologies for low quality my phone isn't the best at art.
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No it's about saving the maximum number of Bloodpoints while also completing the rift. Trying to do it quick isn't the point of it.
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If you scroll down the comments and look at the post that DragonBlasterCZ sent you can see the challenges.
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Whats the cow?
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Friesian I believe. Was there when I took the screenshot lol
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Maybe I’m missing something or I’m just dumb 😂 but why save points like that?
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to insta level the next killer
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But couldn’t you do that by just grabbing the points to a mil?
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1 mil is not enough bp; it only gets you to ~level 40 and that's if you pick cheap nodes.
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It does seem line a nice way tho, although I do every challenges since I'm leveling Wraith, it is a great way for people who wants to save!
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Exactly. It was really good starting off the last event with 2.5 million already saved lol
The bloodpoint cap means you can only hold 1 million at anytime. This way you will have an additional 1.5 million in reserve to use. You need to complete the level to unlock the next level so that's why I collect challenges to the end.
If you want you can just not complete any challenges and just go straight to the end. You'll save more Bloodpoints but you won't be able to collect them immediately since you haven't completed half the challenges.
I'm at the point now where I have all my killers with max perks so I don't really need to spend them on anything but survivor right now. Plus I love getting the new perks on my main immediately lol
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How does that work? You have to claim the challenge you did to move onto the next one in line, or you can move onto the open challenge. Meaning there are some that you physically cannot “save” as you can’t do them, or am I missing something?
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The ones with a red line through, are those you have to take to access later nodes. Those circled do not have to be claimed.
I’ve still got a bunch from the last tome to claim!
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All the circled challenges can be completed but not collected. The challenges that are covered with a red line are challenges that need to be collected in order to move on to the next challenge.
If you complete the archive the way I've done it then you'll have 270k Bloodpoints banked for whenever you need it.
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This needs to be pinned.
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I'd be shocked if they did lol I'd say they don't want too many doing this.
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