#########? 2-4 man escapes all day

Roobnus Member Posts: 375
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

What the hell happened to DbD? I never reached R10 Survs before but I come back after around 1-2 years of break and just went from R20 to R5 in about 10 hours. I am an absolute potato and even I get like 80-90% escape rate and the times I die is because I make stupid decisions in the endgame.

At that point I am not even sure if it's possible to depip unless you literally get facecamped on first hook? All I do is repair a gen at the start of the match, then go for unhooks / heals and have a chase with the Killer and that's basically it, all gens are done and we escape? I feel like the hardest killers to go against are the campers/tunnelers or when they go for 3gen strat from the beginning and have good gen spawns. If they play "fair" then they get destroyed... It does feels like the Killers are literally afraid to play a bit scummy because it could upset the Survivors? loool
