So this party just got mad that I was camping as Pyramid Head

It was my second game ever as PH, and they literally just ran circles around me doing gens in front of me. I saw no one at all til after two gens were left, then they had the audacity to tell me to not tunnel. Then had the audacity to tell me to not camp the hook.

Like, what? lmao Three of these four players are built completely around staying invisible and unseen. Seriously?


  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Shame on you for not reading the survivor's rulebook for killer.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    One Iron Will and one Spine Chill, yeah I don't see the "three or more players are built for being invisible and unseen."

    Just accept the loss and move on, if it gets to you that bad, close the chat.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    I can live with this conclusion. Thank you for input, and it has been noted. <3

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    it how some survivors are sadly.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Okay that's good to hear. Everyone has bad matches so you shouldn't let it get to you too much.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Some advice from a so-called Pyramid Head main:

    That build sucks, no offence. Exposed (Iron Maiden) doesn't do much because if you play him right you wanna be hitting POTD almost as much as regular M1s. Same with Unrelenting- if you can then delete that from your loadout ASAP. I know this is your 2nd game but still- switch it up. I suggest Pop Goes The Weasel, BBQ, Infectious Fright, Monitor and Abuse, or I'm All Ears. They're all pretty amazing perks on him.

    Add-ons too- Wax Doll is pretty meh in my experience (the 1m isn't that noticeable, only the 1.5m from Burning Man Painting) and Mannequin's Foot is #########. Add-ons that increase the time you can perform Rites of Judgement and increase the recharge rate are your best bet- no need to stack them, one of each should suffice. Off the top of my head these are Forgotten Videotape, Spearhead, Valtiel-Sect Photograph, and Tablet of the Oppressor but I could be wrong with spellings.

    When playing him, don't cage unless you know for a fact you can start another chase almost instantly. Save torment for Final Judgement, and don't even worry about forcing them to be tormented too much. Just drag it around a bit of the loop once and you're set, they abandon and give a free hit or stay and get tormented. At pallets and vaults, before they do anything, use Rites. If they drop/vault, let it loose. If they don't, cancel and M1. Don't break pallets apart from God pallets and even these are fine a lot of the time. Using POTD you can actually outplay Shack a lot of the time (shockingly). However if the loop does seem too long then feel free to break it. Pyramid Head is all about being very time-effecient and so wasting time on a loop, or a survivor in general, ain't worth it.

    Off the back of that, don't go for through the wall shots unless you know where the survivor is/will be. You get a 4 second cooldown for missing or hitting and honestly ain't worth it. I do them all the time because landing them is so satisfying but I'll be damned if it doesn't almost cost me the game (or sometimes actually cost me the game). Also, your biggest counter is a survivor holding W. If you see them running to the other side of the map, don't chase them. Find someone closer and protect the gens- someone holding forward wastes soooo much of your time it's unreal.

    Good luck learning him, he's an absolute blast to play once you get the hang of it.

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    i thibk the problem was you played a killer you didnt know at semi-high ranks, were kinda rushed because you didnt have the right perks to hold gens, were stressed out, and resorted to toxic strats. while being mean in post-game chat is dumb as frick, ESPECIALLY as a swf, i understand how they could be mad. if you have to be toxic to scrap off a kill, you dont deserve the kill.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    If I have to be toxic to scrape off a kill, you need to figure out how to not let me be toxic and close that hole. It also means your defense is great, I just found something you didn't prep for.

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    youre like, the worst kind of person. "its your job to not be tunneled and camped" stupid, so very stupid. im not going to argue with you, just know your type of thinking is why these forums or so biased

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You went into a mid-rank game with a sub-standard build on an unfamiliar killer, got wrecked by halfway competent survivors and came here to complain that you made things super difficult for yourself and got called out on playing the game poorly.

    @GoodBoyKaru is also very right in what he was saying. I'm All Ears is amazing on him for sneaky Punishments, Ruin/Pop are kinda mandatory for slowing the game, and M&A can be useful for closing the distance initially. The only one of those perks that I would keep is A Nurse's Calling, but that's only if you have ways of reducing your TR, or stacking Undetectable abilities.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    "Boohoo I camped and tunneled and survivors called me out on it". Seriously dude? It seems like you can't even camp and tunnel well enough if you got 0 kills. You not being able to find survivors (which is very easy + PH's torment trail helps in tracking) does not give you an excuse to play like an ass.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    "camping is toxic, bruuuh, here's your copy of survivors rule books for Killers"

    I mean, they weren't wrong, but camping is a good strategy to punish altruistic survivors, but only in certain conditions. Its a good strategy to secure your kill.

    "Survivors don't care about Killers fun, so why should you?" It's up to you to decide this.

    I have 2k hours in this game, and my tip is: If you're having fun, keep doing it, otherwise, you need to rethink about your playstyle.