Which 2 licensed killers should I get?

DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55
edited July 2020 in Polls

Im wondering what 2 licensed killers I should get when getting auric cells.

So I'm going to let you all decide what 2 killers I should get, whatever 2 killers you all pick I will pick.


- Bubba

- Ghost Face

- Michael Myers

- Freddy

- Pig

- Executioner

Welcome to vote and can't wait to see what y'all say!!!! :)

Edit: Sorry If I don't know how to do a poll correctly because this is my first time making a poll.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Bubba for BBQ and Pig because she is the most fun killer in the game imo.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    @Samwise444 Thank you for your answer and I will wait a bit longer for more people to answer as well. Thinking for now.

  • Cinnabon488
    Cinnabon488 Member Posts: 64

    Bubba for BBQ and then after that I'd say ghostface.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I'd get the two you think look like the most fun to play. Watch some gameplay videos of them to help decide. I don't recommend buying killers just for their perks, you'll get more fun out of your purchase if you actually play the killer than if you buy a killer in the hopes of unlocking a teachable perk that you might get on another killer's bloodweb to make that one slightly better (maybe).

    In terms of how effective all those killers are, Freddy is definitely the best of them. He has both quick movement around the map and abilities that help him in a chase. The rest are in the "good enough" bucket where they are good enough to win if you play well.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    Since I'm getting so many Bubba votes I might be getting him. But for the second I'll be waiting for more votes. Is Bubba still a very good killer to play?

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822
    edited July 2020

    Michael Myers is a must for me. He's a ton of fun to play as and against and STBFL is a great perk that will benefit a lot of your killers. PWYF is another fun perk that might even be meta on Bubba.

    My other choice would probably be Pig because I love her (I'm a Saw fan, her roars and the squeaks when she gets stunned are excellent, and I think she's fun to play) and because she also has some solid perks. Make Your Choice is really strong on killers like Hag, Hangman's Trick is kind of like a poor man's BBQ & Chili that also can let you avoid hook sabotages, and Surveillance is an excellent information perk, especially for stealthy killers. Michael's STBFL is also good on her because she can save stacks with her dash attack.

    I haven't played reworked Bubba, but he's another possible choice. His power just got reworked/buffed, BBQ is obviously an excellent perk, and his other two perks just got good buffs.

    Demogorgon has Surge, which is decent, but his other perks are bad. He looks fun to play but I've admittedly never played him before.

    I don't personally like Freddy, Pyramid Head, or Ghost Face much, and their perks aren't great. I think I'm All Ears on GF is the only one I really like. All three are decently strong, though. Especially Freddy.

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited July 2020

    Well, are you going for perks, or are do you want killers who are actually viable?

    Bubba is great for perks, BBQ and Chili is fantastic for earning points faster, while Franklin's Demise can be very useful against teams who are running alot of items.

    Myers also has some useful perks, namely Play with Your Food and Save The Best For Last.

    However, Freddy and Executioner are the most viable killers out of the licensed killers in my experience, Freddy in particular is top tier alongside Spirit. Bubba may be viable now after the buffs, haven't played with him enough to tell.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    @ZephanUnbound I'm basically going for both ( first time getting auric cells for killers and survivors) but still yes I'm going for both I've never played a licensed killer. The only killer I've played with that is purchasable is The Clown.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    I'll be honest, Bubba is a killer that I don't like playing as. He isn't bad, but isn't always viable. His perks though have a lot of utility.

    Pig and Myers have relatively viable perk and their power has a lot of utility. They are two of my main killers.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    @Samwise444 alright I'm just thinking on the killer I should get because I already know what survivors I'm getting but it is difficult to decide what 2 killers I should get. But still thank you for answering me. I might choose Myers because I'm getting so much Myers and I'm already getting posted about my other discussion I did which is called Good clown build? And a person said get STBFL for the clown.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Definitely get Bubba for BBQ and Chili. For your other one, what free killers do you like? That might help us steer you towards a killer who works for you.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    Most definitely. Like I said, Myers is one of my main killers. Feel free to dm me if you want to talk about strategy for him.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    @FFirebrandd the free killers I like are trapper, wraith and doctor.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    @Samwise444 I might get Myers for my first decision but still thinking about other killer I should get.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2020

