Sooo what's the point of Overheating now?

Listen, the PTB version was bad, I agree. But now I can strongly say that the Overheat mechanic is not punishing enough...

I saw many people playing the new Billy, and even if they were not that good, or if the survivor dodged the chainsaw a few still didn't overheat. Don't get me wrong, but isn't that the point of Overheating? If you can't use your chainsaw right you will get punished. The Overheat mechanic now is so not punishing that the add-ons that reduce the heat gained/increase the rate of cooling are extremly bad...'cuz you'll probably not Overheat. not. even. once.

If you implement the Overheat mechanic, at least make it have an impact on the game when it's needed.


  • ThGameIsHardButSoAmI
    ThGameIsHardButSoAmI Member Posts: 196

    yeah, I still need to see more gameplay but it seems like it went from 100 to 0. Before it was super punishing and needed to be buffed, now it doesn't do almost anything which I still prefer.

    What means that it was basically an add-on rework which was what people wanted so it's good i guess xD

  • gunslingers_potatoe
    gunslingers_potatoe Member Posts: 192

    yeah, but many add-ons affect Overheating in a way or another, so having the Overheat mechanic non-existent makes more than half of the add-ons trash. At least they made the "Mother's Helper" add-on a good one. I don't want to hear the sentence "when a flashlight is shining on you" EVER in my life. Especially on an Add-on. Yikes

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    It's only point now is to prevent people from facecamping with a chainsaw or just reving around the loop waiting for bloodlust to kick in.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    There isnt a point. This is what I’ve been saying but it gets drowned out by people defending Billy.

    The developers in their own words wanted “resource management” for Billy but there isnt any now its basically non-existant meaning the overheat mechanic was a complete waste of time and resources.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069
    edited July 2020

    In my experience, there are 2 times the chainsaw overheats:

    1. About 3 chainsaw sprints back to back.
    2. Revving the chainsaw too much.

    Basically, he's become weaker at loops since he can't keep his chainsaw near full charge for very long, he can't camp hooks anymore while revving, and if you or your team can dodge 3 chainsaw sprints he won't be able to attempt a 4th for another 20 seconds or so. Otherwise he's pretty much the same aside from being noisier and making that ridiculous "GWAAARRR!!" war cry when he starts a sprint. Another benefit is that he also can't do insta-saw anymore do to his add-on changes, which makes figuring out his timing very easy, and they nerfed his turning add-ons so he can't turn as well as he used to, which makes dodging him much easier.

    Gone are the days of insta-saw, turn on a dime while constantly sprinting, camper, and revving at loops Billy! Good riddance!

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    In all honesty, the only thing that really needed changed was insta saw, and turning to a lesser degree. Why can't you just be happy they did that and more? Billy is not super strong vs good survivors. I have no issue looping a Billy, even before the rework. Only truly good Billy players even have a chance to curve around some loops. Most Billy players are not on that level. Why can't people just improve on their looping skills? Why does the killer need to be changed more?

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    It seems like it’s main purpose now is to cancel face camping tbh as someone bad with billy it not being so harsh does help me learn him but as someone who is again bad with billy I can see how me spammingchainsaw and backrevving a lot can be annoying and all that 😂

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It stops the Billy from revving the chainsaw in a hooked survivors face forever so that's a good thing

    Changed the addons and left base billy untouched while reducing his ability to facecamp

    Isn't that what we all wanted?

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    i mean if billy has a chance to chainsaw you that means you are in the deadzone and thats the only possible way for him to use his power for downing people

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    It ended chainsaw facecamping, overuse of the chainsaw during a chase. Overall, it was a nerf, but just to bad Hillbilly players.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I like the current version. Do you know why? Billy can be learned without throwing a hundred matches.

  • gunslingers_potatoe
    gunslingers_potatoe Member Posts: 192

    I still believe that in some regards, you can get rid of the heat gained way too fast, actually so fast that some of the add-ons Billy has are worthless now(reducing the heat gained/increasing the rate of cooling) and I do not think that is ok. Who's going to bring these type of add-ons in any match, let's be serious...

