Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

if i solo surv i get potatoes but if i go killer i get swat teams.

Dsalter Member Posts: 239

and before anyone dives down my throat, i know how to gen, i will usually get 2-3 done on my own in most games while the other survivors do... nothing but die? if i lead a killer on a 2-3 minute chase i'll see no generators done and as soon as i hit that hook i'll see 2 of them hiding in corners... GREAT, another pointless game, might as well die on hook now to lower both killers and potatoes blood gains.

no worries i'll switch over to killer and kill some of these potatoes.

lol nope first 2 minutes i'v been flash-lighted, protection blocked and 2 genned before i even down a single person, ok better camp the one kill i get, nope lul here comes the swat team with their clicky clicky flash bangs and borrowed time and body block central, guess i'll hit them and tunnel down the one kill i can secure, nope deadhard sprint burst cyayourtoslowgitgud.

where are the potatoes when i go killer? why am i only able to find these awful awful people when i solo survivor when im at my most handicapped since im not in a SWF and half the time i dread allies?

how the hell does match making even DO this?

my killer rank is 16, nothing great but i swear survivors are 16 times better at the weak end of the spectrum where as my rank 10 (now 12, thanks obama) survivor solo runs end up with survivors who sprint constantly, WALK into bear traps and willingly try to heal in front of a legion or nurse.

honestly im having doubts matchmaking will actually improve when it eventually comes around.


  • nesseychomp
    nesseychomp Member Posts: 7

    I play duos with a friend of mine we are both rank 1 and have been for a long time. Every match our teammates die in like the first 30 seconds to a minute. Literally ever match. I saw 2 guys die on first hook in the first 30 secs. They literally went down and killed themselves on hook. Then you got the ones who dc as soon as they are down or you get a bad map and they dc at start.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    another ######### match up, i go bill, bring borrow time, spine chill, self-care and that one perk that see's the hatch (because screw randoms) and what happens? they feed bubba a 1minute chainsaw down, so i stall alittle, do a gen, borrow save the guy only for bubba to throw me on the hook, no worries other guy is safe.

    here comes the potato squad, i was face unhooked not once, but TWICE resulting in TWO double downed teammates. watch the match after i am forcibly sacrificed in the first 4 minutes, might as well see who gets hatch.

    nope the potato goes to unhook... in front of a bubbla holding his chainsaw above his head.

    3 face unhooks against a bloody chainsaw wielder...

    you cant make this crap up :/

    where the hell are these free bloodpoint sacks when i play killer

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I'm rank 1 and I have been bouncing around lately with the killer I have not used in awhile so I have been prepared to get wrecked going into the match however last night was Oni yes Oni I have always felt if I got the right perks I can be great with him but I haven't used him enough well I finally got some teachables on him first game swat very cocky the type to bait you run in front of you let you down them because a teamate is hiding in a bush with a flashlight around the corner types. I was never good with his insta-down but I figured out last night mid-game if you demon-dash and swing during demon dash dash seems to work better and swing faster so I got rid of one of them Hooked another on a hill and the other 2 got cocky tried to hide on side of hill for quick rescue and I slugged them both game over. Swats make mistakes just have to wait for your moments, remember the basics, rotate, and remember it's just a game if your like me the more I'm frustrated the more I play like sh*t.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Glad I'm not the only one who gets this. 😖

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its not just you, its everyone.

    I know people will say “well you’re the common denominator in these games” but no, I assume you’re like me and you always last longest in chase, always get the first gen done if you’re not being chased etc

    Sometimes I play with a friend who is about as good as me. Us two always last the longest in chase. Always. Also if one of us is getting chased, you can bet the other will be the first to get a gen done. Often long before the other survivors. Which makes you wonder exactly what they have been doing..

    Solo survivor has been heavily watered down so its not surprising. Also yeah swf voice comms advantage and all that. All the good players these days tend to play together so I guess that explains it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2020

    I feel this every day. I play rank 1 on both sides, but when I play killer it's either death squads or insane solo's with an occasional potato here and there. (I will say much more potatoes when I play killer if it's off hour times, but prime time like 4-10 is tons of sweat)

    Then I go on survivor and my team is like boosted rank 10's that have no idea what they're doing.

    This would all make a lot more sense if the MMR was already active on PC because then we could surmize this meaning I'm a lot better at killer than survivor and the MMR difference is what's causing this. However, I'm pretty sure we've already had it confirmed multiple times that it isn't active.

    This is one of the things that makes me think more of them are SWF as those aren't the types of players I'm getting randomly. Really wish we could at least see in post lobby. Even hide the survivors names in pre lobby so there'd be no reason to dodge names. Two changes that would make both sides happy.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "All the good players these days tend to play together so I guess that explains it."

    I think this is a really good point.

    It seems very rare to get good solo's as almost all the decent survivors tend to SWF to avoid the random potatoes. This leads to very polarizing games where it's either potatoes or an insane group all stacked. Night and day experiences in other words, rather than average games being a mix mesh of a couple good and a couple bad in each game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    And the catch 22 is that as solo gets worse, more players go swf.

    I used to play solo a lot back in the day but now its only for achieve challenge grinding. Other than that I wouldnt touch it because its depressing putting in so much effort just to lose again and again and again.