    Announcement: If there is no more votes it will end tomorrow afternoon at 12:00 pm. Right now the most votes are Bubba and Myers. So if anyone else wants to share to your friends that play dbd (Even though we're in Covid-19). I will be checking here and there to see if anyone else voted.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    if you didnt get bbq and chili from shrine you kinda have to get bubba if you do have it i would pick myers and ghostface. myers is amoung the most veristile killers in game so much so that addons nearly everything about how you play. ghostface just feels good to play if you like wraith you will love ghostface

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2020

    @zoozoom6 I didn't get BBQ and chili from shrine and also I do like wraith. Right now I am level 45 with the wraith ( No prestige yet). Right now I'm trying to get the hag to level 40 to get devour hope for the clown.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    well its no secret ghostie is the best stealth killer in game and isnt addon reliant like wraith is

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    I know but this is gonna be my first 2 licensed killers I will have so.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    I haven't got any of the licensed killers except Bubba just for Barbequeue (and I never played him much), but I personally would get Demogorgon and Executioner, just because they seem the most fun to play for me.

    If you're just going for the Perks I'd take Bubba and Pig (she sounds fun too).

    Bubba's Perk is definitely worth it because it makes it SOOOO much easier to farm Bloodpoints and is also a very good perk for every killer. And who knows, with the new Bubba changes he could actually be fun to play. Previously he was the most boring killer in my oppinion.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Sounds like you're the sort of person who likes to out maneuver and wreck the Survivors that way. After Bubba for BBQ, I can see either Myers or Ghostface treating you well depending on whether you want to be a bit more all up in your face (Myers) or more stealthy (Ghostface).

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    I think I have my answers even though it is not from most voted kinda. I'm getting Ghost Face and Bubba. Thank you all for voting and responding to me. :)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    Good choice. I was also going to say it seems you have your mind set on bubba but for the second killer I'd wholeheartedly support Ghost Face over Myers, he's superior in almost every way. People have actually been saying Michael is a lot weaker recently and might need some buffs

    As it stands, I've always preferred Ghostface to michael anyway, the ability to reduce your terror radius completely and force survivors to second guess where you are and see them completely flip when you come from a direction they don't expect is always glorious. Far more interesting than "walk up behind X survivor pop Tier 3 EW when they're in a dead zone and ez down"

    But I will say that Myers is better suited for newer players. I won't lie most people probably struggle with Ghostface because they don't understand some basic fundamentals about him, and complain that they get kicked out of their power too quickly when it's their own actions or inactions that cause them to get kicked out of Night Shroud. Ghostface is easily the best stealth killer in the game, but he's also got the highest skill floor to use properly (and highest skill ceiling as well, you can go pretty far with ghostface all the way up the ranks if you're good enough).

  • aintyomumma
    aintyomumma Member Posts: 3

    ghost face is elite! scares me every damn time stg, u cant hear him barley see him coming, thats who im getting next.. manz is a god then demo i think or freddy

  • aintyomumma
    aintyomumma Member Posts: 3

    dang i meant micheal myers not freddy

  • Susinagi
    Susinagi Member Posts: 21

    Bubba for Bbq

    And Pyramid head so you can bathe in the salt of the survivors because "There is no counterplay for Pyramid head"

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    Bubba + Freddy or Michael

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    Hello, alright you are right so yeah you changed my mind that I'll get Bubba+ Myers. I mean with wraith I sometimes can get them while cloaked but normally people see me or hear me. Still you've changed my mind to Myers.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    I will try to respond to any of y'all or anyone else new coming that responds here.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    What I can't believe is that I've only been here for 2 days and made this poll and almost thought nobody will answer me. But so many of you came to answer who should I get. I'm just saying thank you for responding to me. :)

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    Announcement: In 4 more hours the votes will be put in and 2 killers will be decided. You all have 4 more hours to respond.

  • Arctus
    Arctus Member Posts: 42

    Demogorgon is really fun to play but is an underwhelming killer. His perks suck except for surge which is above average.

    Bubba has recently got a buff which made him quite viable but I don't find him a very fun killer to play. He has BBQ which is an excellent perk especially for farming but I don't find myself choosing it over discordance or whispers on most killers.

