Someone really thinks that 2k is the average of escapes/kills?
Someone really thinks that BHVR wants then 2k average? I only see games with 3-4k (10%-90%), and only when you play against rank 10-20 you see 4 escapes. And I have 2,500 hours as surv
That makes sense because I only see games with 0-1k (10%-90%) which ultimately leads to ~50% escape rate.
So, thanks for being a potato so we can troll the hell out of Killers while still keeping the average escape numbers somewhat low.
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Well, record a video please
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2k is supposedly what they aim for. Doesnt necessarily mean 2 people will be escaping every game. A 4k in one game and 0k in the next still gives that average.
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Well, record a video please
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Its not that the game has a 2/2 split every match, or an average of that. Instead thats more the goal of balance. Ultimately once you reach your peak, you should be playing against people of your skill level, and either drawing or "winning" as much as you are "losing"
Of courses, we're not yet at that level in the game, with the matchmaking not being as good as it can be. But thats the end goal
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Well, usually I play against 5-6 camper russian -> 4k every game. Then the matchmaking put me against a rank 10 killer. Usually 1k. And then campers again and so on. So in average, 3-4k
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The 2k average is what the Devs are aiming for, however, there are a number of glaring flaws. Foremost is the fact that in a 2k game, 2 people win and the other 2 pip, yet the killer can rarely get more than a black pip. Right, that's fair. Second is the fact that trials are flooded with terrible players that inherently drive the average kills upward. When the team has no bad players, the team will probably win. That is the biggest SWF complaint: a SWF can choose to not have potatoes, and by extension wreck most killers (characters, not players).
That is where the 2k mindset falls apart. Trials aren't balanced around kills and escapes, but the community demands them to be and ignores what affects that ideal number.
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My average killer games are 3k
My average survivor games are 3 escapes. Maybe slightly less as you get some potatoes here and there.
Balancing the game around pips would probably work better than kills even though they both have flaws.
A killer could just facecamp 1 guy from the start of the game while all gens are completed and then down 1 guy as the last gen is getting done and facecamp him as the others leave. That's a balanced 2k, 2 escape game right? Unfortunately that scenario happens a lot and shows absolutely nothing of balance.