DC penalty is back!

Rejoice! Auras may have disappeared but the dc penalty is back in action. That’s a big plus for me.



  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    I kinda liked the DC'ers. As a fellow survivor - they always made me laugh as I thought it was ridiculous to DC. Especially at EGC - at that point I was like - seriously - why would you do that?

    Insanity I tell you.

    Then some of the killers would take mercy on you and I would get to be in some real chases that lasted more than 2 secs lol. Most of the killers took the extra time to make it full for everyone if you had an early DCer. I will miss that.

    Ahhh those were the days. *sigh*

    I really hope they managed to fix the difference between a crash and a DC though.

    Trolls yes. AFK players - really? but nothing is wrong with a rank 20 - that depends on the person, not the rank. It's only a number. 😎

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    When you’re sat on a gen with them ans they fail 3 skillchecks in a row resetting your progress? And then they run off to crouch at the end of the map?

    Yeah I’d say its a 3 vs 1 at that point, but the fact they’re actually REGRESSING gen progress means its basically 3 survivors vs 2 killers

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Honestly the dc penalty doesnt do much. Survivors kill themselves on first hook.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    True,I have seen that. I usually end up running away from them the second time they do it. Laughing my head off going "Meat for the beast. Guess I'll try to unhook you in a sec or two"

    When they crouch at the back of the map LOL I remember being that green. Ah to be so new.

    It can be frustrating though - very true. It all depends on your mood too. I don't find its all of them and I swear to you sometimes it's done on purpose.

    I had one game where a level 20 ish got us all killed from the repeat BOOM - but they never ever boomed when we weren't on the gen;s with them and when we were all dead they were magically perfect and able to do everything and escape. he killer all of a sudden was blind to them as well.

    Things that make you go hmmmm

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    Campers/tunnelers, we can come the game again!

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Sweet, DC penalties back. Now if you get an awful map you pleasantly don't enjoy, a Killer that you find unfun, a SWF team you can't compete with, a map that is literally unplayable (COUGH COUGH MIDWICH COUGH COUGH), or your internet goes out, you can kiss your fun goodbye (if you even still have it after waiting 30 minutes for a lobby) because now you're forced into these scenarios!

    Pretty good job so far.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    So how long until them hackers figure out how to DC people intentionally again?

  • BigFatChungus
    BigFatChungus Member Posts: 66

    Nice, now i not gonna dc and yes kill my self at the first hook when the killer put a mori

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Them killing themselves on the first hook at least means the killer has to pick them up and carry them to the hook and worry about them for a little bit. When they DC on first M1 they instantly die so the killer just makes a beeline for someone else.

  • Nyushki
    Nyushki Member Posts: 3

    Yesterday i was playing survivor as i always do.

    Now with the update and rework of Leatherface, i always see one in a game.

    This happened yesterday night, i was playing and when they heard the Leatherface saw, 2 dissconected...

    Is this what i have to play now?

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 972

    I've had games like this. Hard to imagine there are actual players who side with the Killer.

    I had this one match and the survivor when they found me on any genny, hop on and instantly popped it, making the killer chase both of us but the survivor body blocking me, which I got first hit. Recovered and evaded both. And hid. Only for that same survivor to run up to me and the killer behind him and again killer goes after me.

    This game makes folk truly a Purge mindset.

    (Only helping if it benefits themselves)

  • Daddy_Doctor
    Daddy_Doctor Member Posts: 158

    Trapper and Hag main actually. If you think that people that want the dc penalty are more selfish than the ppl that dc you have some weird logic. Even if the survivors kill themselves on the first hook the killer still gets points, the other teammates even have a chance to save them if they notice what they are doing. No matter how you try and sugar coat it, dc’ing spoils the game for everyone.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    What a pathetic response. DCing because of map/killer selection is so incredibly childish.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Good. Now Survivors can't immediately leave when they see a Killer they don't like.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited July 2020

    My favorite moment is when everyone is on death hook minus the one potato Spine Chill Urban Evasion Claudette that's always in a corner and finally gets found but lasts five milliseconds in a Chase, gets put into the dying state and then disconnects.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Dc penalty is useless, it was good not to have to wait after DCing. There is so many games where I get put with trolls/noobs who throw out the game. Anyway, survivors just have to suicide on first hook so it's not a big deal. For killer, however, I wish the penalty didn't come back. I'm not gonna play a game which is already lost

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Yes, unfortunately, I don't like to be thrown into a horrifically designed map that both sides equally agree is the worst in the game and is still in rotation because BHVR doesn't want to see to rework it. And no, while I don't DC against Killers (probably because I play only Killer), other people may have legitimate reasons to want to DC against certain Killers like Plague if they're easily nauseous or if people have a legitmate coulrophobia towards Clown. How childish of them for wanting to do so! How dare they want to DC against something they may have trauma with.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Honestly, I hope they add the bots to all platforms, remove the d/c penalty & just replace disconnected players with bots.

    Will the bots be good? Naw, but they'll still be better than a disconnect... and honestly, probably better than a good amount of solo queue teammates you randomly get as well. At least a bot will work on gens & go for saves.

    The d/c penalty isn't really a solution because if someone doesn't want to play, you can't force them to. They'll still quit. The consequences don't really matter at that point, as it's a heat of the moment decision. And if there's a workaround, like just running to the killer & giving up on first hook, they can do that too as a way to bypass the system implemented.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah definitely some people that do it on purpose. They make it more obvious though because then they try to sandbag you or fast vault pallets to bring the killer kver. Which is a reason why survivors sometimes get salty and disconnect.

