New auras, Billy ROARS, BHVR loves giving us stuff we don’t want

Like seriously changes that literally I have NEVER seen anyone ask for, have you?
The Billy roar sounds stupid, and not B-movie ha ha stupid, just plain dumb.
Who on the forums or in game was asking for the auras to be made worse, did they really sit around and all agree together this would be well received?
I like the Billy Roar
Auras however still need worked on, maybe brighter or something could fix the issues with it
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But at least they went through the obvious step of testing it on the PTB like any competent game developer would do.
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Also to be ahead of the comments, I know they’re “fixing,” auras eventually... lol right... but they celery planned to change them just maybe not this much. Who asked for them to be changed at all?
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The new auras i agree, should make them brighter. But the new billy roar is a great addition imo.
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I really don’t wanna do this but I will
Auras were changed so they would have less bugs with them, whats going on right now is that the auras are too dark, causing what playing on a gameboy advanced in the sun would look like on maps like Ormond. Not a bug, just an oversight
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Okay I’ll accept we all have opinions on that. But here’s the real thing, why are they adding anything new at all when they should be fixing current bugs?
I don’t mean no new chapters, cosmetics or that, but these little things they think are cute. Instead of spending time fixing any of the dozens of bugs someone literally had to spend some time adding the roar. And the way the game is coded that may be causing some of the new bugs.
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Who said the auras were fixed to prevent bugs?
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Pretty sure the patch notes said that they were to prevent more bugs from happening, could be wrong
EDIT: Yep, check for yourself