DC penalty

claudetterealness Member Posts: 92
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

YES I have a brilliant idea, lets bring the DC penalty back with our ######### load of bugs currently on console, yes there is a movement bug that makes it so you can't run and only walk !! but DC'ing is DEFINITELY not allowed you'll just have to soldier through the unplayable games!!! GOOD LUCK! :)

a DC penalty is absolutely justified when the game runs smoothly and as it should but that is clearly not the case with these unplayable games


  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Carpemortum you're delusional if you think there is no validity in that 'excuse' ... this game is currently complete horse ######### & if you read through the forums on the countless bug reporting and in-game problems people are experiencing, you'd see that MANY people are angry, fixing actual problems (which there is an abundance of and have been for a LONG time) should be a priority.

    I've never in my life known of a game that has so many problems 4 years after it was made LOOL

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited July 2020

    And as I always say, if you KNOW its buggy and continue to put YOURSELF in the position to deal with bullshit, that's on you co continually being there. DCing to get past that, or because you get bmd, or someone has hatch, etc, ruins the game for everyone else.

    Dont blame something YOU KNOW can happen, and does, on you continuing to DC when something doesnt go flawlessly.

    UNLESS there is a literal game breaking bug preventing both sides from ending. As in you get bugged and cant do gens, egc doesnt end the game, etc. THAT is acceptable because there is NO other option, and reporting that game with a recording will save you from punishment and help them in fixing bugs.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Interestingly, 2 patches ago, the game crashed me all day, I was only able to play around 2-3 hours after crashing, I was able to get 48H ban.

    After the 4th anniversary patch, my problems were solved (0 crashing today) but at the same time they deactivated the penalties for a lot of instability... 😂

    There is definitely something crazy in the game haha (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286

    yes, this is really good idea because im done with bullshit like this

    +-30 dcs / 20 games in one day

    so yeah the first part is correct this is brilliant idea

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Carpemortum are you okay? do you realise how stupid you sounded then. Implying I'm putting myself through the 'bugginess' like I didn't pay for this game like many others... yes it's a choice to play BUT we paid for this game LOL. Are you not seeing the issue? the game should NOT be this buggy and ######### FULL STOP and to punish people when they can't fix the game PISS OFF!

    AGAIN I agree with the DC penalty but the time needs to be taken to fix the game so that it's actually playable before implementing it ffs

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Huff you have too much time on your hands to be writing an essay like this and I won't be reading it

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Heres the way I see it....

    Do more to stop trolls and hackers, and I’ll never complain about dc penalties again.

    I just dont want to stay in the game when some idiot sandbags me as survivor just because he finds it funny. I dont mean a 5 second sandbag I mean sandbag until the killer arrives, and then try to sandbag at pallets.

    These people have been infesting the game recently and nothing is done against them or the mechanics which allow it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    did you get evidence of their hacking and submit it via the ticket system? if you did great! it will be reviewed, if you didn't then how are they going to know exactly what match, exactly what time in the match to look at? hell how are they going to know it happened? this is the problem most people dont' realize that they can not SEE what you see after the fact, but the data can support what they see in general but you have to know what to look for in the data to see what happened and how and then they can act.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Freki it's all fun and games saying this but if you watch TRU3 he has had a hacker that has literally been getting into his lobbies time and time again, with clear evidence because it's on stream however it still kept happening - the only way for him to stop it was to hide the lobby

    this said hacker has used many racial slurs but the problem was clearly not fixed

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so the devs watch every stream, every second of every dbd stream??? no they don't. you have to submit a ticket and TRU does not do that, though he has a bit easier time the the general person being a fog whisperer. STILL there has to be something done and when it is found. I report everyone that use racial slurs and i submit the second report to. just clicking the thumbs up and thumbs down doesn't do it, a support ticket must be set up to flag the rating for them to act. Fog whispers have a different route to go but again they would have to take one of the two routes and i know tru doesn't take the one everyone has.

  • 1800GENMEND
    1800GENMEND Member Posts: 8

    Survivors should not be forced to participate in a match where the killer refuses to play the game.

    Since survivors cannot disconnect from the game without consequences when a killer decides not to play the game but rather farms points without the intent of killing or slug survivors repeatedly without the intent of killing them, or AFK with the purpose of de-ranking, they should be able to discourage this type of behavior by making it bannable.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Freki LOL never did I say they watch streams 24.7, I said that if it's SO apparent that hacking is happening even to an audience of 3k+ and it's consistently the same hacker, which has obviously been reported, yet it still continues to happen - they're obviously not doing very much to stop it :)

    you'd think there'd be a sense of emergency to reduce it when it's so common on PC, I play console so thankfully I don't have that issue just 3232 different issues instead ! unless people can hack on console I don't know

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    if you are being FORCED to farm, this is a banable. you need to report this to them using the ticket system. if you want to disconnect to do so that's fine but realize that too is against the rules of the game and there are penalties. If the killer is farming, just go do gens, if they continue to stop you from doing this then the are forcing the farm thus they can be banned for it.