    Thats why I’d rather just play killer or swf only. Its not surprising solo survivor is dead these days with so many idiots playing it

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I'd rather someone kills themselves on hook than outright d/c

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited July 2020

    Pretty much this.

    The major reason why I disconnected was when somebody else did. I join a game as solo survivor, I’ve done nothing wrong, 30 seconds in the claudette disconnects cus she went down first.....well the game is thrown then. Why should I stay in? Why should I suffer a tilted game? Why am I punished by having to finish an unfun game when I did nothing wrong?

    Before you could leave. Now you can’t. Thats why I stopped playing. Nea suicides on hook within the first 60 seconds, then the next person suicides on hook, ok game is over you think but no the killer will slug me for the 4k. Every [BAD WORD] time. These are the people that beg for the dc penalty. Entitled [bad words] who just want the ez win and the feeling of power.

    I queue for 5 mins get into a game just for 2 people to quit out either by dc or hook suicide within the first two minutes and then I’m expected to watch my character lay there on the ground immobile for 4 minutes before I’m allowed to join another game. This game just punishes the innocent.

    In other games the 1st one out takes the punishment, not the players that dc due to the game being thrown. Not in this crapfest though.

  • jrosedaily1966
    jrosedaily1966 Member Posts: 10

    Well....a lot more tunnelling and camping coming.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I will tell you - I do some really stupid things sometimes while playing. Reading these I keep thinking - good lord I hope no one ever thinks the idiot things I sometimes do by accident are on purpose. I'm really simply not that good. Not modest either - truth. I will keep trying until I hopfully improve.

    Example: and I'm sure my teammate thought from their POV it was on purpose but for my POV this is what happened.

    Gen blew up. I can't recall if it was them or me. I think them but honestly don't recall. Killer of course came. She went one way, I went the other. Killer chased her. I stuck around close by as I thought she would run the killer away, I would jump back on the Gen and if she got hooked I would hopefully be close enough by to grab her off.

    So I snuck over the window and went to the gen to begin working. Next thing I know, I hear them coming back - so I crawl over to the window ready / about to hop over and BOOM there is the killer chasing her. I vault over, slow of course as I'm crouched down, she follows at a run to the window and what do you think happened? She got whacked. From her POV I bet she is thinking "You idiot" from my POV I'm thinking "Why did you bring the killer back to the gen?" Really either POV is accurate. She may even think I did it on purpose as she cant read my mind.

    Some like constant blowing up and such - you can tell are very obvious sandbagging - others are so POV it's hard.

    I play solo and it's - kinda hard. blushes at least for me.

    I really hope this DC penalty doesn't included crashes as this is the only game I sometimes crash in and it is a crash. I've done some trouble shooting with no successful result. The only one thing that did help it be less was changing a graphics card setting and ensuring it was updated.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    True. My wife, myself, and a couple of friends are former rank 1's. We have been a squad since day one of dbd on console. They quit for a long time to venture out, and play other games. I stayed on dbd. They have recently returned. Low ranks with high experience.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Fun. Being put with players who aren't only useless, but go AFK too.

    I wonder why people didn't want to stay in certain trials 😕

  • Blackleopardex
    Blackleopardex Member Posts: 8

    The only issue I have with DC penalties, is when you get a few matches after each other with a farming killer(refusing to hook you). I come from a MMO(pretty new dbd player) so I'm pretty familiar with grinding/farming but I really don't see the point in this game, just play the game and you will progress. Some matches are ######### for sure and I also have disconnected. All in all I think the penalties have their place, maybe they need tweaks tho. One idea I had would be to trigger it from actually pressing: "leave match" that would prevent people from getting penalties from disconnecting without their control. I know you could then fake a disconnected by for example unplugging the PC/system but that requires extra steps.

  • JP_Cloud
    JP_Cloud Member Posts: 173

    Thank god 🙌🏻 DCing ruins the match for everyone. It was back with a vengence every match. I hardly had any before they turned it off. Now you can sit in timeout for thinking every match should go your way and DCing like babies. 😆

  • JP_Cloud
    JP_Cloud Member Posts: 173

    This^ least you arent screwing peoples BP and emblems that way.

  • Axeslinger
    Axeslinger Member Posts: 2

    DC penalty needs to be removed. Even if it did work survivors could just kill themselves on hook, which whether you believe it or not is no better than just dcing. 30 seconds is not going to save you on a 3 man at 5/4 gens. All it does is hurt killers whille survs still have an easy way out. It's telling how most of the people here advocating for the penalty are speaking from the perspective of a survivor main.

  • missionnhunter
    missionnhunter Member Posts: 39

    That's total crap. Now that aura's are broken, bbq doesn't work, I hook someone basement and they vanish only to appear hovering above the ground in a field, huntress melee attack is broken and i'm huntress main. when I cant find anyone because aura perks don't work, everyone hiding not doing gens not doing anything im supposed to just hang out bored or take a dc penalty....nice. ######### that

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Lmfao WHAT?

    Its by far killer mains that advocate for dc penalties, always has been

    First survivor can suicide on hook but I bet you 2nd to last gets slugged for the 4k. Fun. Not to mention killers that are toxic or get salty and leave people on the ground to bleedout.

  • Axeslinger
    Axeslinger Member Posts: 2

    I hadn't considered people being left to bleed out, you got me on that. But I think we can both agree that the penalty needs to be removed for the sake of both sides.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    Aaaand they turned them off again

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    But at least you get the hook... I had 3 survivors dc me tonight robbing me of pop