Hex Ruin is useless

Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Had a match where Ruin was never found/destroyed, but that didn't matter they went through the generators like normal (They didn't have any Tool Boxes)

Is there any real point to this perk?

Would this be a case of Gen tapping?
Maybe the skill check to hit just isn't hard after 100 hours of survivors?


  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2018

    Hexes are amazing and powerful....just very poorly executed in game.

    In your particular case, it would appear as though you were "matched". Which is the purpose of balance. I'm completely speculating here....but with even a couple of survivors using a "band new part", I can see how Hex: Ruin could be countered (Again, part of the balance).

    1. Hex: Ruin: 5 % regression on the Generator and Great Skill Checks grant 0 % in progression.
    2. Brand New Part: Good Skill Checks grant 5% total Generator progression, Great Skill Checks grant 10% total Generator progression.

    Balance achieved.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2018

    @FSB75 said:
    Hexes are amazing and powerful....just very poorly executed in game.

    In your particular case, it would appear as though you were "matched". Which is the purpose of balance. I'm completely speculating here....but with even a couple of survivors using a "band new part", I can see how Hex: Ruin could be countered (Again, part of the balance).

    1. Hex: Ruin: 5 % regression on the Generator and Great Skill Checks grant 0 % in progression.
    2. Brand New Part: Good Skill Checks grant 5% total Generator progression, Great Skill Checks grant 10% total Generator progression.

    Balance achieved.

    If they had brought in toolboxes/BNP then sure, but they did not. 1 guy had a medkit (he was solo) and the other 3 brought in flashlights (Obvious 3 man SWF given their names)

    The generators were done at an average game pace (Take that as you will)
    Basically, I am saying it was as if it didn't exist, which if they are skillfull enough to be able to do that, then props on them, but then it is a case of Ruin just being useless, it isn't challenging, most survivors got used to DS, which can get them used to hitting a Ruin skill check.

    Hell I am a killer main, I hit I would say 8/10 of the skill checks from ruin and just in general, its just not difficult. I can only imagine the perfect 10/10 players with 1,000s of hours in survivor can do.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2018

    They either gen tapped or they're just good at skillchecks.

    The perk Stakeout also counters Ruin because it makes your Good Skill Checks count as Great.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2018

    I would prefer to see generators take a bit longer, and then trash ruin completely, should've never had to be a band aid fix with a perk, just an overall balance change.

    I'll be honest, the pallet change and hatch change is nice, but I would rather a change to generators.
    Pallets were never a huge issue, considering the same thing is still happening, just now the chances of getting a cheeky hit before they get to the pallet is higher.

    Won't take long for survivors to learn a new way to pallet loop efficiently. Then we will be back to square one. I won't say it isn't better, but its all about adapting.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @Swiftblade131 said:

    If they had brought in toolboxes/BNP then sure, but they did not. 1 guy had a medkit (he was solo) and the other 3 brought in flashlights (Obvious 3 man SWF given their names)

    Then I would say they simply worked the gens despite the progress reduction. Hex: Ruin in no way prevents players from repairing gens. A skill check is required to prompt the 5% progress reduction. Seems to me, and I wasn't there, just trying to offer alternative suggestions, that even if each gen prompted 4 skill checks, at a worse case scenario, that's 100% increase is gen production required to power the gates. So, not impossible...but an increase in time that should have been discernible.

    Bottom line.....it's not what you experienced that makes Hex: Ruin worthless, but I can see why it would be frustrating. I'm the type of person that I can "deal" with most anything.....not just in gaming, but in life....so long as I understand it. So I honestly get where you are coming from.

    It was one game, game on....

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Ruin is an RNG bandaid perk. The survivors may get few skillchecks. They may be really good at skillchecks. They map tap through the gens. They may find the totem right away, with you spawning on the other side of the map as a low mobility killer. And yet, you still have to run it because the alternative is a guaranteed 3 minute match as anything but a Nurse or a Hillbilly/Huntress who gets lucky early on.

  • NotSure
    NotSure Member Posts: 41

    It's a perk that's strength depends on rng. If your totem spawns in a hidden spot, you will slow down generators. If it spawns in the open it will get destroyed in a minute, and you will be down a perk for the rest of the game.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Swiftblade131 said:
    Had a match where Ruin was never found/destroyed, but that didn't matter they went through the generators like normal (They didn't have any Tool Boxes)

    Is there any real point to this perk?

    Would this be a case of Gen tapping?
    Maybe the skill check to hit just isn't hard after 100 hours of survivors?

    It will give you at least 30 sec, maybe even 1-2 minutes if you are lucky.
    Considering that some games are finished after ~5 minutes it is almost necessary to run ruin

  • Saint_Judas
    Saint_Judas Member Posts: 43

    As someone who has faced Hex:Ruin countless times and has become fairly good at hitting over half my great skillchecks, I can say I have never found ruin to be that big a deal. However I have seen a few different scenarios which make Ruin worth running. Namely, other teammates who can't hit great skillchecks or bad rng that gives skillcheck after skillcheck to slow generators down to a grind, or the fact that once people realize Ruin is a thing, no one but me even does generators because everyone is on a mad hunt for the hex. Even huntresses lullaby, which has never been more then a minor annoyance in my opinion (but then again I listen to music so I cant hear skillchecks half the time anyways) can spark mad hex hunts, because survivors get obsessed with finding something and waste more time looking then just doing a gen and powering through.

