Before huntress gets (maybe) nerfed, does anyone genuinely think her basekit is OP?



  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Well, you can have that opinion. But I personally would rather a game with less ultra-short chases and ultra-short gens. I personally don't find the m1 simulator to be that fun.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    No, I am comparing complainiing about being locked in an animation to being locked in an animation. As well as mentioning Plague since she can down you over pallets which is what the post was about.

    If you are going to insult others at least have the reading comprehension to understand their post.

  • King_Francis
    King_Francis Member Posts: 2

    Huntress isn't the problem, her awfull and lazy made hitboxes are.

    Same goes for playing vs huntress on dedicated servers

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Huntress is fine but devs like to nerf killers so Huntress, Spirit, Hag are at risk I would say, perhaps also Oni. They are all fine but that does not mean much, if they want to nerf they nerf.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's not about whether you can or can't use her power while holding it, it's that moving at 80% speed still gives the survivors a fair chance at capitalising when she makes a mistake. Billy moves at 100% which allowed him to just hold it and keep pace until the survivor slipped and he got a free down.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I play both sides but main survivor and I would definitely say Huntress is my favorite killer to go against, hands down. Iri Head is the only thing they need to get rid of.

    Oh and exhaustion hatchets because that's just rude. Don't do that :(

  • XCheekyNuggetX
    XCheekyNuggetX Member Posts: 12

    I don't think she's over powered by any means. One thing I wish were a bit fixed is that she occasionally suffers from dedicated servers in that a hatchet can sometimes be 5m away from a survivor and hit them and equally it can go through a survivor and not hit. Some consistency would be nice.

    I think the irihead discussion is pretty obvious that it's not exactly the most fun or balanced thing to go against. Even playing irihead (for me at least) isn't very fun.

  • HeyAssButt
    HeyAssButt Member Posts: 35

    The only thing I think should be changed about her is Iridescent Head. She should still be able to carry 5 hatchets but to get the insta-down it should have to be from a certain distance, similar to Deathslinger and his Iridescent Coin add-on.

    This way it will reward long distance hits and it won’t be as annoying to go against.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    she's quite well rounded and somewhat fun to go against.

    the only ones i despise going against have either irid hatchets or bad lag resulting in un-dodgable homing hatchets.

    when i see a black ward huntress i know he's packing iri and probably likely lag switches to make the most of his hatchet hits

  • orangegoblin
    orangegoblin Member Posts: 120

    I like Myers addons, they're hella fun and scary :( And usually require 3-4 gens to get put to use. Unless you get them potato teammates, then its all Ogre.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    As I've said many a time on Huntress, my only real issue I have with her pertains to latency and the shape of her hitboxes.

    When I'm three steps around a corner and still getting hit by a hatchet cast into an empty void, there's an issue.

    Likewise, the fact that her hatchets are sphere shaped hitboxes and not a rectangular cuboid I feel is also an issue. The width of the hatchet's hitbox should only be as wide as the hatchet is and not the length of the handle.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    her basekit is fine, it's only Iri Head and hitbox issues that make me annoyed whenever i face huntress

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    I see no reason why they would add anything to Huntress' base kit. She already has to reload at lockers so there are already limits to her power. At most they might adjust the number of hatchets she can hold, but even then I would say that is unlikely.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Changes I would like to see:

    1. Rework Iridescent Head completely. If this gets reworked into something else then the Infantry Belt addon is fine.
    2. Fix the awful hitboxes on hatchets. Survivors should not be getting hit around corners. Make the collision detection for terrain the same as it is on survivors. (Currently the hitboxes that collide with survivors is about twice the size as the hitboxes for terrain resulting in hilariously bad hits)
    3. Give the Huntress a crosshair. What were they thinking not adding one for this type of killer?
  • Androuruguayo99
    Androuruguayo99 Member Posts: 55

    For the most part, we are happy with the way The Huntress performs. His power is very versatile, allowing her to quickly hit survivors, zone out Survivors and end chases quickly. From a Survivor’s perspective, there is also a reasonable amount of counterplay, leading to interesting chases where the best player often comes out on top.


    Given that we’re already pretty happy with the way The Huntress performs, the changes to her base kit are minimal. We are not removing any of the options you have with his hatches. Instead, we want to focus on the skill-based gameplay and put an emphasis on using your hatches effectively, only adding a small drawback to misusing your hatches.

    In 4.2.0, The Huntress hatchets will now feature a new Fatigue mechanic. Hold the hatchet will now cause it to accumulate fatigue, which can be seen both in the lower left corner around the power icon and on the hatchet itself. Throw the hatchet will also cause it to fatigue as a much lower rate. This fatigue will dissipate over time whenever the hatchet is not being used.

    If the fatigue meter fills up completely, it can no longer be used until it has completely cooled down. When this happens, it will cool down at an increased rate.

    The goals behind this change is to add a small drawback to misusing the hatchet , and to add a bit more depth to the hatchet with resource management ;)

    We also add a lot of useless add-ons to improve her gameplay. We are thinking about an add-on that increase your movement speed while a flashlight is pointed at you

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    We all know the devs are going to nerf her because she is way too OP. She should only be able to carry one hatchet at a time.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    "Killers deal with flashlight stuns while stuck in animation, those coins have two sides."

    You literally compared being instadowned at range while being in an animation lock to being flashlight stunned while being in an animation lock, under the guise of comparing the complaints. In which case those complaints still have no common ground, other than being locked for a second or two.

    Anyways, fixing iri hatchet to be hard capped at 1 would be make it better. Plus, as others have said, fix hitboxes. Finally, they could add an iri add-on that makes it so that if the hatchet impacts a vault, it blocks the vault for x number of seconds. Could work on pallets and windows. Bam, instant great iri add-on.