    The problem is that the PLAYERS do not wish to do what is necessary to report these incidents. I had a survivor go afk in the middle of the match, now i don't know if it was something they always do but some times there are times where you have to just leave the computer because there is something more important to do like take your kid to the hospital, etc. everything you say is 100% on both sides as well, so you know what? if the killer is farming just do gens and get out, they can't force you to do anything but if they continually interrupt you then you know what? if they slug you hold the shift key and move around no one can heal you with the shift key, and bleed out. then after that report them. or dc, accept the penalty then REPORT them. the key is REPORTING THEM!

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you implied that they should be, becuase you're talking about one stream, and you know what? i have only TWICE that I know of in 2 years of playing encountered actual hackers. and both times i reported them to the best of my ability. if no one reports them they can keep doing it because no one knows about these hacks. you also said "which has obviously been reported" how have they obviously been reported before? did you see the report? did you see someone fill out the form to report it? or just taking someone at their word that they did report it?

    tell me how common it is on pc please? I gave you my encounters with hacking and in 2 years i had 2 people use hacking tools to win. I once found a hack site and I reported that site through the ticketing system too. but you know what? it's not as common as you say, it may however be unlucky that TRU gets so many that are hackers, but you know what? he is one person not the thousands that play the game who don't see the hacking either thus it is not common.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Freki LOL I watch plenty of streams and it's a very common thing, seen it on 3 streams myself so if it's happening on stream that often for me to see, it must be happening a lot more for other people ! :)

    I've seen reports filed on stream too luv so behave yourself with the same repetitiveness - hacking is obviously a problem

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so you've seen it on 3 streams... and there are more than 60K players and you are saying it's COMMON? no you are seeing a microcosm and not the whole. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but how many of those 3 streams do you see them actually taking the time to report them? I doubt any of them.... that is the problem, the inaction of those that see it with proof very rarely report it.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    I mean it gets annoying if you search ages for a game as killer. Just to have a 2 minute game because of people DCing every single game. The DC rate was so high since the penalty was gone it wasn't imaginable. If you are lucky 2 out of 10 games had no DCs. Every single game it gets so annoying. I just want to play a game and it is annoying. The bugs are a problem yes. But if you want to be able to DC and ruin everyone elses game just because you are tired of the bugs you should instead stop playing this game until these bugs are fixed.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I do in the worst cases but it’s a lot of effort for me to record a video, upload to youtube which takes forever, find their steam64 IDs, submit reports in game, log into the website, submit a longer report online, just to be told “we’ll look into it” and never know if anything was actually done.

    When it was once every few months it wasnt so bad but its much more common now and they should streamline the reporting process.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    then you can't complain if you do not report the incidents. i know how hard it is to get a recording. but you can atleast try to alert them but you have decided some of it is acceptable when you do not report them

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    That "essay" is about 2, maybe 3 paragraphs worth of typing that was only done in a few minutes. If that's too much for you then maybe you need to brush up on your reading skills. Don't know if you're illiterate or just refuse to see any point of view except yours.

    But hey... People that are selfish enough to DC, it wouldn't surprised me that they're also selfish enough to just plug their ears and go "LAH LAH LAH LAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

    Enjoy being willfully ignorant. :)

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    If you knew the reports werent just thrown in the trash that would help.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You cannot be serious when you say that the killer not killing the survivors should be bannable.

    Sandbagging somebody in a corner? Sure, that's holding them in the game and forcing them to DC. Killer just not killing the survivors? Hell no, no thank you. That's a normal thing for me to do when I'm not feeling like I want to play dirty. I'll frequently hook people up to death hook and then just chase them regularly but not death hook them after, because sometimes I like to let people go. Why in the world should that be bannable?

    If you don't want to be held in the game as hostage that's fine. But if you don't even feel like playing the game normally then why log on? Just disconnect and stop playing for a while.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    but you do not know the reports are thrown into the trash. but how about this: I have received personable (not just automated) responses to my reports so I know they are not throwing them into the trash. your pessimism is at fault here you do you but stop saying they aren't doing anything when they are doing things. just because you don't get to hear X is banned, doesn't mean they aren't. ALSO unlike VALVE's banning system, they would have to contact valve to get them banned through steam.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    D/C penalty has to exist because otherwise, people will quit & the Killer won't get any points. Killing yourself on first hook gives them sacrifice points and hook points & hit points & whatnot.

    Like if there's no d/c penalty, I'm leaving 100% of games against Huntress or Ghostface. It's just not happening.

  • YeFool
    YeFool Member Posts: 1

    Console players constantly leave. There needs to be a DC penalty