    So I would say, if you have a very gen-jockey/skilled group of survivors then Hex: Ruin might not matter very much... but it varies group to group. Some games, they just ignore it/power through, getting few skillchecks or making those they get. And other games it will be far more effective then it has any right to be because people become obsessed with it. It just depends on playstyles and luck, I wouldn't say its useless, but like some perks, it can be circumstantial in nature

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Ruin is indeed a gamble but ruin is also a gamble that every killer is forced to make. In the low ranks ruin will grind a game to a halt because new players are awful at hitting even good skillchecks. Mid ranks ruin is still very effective but in the high ranks the perk starts to become pretty mediocre. If its not destroyed in the first 30 seconds good survivors can still power through it. I myself can consistently hit ruin skill checks most of the time and when i play in high ranks its does little to stop the gen rush. I wish the devs would fix the fundamental issue of generator blitzkrieg. I hate running ruin as i would love to run something more interesting but i cant afford not to run it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    @The_Manlet I definitely agree that Ruin is luck based RNG, not only totems but skill checks in general because rarely when I play survivor I can 0 to 100% a generator WITHOUT any skill checks appearing. As a survivor and killer main, I can sometimes hit greats but I don't need to hit greats if no skill checks are present during a repair. Another reason why Ruin should be a flat x/y/z% decrease in repair speed instead of hoping that survivors can't hit greats and hope they get a lot of skill checks.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    I’ve been waiting for someone to say “YOU’RE USELESS!” I’ve been disappointed greatly... beyond belief even

  • JarJarBlinks
    JarJarBlinks Member Posts: 18

    I find all hexes to be useless to be honest with the exception of No One Escapes Death. Why? Totem placement in this game is amazingly bad most of the time. The other day I played as a survivor and I spawned right behind the Killers ruin, about 10 feet away. He rage quit as soon as I dismantled it. Can't really blame him for that when he lost one of his perks ten seconds into the game.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @JarJarBlinks said:
    I find all hexes to be useless to be honest with the exception of No One Escapes Death. Why? Totem placement in this game is amazingly bad most of the time. The other day I played as a survivor and I spawned right behind the Killers ruin, about 10 feet away. He rage quit as soon as I dismantled it. Can't really blame him for that when he lost one of his perks ten seconds into the game.

    On the new Crotus Prenn map for the clown i noticed that they made no effort to improve totem spawns there. First match i had i saw a totem spawn literally 5 feet from a generator. The only map that has decent spawns is The Game and sometimes lerys/badham but it all depends. I cant wait for the totem rework. It really needs some love.

  • Cypraz
    Cypraz Member Posts: 136

    hex ruin is hit and miss but if positioned well and with a killer that can protect it like say Trapper or Hag or even Nurse then yeah it's a pretty valuable perk otherwise it can be kind of pointless and sometimes it's just positioned right at a survivor which is why it's hit and miss. Don't rely on it to win you games rely on your skill. But without ruin you'll find most of your games will end far quicker without it. Good luck!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @FSB75 said:
    Hexes are amazing and powerful....just very poorly executed in game.

    In your particular case, it would appear as though you were "matched". Which is the purpose of balance. I'm completely speculating here....but with even a couple of survivors using a "band new part", I can see how Hex: Ruin could be countered (Again, part of the balance).

    1. Hex: Ruin: 5 % regression on the Generator and Great Skill Checks grant 0 % in progression.
    2. Brand New Part: Good Skill Checks grant 5% total Generator progression, Great Skill Checks grant 10% total Generator progression.

    Balance achieved.

    Hex perks are neither amazing, nor are they powerful.
    They are not powerful enough to justify their drawbacks.
    He just explained that the survivors just powered through them. They can do that by either hitting all the great skill checks (not really hard) or by gen tapping (no skill required).

    For that tiny random (because it can be cleansed in the first 30 seconds) slowdown a killer sacrifices a perkslot.
    Hex perks should be converted into normal perks. They solely exist to give survivors something else to apart from gens. That plan failed, since all but 1 Hex perk are mediocre at best.

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Ruin is good because its one of the only viable killer perks that csn actually slow down the game. If only by 10 seconds for the cleansing of it.  
    Compared to garbage perks like thanat, its god tier...
  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @Tsulan said:
    Hex perks are neither amazing, nor are they powerful.
    They are not powerful enough to justify their drawbacks.

    I am suggesting that without ANY drawbacks Hex totems are a game changer. If I could just "have" Hex: Ruin for an entire trial...survivors would stop playing the game entirely. This is what makes them powerful and amazing. When I made that statement I was talking about the sole ability itself...not the drawback or poor implementation currently in place.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    All I'm gonna add to is:

    I'm that survivor popping those gens quickly cause' I can hit consistent great skill checks while you're off busy fending the 1/2 survivor tryna destroy your hex :) Ruins not effective if you have good survivors. Or one with stake out.

  • Judicar
    Judicar Member Posts: 36

    Only so much you can do to hide them. When you have 4 people wandering around a map, eventually they will be found. I do agree though that a scenario where a survivor spawns by an active totem should NEVER happen but the same can be said for survivors that spawn near the killer at the start. Both are aggravating situations that should never happen and are in fact 100% avoidable already but for whatever reason has never been changed.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000


  • Croquedead
    Croquedead Member Posts: 91
    The only way to use hexes properly is to go full on hexes, overwhelm survivors with hexes and waste their time.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Brady said:
    All I'm gonna add to is:

    I'm that survivor popping those gens quickly cause' I can hit consistent great skill checks while you're off busy fending the 1/2 survivor tryna destroy your hex :) Ruins not effective if you have good survivors. Or one with stake out.

    At that point the killer can already go afk in the basement.
    We all know what happens if good skillshots are considered a mistake and if survivor actually try to do the objective - looking at depip squad :wink:

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