    Last night I ran a Pyramid Head for at least 5 minutes over the course of a few changes. I was chased so often and so much I didnt even get to work on the gens. What did the other survivors do? Gave him one of the best 3 gen setups I’ve ever seen. Then they’re all urban evading around afraid to touch the gens, not a single one had been worked on. So I had to be the one that did most of the work. That resulted in me dying as the last gen was done. Its frustrating always sweating so hard but never being able to escape. Meanwhile the ones that crawl around the edge of the map while others work on the last gen tend to be the ones that get away.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    This is what devs want nerfing survivors and buffing killers. They read this killer forum and balance the game around clown vs 4 SWF swat team. And they don't think that a camper/tunneler killer 3/4k every game with trapper without traps, perks and items.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 644

    The worst game in a while for me happened yesterday against a Freddy on Midwich. One person dead, only one gen left. I'm 75% through the last gen when Freddy finds me and eventually downs me. I get hooked and see no auras, which wasn't due to the new and 'improved' auras, they were literally just both in a locker. I get saved, go down again, get hooked and once again don't see them anywhere. I eventually died and decided to spectate them to see what on earth they were doing. That game went on for another ten minutes (TEN MINUTES) of them hiding in lockers until one of them finally died and the other one rushed for the hatch.

    I'm okay with people playing the 'who dies first' game when there's still three gens left and no reasonable way of finishing them. However, I'm not okay with people hiding around when there's three people left in the game and only one gen left to go.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2020

    I wonder if this will ever get addressed. We've had the issue for years.

    Almost all the solutions have pros and cons with none really being great. A ranked and unranked mode or built in voice coms has probably been the better solutions I've seen even though they do have their own issues.

    Based on dev forum responses they don't seem to think it's much of an issue.

  • nesseychomp
    nesseychomp Member Posts: 7

    I play as almost only swf now. Even if the people im playing with are rank 20 atleast with comms if they make a mistake i can tell them so they might not do it again in the future. I have occasionally gotten frustrated enough with teammates that ill take them into a private match and teach them. The thing is with this game you will never get good at looping even if you play alot unless you watch a vid put it into practice or have someone teach you. I didnt get good at looping till i forced myself to get chased by the killer and that was a year after playing. Cause the three main playstyles are immersed, gen rushers, and the ones who mess with the killer all game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Well solo always had potatoes but honestly late 2018/early 2019 solo was fine for the most part. Really good players on either side.

    Rank reset changes did a lot of the damage and a huge influx of new players over the past year too.

    I’m hoping MMR fixes it but if not ranked/casual would be nice. Some players want to meme about, some want to go afk, I’d rather have them kicked out of the ranked setting so people like that want to play competitively can be put with like minded people without having to swf all the time which can be inconvenient getting people online at the same time to play a game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    My thoughts as well pretty much. I actually think the MMR system is gonna highlight the games balance issues even more as the bad ranking/rank reset system was pseudo covering up the issues.

    Really hate we won't see each others MMR though. The system could literally be not even active and we wouldn't be the wiser.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    The competent 4-Man SWF squads are always there. You just won't ever see them as a solo survivor because their team is already full.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Not to mention combining the fact SWF and MMR system. When the chances are 3man with solo or 2 solo with a duo. (Also the idea that some solo players dont want to be invited into voice chat, but, ya know) 9x out of 10 that solo is going to be screwed over more than any combination of swf. Why save a stranger if your friend will berate you for not saving them instead 🤷‍♂️

    the flaw of swf is also this reason why it should be a mode. Leaving solo players to be 4 solo players. or. Like it's been suggested. Just implement comms in the game for all. (Hell it's even funny at times in that "other game", Jas-- I mean the killer, when near, using the game's proximity voice chat, trying to vocally "intimidate" lol. But anyways) getting potatoes as teammates, it would at least give you a "voice" to Express. "Hey! ######### you doing? Get outta the closet and fix gens!...."

    Especially now, personally seeing red ranks taking care of their own selves. And letting that yellow green rank die off. And none are doing gens (I honestly always go do gens above all else). The whole Altruism system is backhanded. It should be 2nd priority behind doing gens. 2nd nature even.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Solo is rough, I won’t dispute that. What I will say is I doubt you’re going against as many SWF kill squads as you think... review your gameplay I’m guessing it isn’t as efficient as could be

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
    edited July 2020

    That's just DBD in a nutshell. It's because the game itself is constantly playing against you.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    BHVR refuse to show SWFs their pre or post lobby... it is easy to do but they would show that it isn't SWF that way.

    But of course it is and thats why they don't show it or attempt to balance it by debuffing their coordination speed XD

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    They should show it only endgame, yes that means if as a killer I recognize those same four players name later I can dodge them. You know what that means, SWF is unbalanced!

    A side effect would be shutting up a lot of killers who whine they always lose to SWF and make them realize half the time the team is solo or at most a 2-man SWF. I get insulted at least once a day for being on SWF despite 100% solo play. Just because I unhook someone and then bodyblock on the way out to prevent you from tunneling them doesn’t mean we’re SWF, it means we know how to counter bad killers.