So this isn’t a thread to complain about NOED as I personally don’t see the issue with it, I just have a question. Recently I’ve faced a Michael, Ghostface and Billy who were all rank 1 that had NOED. Which confused me a little. Why would a killer that has the ability to one-hit down a survivor want to use NOED? Is that not a waste of a perk slot? I just want to know if anybody here runs NOED on any of these killers as I’m honestly baffled as to why.
It is. Tbh its a waste of a slot most of time - it doesn't improve you as a player. Only see its value for endgame/meme builds.
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Did you or your mates get caught of surprise because he was using it? If yes, then that’s the reason ;)
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Because they don't know how to use the killer. Personally, i never use NOED with insta-down killers, i find it ridiculous.
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^This. What better strategy to use than one your opponent doesn't expect and is therefore unprepared for?
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Depend with myers sometime you are not always 99% so when the last gen pop noed come in. For billy hitting someone with your chainsae is a lot harder because they remove the steering addon so noed can come in clutch in a looping scenario during the end game. For GF its so easy to reveal him that most of the time GF player use is power to sneak on the survivor and the insta down is a bonus
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Because the people playing them are trash with no confidence in their ability, also NOED is extremely powerful so if you’re a mediocre player but just want to win why wouldnt you take Billy with NOED for example?
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Can you please stop just being a troll and contribute something useful to this community? Jesus...
noed/adrenaline are absolute fine and using it didn’t make you a “weak” player. If you don’t like it, do bones...
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Nobody got hit with it as I cleanse the totems. I just always look at what perks people were using at the end of a match.
I just didn’t expect to see NOED. I guess the element of surprise thing makes sense. As it does create a sense of security when you’re against certain killers not to feel as pressured to cleanse totems. I just always do them out of habit now. 😂
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Bro i ran into several high rank mikeys that run devour and noed. Its baffling to me.
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Because its too much fun to kill the servs with your chainsaw!
IF you will just win take the Clown with NOED ;)
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And that’s how you avoid getting NOEDed. I wish more players would adept their playstyle instead of constantly complaining and insulting.
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"NOED is extremely powerful"
This is a typical saying of people who are lazy to find a hex totem.
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There’s no reason to complain about Hex perks. Considering you can use Small Game, Detective’s Hunch or a map to counter them.
I think people just find it easier to blame a perk for the reason they lost a match, than to blame the fact they neglected to do totems. When I run Detective’s Hunch I can get all 5 totems cleansed within 1-2 gens. It’s really underrated.
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Oh arent you funny
My point was if you just wanted to win kf course you’re going to take an easy to play top tier killer with NOED. Billy is top tier, the clown is not. The topic was about instadown killers.
The win isnt guaranteed but if you want to win you’re going to take the best that the game offers you. Like why do people take Huntress with Iri heads, ebony mori and NOED on top? The answer is, because why not? Most players in this game don’t have any sense of sportsmanship they just want the win.
Since you’re clearly defensive about killer though im assuming you’re a killer main so I’ll put it in terms you can understand...
Why would a 4 man swf team with thousands of hours take instaheals, toolboxes, BNP and purple flashlight and all the meta perks? Again the answer is: Because, why not? They just want to win and will take the best that they have.
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Noed turns you into a 119% speed killer that doesn't rely on its power to instadown. It's a great perk, never a waste of a perk slot.
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If you got smacked by a NOED Myers then thats why. Because its effective, quit complaining and do bone
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I’m guessing you failed to read what I wrote thoroughly as not once did I complain about NOED? But thanks for your ‘contribution’ to the discussion.
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The truth is that very few players cleanse totems unless there's an active hex or they're running internal strength (watch videos of your favorite streamers and it'll show just how little they cleanse totems themselves). Every build I run usually always includes small game. Doing generators is an objective, but so too are cleansing totems, and I'm usually the one on my team that goes around and cleanses totems and unhooks survivors.
There's a reason why the developers always say "do bones".
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Marth88 uses it and he's really strong, by that sentiment you shouldn't use perks in general as all are crutches in the first place. NOED is the only powerful perks that killers have in case they actually need a perk to actually turn a match around.