    Ghost face is decent to excellent depending on map. He is mostly an m1 killer so he isn't all that fun to play except for sneaking up on people while you have no terror radius or red stain. He has 2 decent perks, one being the highly underrated I'm All Ears with the other one being Thrilling Tremors which is a decent info and slowdown perk.

    Michael is one of my least played killers so I may be a little biased but I don't find him very interesting, even though I like the Halloween movies. Some find him very fun to play and he certainly has some very interesting builds like Burger King Myers. He has decent obsession perks that I find myself rarely using.

    Freddy is my least played killer because I find him to be too powerful but it's mostly because I have framerate issues on certain maps in the dreamworld. He has teleportation which he can cancel to trick survivors into leaving gens, he has excellent anti-loop, he has slowdown because some survivors try to escape the dreamworld and when not in the dreamworld he periodically becomes invisible. He has below average perks.

    The Pig is another killer that I find very fun to play but very underwhelming as well. She has decent slowdown on theory but sometimes RNG works against you and your power is rendered useless. She has some decent mindgame potential with her ambush attack as well. Surveillance is the only noteworth perk and even that isn't all that great.

    The Executioner is quite a strong killer and quite fun to play as well. He has some map control with his barbed wires, decent mindgame potential, and 50/50 feints with his projectile attack. He can also counter ds with his cages. His only noteworthy perk is deathbound imo and it isn't all that great.

    Watch some gameplays on youtube before deciding as well.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    Votes have been collected and poll is now over my decision is Myers and Bubba. Thank you all for coming and voting.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited August 2020

    Wait what? Why would my response change your vote to Myers? I was advocating for Ghostface that whole time.

    Unless it was because of that last paragraph where I mentioned Myers is easier to use for new players..

    Dang. Well, it is what it is. I'd still like to know your thought process about how I changed your mind with my post though

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    Sorry, I bought Myers and Bubba but when I tried out Myers, first try got a 4k right off the bat.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    @Seiko300 And if you want to answer on my other discussion called Good Myers build? You can.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Bubba and Myers

    Bubba mostly for bbq because double bp every match for just playing the game is great and having free information of where to go next is a great bonus as well

    Myers is a staple killer 2/3 of his perks make builds and other killers fantastic, save the best for last on hag, demo, trapper and other m1 heavy killers, and play with your food on insta down killers to make the use of the stacks to their full potential, dying light just adds onto slowdown builds its not that good on its own, but myers plays wildly different depending on what addons he has, 2 addons let you instantly kill survivors, 5 addons make t3 last longer or permanently, dead rabbit gives you 25% less terror radius stacked with moniter you can have 6 meter terror radius and use it to be a sneaky boy until you pop tier 3 on someone, 3 addons increase stalk speed which gives you t2 and t3 faster, and any combination of them can be devastating to the survivors, nearly all of his addons are useful and good in some way to make builds better or make new playstyles.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Michael myers and freddy krueger are two of the most fun killers to play

    Using laurie's skills is a little difficult, but once you know how to use it, it feels good. but on the other hand, quentin smith does not have good perks, freddy is the only thing worth the dlc of a nightmare on elm street chapter

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Well that's not exactly surprising, like I said he's a lot easier to use. A lot of people like both, I just prefer Ghostface, and generally speaking he's the more viable of the two (hence my preference but that's more of the cherry on top rather than my primary reason for why I prefer him). But good luck with Myers hope you have fun with him, maybe in the future when you're a seasoned Myers player and know how to take advantage of the reduced terror radius and when / when not to stalk you can take it a step further and pick up Ghostface. Take advantage of that full TR reduction to 0 and super quick stalk.

    Sure, I can give you a few pointers, I'll take a look.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    Bubba for BBQ

    Ghostface because he's both good, and fun.

  • KateDensonMain3331
    KateDensonMain3331 Member Posts: 45

    Ghost Face and Pig are fun to play as imo!

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    Myers, cuz, you know, fast obe-tap boi and executioner cuz haha survivors go wall-bonked

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    If you want perks Bubba and mikey.

    If you want fun/power Freddy and/or GF.

  • DeadByMyHand
    DeadByMyHand Member Posts: 55

    I'm sorry but I have to say I already got Bubba and Myers I made a mistake and was suppose to get Ghost Face.