  • gunslingers_potatoe
    gunslingers_potatoe Member Posts: 192

    Billy is the same just without the facecamping while revving part...Which if you ask me wasn't that common in the first place. Bubba was the one worthy of facecamping while revving, not Billy. So imo this change was unnecessary

  • LunarMess
    LunarMess Member Posts: 71

    From what ive noticed, this is to prevent people who try to chain billy over and over again, and keep missing. It seems more like a way to tell new players to "STOP DOING THIS, IT ISNT WORKING, USE THE OTHER MOUSE BUTTON" and also "STOP USING ME TO BREAK EVERY SINGLE PALLET, THEN TRY AND FIND A SURVIVOR, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE 1" But it utterly useless in normal gameplay, which is what they intended for it to do. It wasnt to nerf billy overall, but to prevent play that wasnt desired.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited July 2020

    It does absolutely nothing, not even stopping facecamping. The devs could have spared us and themselves the trouble. This overheat change was completely pointless except for enticing drama.

    You can still play m2 only. You can still camp with an insta down on demand. You have to go out of your way and play terribly to even risk overheating. Old vanilla Billy and current vanilla Billy feel exactly the same. Do yourself a favor and simply forget that you have a gauge in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    There is no point nor should there be one. The mechanic was a terrible idea and making it irrelevant was the best outcome short of a revert.

  • LunarMess
    LunarMess Member Posts: 71

    Ah yes, "Enticing Drama." The term "Nurse-ify" in DbD has floated around so much currently, that i think the drama is needed, otherwise nothing would have been done about it.

    if you took the time the look at billy, and actually get a few games in with him, the over heat mechanic does come into play if you are spamming the chainsaw, just trying to get the down without thinking or actually trying. This forces billy to actually attempt to chainsaw the survivor in order to get any use of his saw. Missing is now more punishing if you miss then go instantly to saw, or if you try to bounce to 4I have actually overheated while going for a 4k, in rapid succession. You can down around 2 people if you play pretty well, and dont eat any pallets practically, but 3 overheats as the rev is what really builds up the overheat, as in starting the chainsaw.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
    edited July 2020

    Look up the word..minimal..the entire mechanic was hated to start..this community blows my mind..always looking a gift horse in the does as atated..punishes misuse of the saw..that's all it was for

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I don't think there was anything wrong with Bill in the first place so I am glad they did not give him a real punishing nerf but a mild one anyone can play around who has enough brain not to charge the chainsaw 24/7

  • nytkim
    nytkim Member Posts: 102
    edited July 2020

    No point at all since you never overheat. They just didn't want to shred that mechanic after having the trouble to make it.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    They need to make it overheat much faster.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    punishing bad billies who wont go for the chainsaw and keep aiming for hours and getting rid of facecamping with a revved chainsaw.

    the only problems that needed to be addressed in the first place.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    billy didnt need an overheat mechanic and his addons gutted im glad they nearly completely reverted one

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    This is exactly the reason why the numbers will be changing in the future to make the chainsaw more punishing than it currently is.

    The entire goal of the overhaul was to make Hillbilly "overperform" less, if that goal wasn't achieved by lessening the numbers from the PTB then the numbers will be increasing in the near future.

    I expect the numbers to change for the worse when his really stupid addons are changed also.

    tldr; If he's not punishing now the devs will fix that soon.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    First: OMG Billy nerf too much, please change!

    Then: OMG Billy overheat doesn't do anything!

    You just can't please some people. Personally as long as I'm not running into Billy running instasaw add ons every single game and Billy isn't allowed to just spam and miss his chainsaw 7 times in a row on me, I'm content with how he turns out. He could overheat way faster or slower for all I care. Thing is, they changed some of the most annoying parts about Billy from my experiences.

    But, like I said, you just can't please everyone...

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    But why is being effective at downing people the only way of using the chainsaw "right"? Is there no room for just having fun and trying crazy things with the power? That's what the overheat mechanic is aimed at eliminating: non-competitive players. The same goes with Nurse. If the devs had succeeded with their desires, Billy would have been a killer that could still do extremely well in certain hands and be extremely unfun to play for the majority. Why would that be a good thing?

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    Agreed I have noticed its no different and speeds for him seem improved. I have also noticed the similar so called fix on the cannibal. He still saws thru stuns which they supposedly fixed doesn't seem limited on use of chainsaw

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    C'mon the overheat Mechanic was a waste since the character will never get punished by it. Shame, they wasted time and resources for nothing.