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I was watching Monto last night and it actually really bothers me how much he neglects to do totems. He’ll literally be stood next to them and just run off lol. I definitely see your point about NOED as a whole, as I’m currently using Detective’s Hunch + Inner Strength and it’s alarming how many matches I’ve had where I’ve done all 5 totems. And these are matches that DID have NOED, so you’re welcome team lol.
My main question was more towards why killers that have an insta-down ability run it, but I feel like the person who said it’s about the element of surprise hit the nail on the head. I never thought about it that way before.
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I guess they want to handicap themselves with such a situational perk of only limited use. But NOED also gives a movement speed increase and adds that surprise factor at least on first hit. Additionally, it gives Survivors a reason to stay in the match which could lead to additional hooks / kills if they get greedy.
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I personally don't like it (neither do I like DS).
Marth88 doesn't even need it because he is one of the best killers I have seen. My point was for those who rely on it and don't get better at the game.
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Those that rely on old RUIN also never got better at the game then.
Those that rely on Pop also dont get better at the game.
Those that rely on killer powers also don't get better at the game.
Aside from the fact that it's pretty cringe trying to become "Better" at a game that is the equivalent of candy-crush amongst gamers.
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If NOED is a crutch, that means if you're good you can 4k every single time BEFORE the gens are completed, regardless of what the survivors do. How does that work in practice?
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Eh, sometimes all the gens get done, sometimes they don't. Sometimes all the bones get cleansed, sometimes they don't. Sometimes you get a few survivors down, sometimes its get saved for last. sometimes the game is fun, getting rid of NOED won't make it last.
Is getting a piece of glass in the ass getting you down? I have an EZPZ
solution that'll solve all our problems!(some of these ideas were taken directly from many different questionably respectable individuals and do not reflect theirs, or our affiliates personal opinions, this message may or may not be copy pasted onto every busted surivor/killer perk thread, this message was funded by George Soros)DS will remain virtually unchanged! The Timer, the glass in the ass, all that jazz! Except for a few prerequisites to remain active for its full 60 seconds. If a survivor vaults, heals himself, heals others, drops a pallet, vaults dat pallet, lifts that pallet back up, drops it again, DS will remain active! If a survivor touches a gen, runs into a locker, polishes some bones, touches dat hook, searches dem boxes, it will deactivate. EZPZtm
For those inevidable past present and future comments about other questionably unfair shiet, I Know What You're Thinking! "What about camping? Tunneling? Keys? Mori's?!?? NOED wise ass?!?"
Well Boi Shiet do I have something for you! A good ol' fasioned DeadHead/BT combo solves all your camping troubles! did I mention a succesful save might cause orgasms? EZPZ
Whats that? "Tunneling" you say? Well boi ######### look at that DS, spiffy ain't it, I thought you lived for the chase, whats there to get upset about eh?
Is looking for bones too hard? Is polishing them not paying enough? This latest invention will solve all your problems! Heck! Its already in the game! NOED Is now baseline! You heard right folks! Those bones need polishing! Y'know that addon for the map that Jeffs use to shine light on the sinful? When NOED activates that light shines upon the NOED! EZPZ
Are you having troubles starting your car? Survivors stealing your keys and throwing them in some hole? How about this spiffy idea! When a survivor opens the hatch with a key, it closes after (S)he enters it! Now that survivor will have to make a choice: Stay with the Baby Dweet and guide him to heavens door? Or ######### it? That Dweets gotta grow up someday yaknowhwatI'msayingfolks. EZPZ
Tired of not getting raped by the almighty tentacle god? Are you not wanting to take a selfie with that shy man that was hence previously shitting next to the squatting Blendettes whomst've were amongst the tall grass? I have a solution! Ebony Mori now requires 4 hooks to activate! Hey who else has ever had one of them 3 stack BBQ games yaknowhwatI'msaying? EZPZ
Ivory Mori giving you trouble? Tired of getting taken out of the fight too early? Do you want more time to meat the tentacle ######### god? Ivory Mori now requires Death Hook! EZPZtm
Cypress Mori will be unchanged. What did you expect? EZPZtm
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I see NOED far more at lower ranks than at higher ranks. Good killers don't generally need the perk, plenty of streamers talk about it negatively on both sides.
NOED also promotes tunneling and camping too, because the consequence of tunneling is usually throwing the game but with NOED you can afford to do that.
I just don't like the design of it - it doesn't feel rewarding. Neither do I like DS for the same reason.
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Honestly the shock factor is the best thing, you think its ez then suddenly you have a "oh ######### Megs down, oh god my spinechill is goin ham" Those are the best interactions imo.
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I personally wouldn't take NOED on a one hit down killer but I wouldn't say it's a bad strategy either because there's a greater chance of survivors not cleansing totems.
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Streamers are not authority figures on balance so I really don't care about their opinions. Good killers know that all 5 gens will pop unless the survivors screw up, the game is literally designed this way. NOED is literally there to make survivors do bones just by it's sheer presence.
Imagine if there was no NOED and survivors who play to escape actually just sat on gens not doing bones or anything, good luck. Be glad that NOED exists even if you don't use it.
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You used marth88 to validate your point. But I can't?
I know the pain of being 'genrushed' I mostly play killer myself - especially with low tier killers. I rather see changes like early game EGC, than them giving us perks to counter game issues.
Even then I will maintain if you need NOED then you are playing with a defeatist attitude, because you are already resigned yourself to not be able to stop gens popping. As Scott Jund said in one of his recent videos, our job as a killer is to defend gens not get kills (i.e. don't tunnel and lose the game).
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Exactly. I see NOED as more of a punishment for not cleansing totems (which again is an objective) instead of a crutch perk as some people see it. I understand what you're saying, and I agree that it's odd to see killers that have insta-downs running NOED, but that hex is easily countered provided everyone cleanses totems.
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How wrong do you want to be? So marth88 has a defiatist attitude?
Nah, I play with the attitude that I don't even need perks most of the time, especially if I'm in the mood of dodging SWFs, for one of those 10 games where ppl could actually escape then there's NOED. That's not a defiatist attitude at all rofl, I'm confident that I will be able to play the trial with 3 perks.
NOED does not help you at all if you do not pressure the survivors enough, if they have time to cleanse totems then noed is countered.
Scottjund makes some suggestions that would straight up kill the game by the way with his "everybody could become a skilled player" attitude that is far from reality. Most people don't give a ######### about becoming better.
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NOED increases 4% the movement speed
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I can't speak for marth88. I know though that he doesn't need it. Especially when you see other streamers who do well without it and aren't at his skill level.
Most survivors survivors don't cleanse all totems - to their detriment. I would like more for them to do in game personally. But they usually do gens and GTFO.
So you lobby dodge SWFs and run NOED against weaker teams. Where you probably don't need it. Wow. I don't think I need to say anything else.
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Because against those 2 killers, NOED is an unexpected trap and i actually see it all the time. Which is why I do bones before gens. Sometimes even running inner str i'll take out several before even jumping on a gen bc mfs are sneaky.
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It's probably because their powers take time to reach that level. Hillbilly has tank controls while using his chainsaw, Myers and Ghostface need to stalk Survivors to a certain degree to get the Exposed status, etc. NOED just makes it so they don't need to bother with their power and just hit the attack button.
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ALso Windows deny hillbilly's power and can be used to force an M1.
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Although Thompson Jr still has the curve so if you time your chainsaw right and learn the timing on tiles he can still be very lethal.
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I used to use it on bubba cause they didn't expect that.
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over 90% winrate with NOED (and no, I still dont think it's op) even when I barely play this game, what's yours. Oh...wait.
Results>Some false ideology.
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So you lobby dodge SWFs and run NOED against weaker teams. Where you probably don't need it. Wow. I don't think I need to say anything else.
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It's not always a killer gets the time or space to insta down survivors in the end game, when survivors are vaulting windows close to hatch then Noed can help. But Noed is of course stronger on killers like Wraith and Clown.
And about Noed it's not a good perk at all, only gets very strong when you use it against lazy or bad survivors.
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Playing the game as intended, it's called DEAD by daylight.
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I always laugh when i see unlimited Tier 3 Myers with Noed.