Ridiculous amount of toxic survivors.

Even new, terrible survivors spam tbag/point cause a youtuber was doing it and they thought it was funny. It's not funny it deters so many new players/killers from playing cause it's not longer fun. It is just rage inducing. It literally only spreads more toxicity. It would easily turn a sportsmanlike killer into a tunneling/camping player.



  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Triggered over ingame actions? Start ignoring and you will be ok

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285
  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Best thing to do is ignore them and continue thinking about how you're going to beat them. If they're teabagging at a pallet, they aren't making distance to a new loop. If they're chasing you with a flashlight while you hunt someone else, they aren't doing gens or totems. You can use these people to your advantage, especially when they finally screw up and make a poor play.

    As far as chat things go, toxic people are usually the ones to fire first with the mean comments. Just ignore them, or else you'll be giving them the salty response that they so desperately crave. Or better yet, play along with their toxic delusions and watch their confusion unfold as they try to process the concept of you agreeing with them (results not guaranteed, but it's hilarious when it works).

    At the end of the day if these mean-spirited individuals are really pushing your buttons, might be best to just take a break and either play survivor or do something else entirely for a while. I know I like to take a break every once in a while when I encounter particularly nasty players.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Both sides have their share of toxic behavior. I for my part play only killer and try not to be toxic, so I also only see toxic survivors everywhere but know that many (by God not all) killer can also be toxic.

    The thing is perception is warped in hindsight to forms of toxicity. Many think that tunneling, camping (not direct face camping, which is just dumb, boring and done with a negative intention) and slugging are done with a toxic mindset.

    That is wrong in my eyes, they are done with a competitive mindset. (Yes there also many people doing these to be toxic but I mean the act itself in general).

    Toxic behavior starts when the actions don't have any rhyme or reason in correspondence to achieving something gameplay wise. Tbagging at the exit, bodyblocking from survivors, nodding from the killer, watching a downed survivor bleed out, hitting on hook etc are not progressing anything but are meant to aggravate.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Pointing out just the survivors in the title is kinda biased, don't you think?

    Killers are no better, just because you see 4 survivors and one killer does not mean tehre's more to one side than the other, they're both jerks if they want to be and there's nothing else about it.

    Deal with it, this game is filled to the brim with immature peeps.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    It's more that there's no way to really stop it as there's no common consensus on what's toxic in the first place. It's easy to punish people for obvious clear-cut things like breaking rules that say "don't say slurs" and "don't abuse exploits", but toxicity is way more subjective.

    Lets say we try to punish people for in-game stuff commonly considered toxic, where do we draw the line? Is it bannable toxicity if two survivors are being silly and tbagging with eachother and the killer only sees one of them, so they think the survivor is tbagging them? Is it toxic if a killer accidentally presses m1 and hits a survivor on the hook once, or is it only toxic if they do it 3 or some other arbitrary amount of times in a row?

    And that's without getting into all the opinions on what's toxic in the first place. I guess I might be considered "extreme" to some, as I basically think only pointless post-game hostility is genuinely toxic. Meanwhile someone else thinks all forms of camping is inherently toxic even at endgame, and yet another person thinks looping "too good" or even clicking the survive with friends button on the main menu is toxic.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225
    edited July 2020

    Guy, in Europe you can play 15-20 games in a row against campers. That's worse

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    There are many people here defending toxicity. Weird flex guys, but okay. GG EZ i guess.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited July 2020

    Sorry to say this, but welcome to 2020, a time where toxicity and bm has become standard, even by representatives of this game. All you can hope for is that this is a bad dream and you are about to wake up in 1990.

    And by the way, recommending the OP to get mental treatment because he is upset about toxic behaviour shows you are part of the problem and you might be even worse then those toxic people he is complaing about. I know you dont understand what i am saying, but wait a few years until you are out of puberty.

  • HeyAssButt
    HeyAssButt Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2020

    I wouldn’t strictly call this a survivor problem as I’ve experienced toxic behaviour from both sides. Some people are just dicks and they are clearly living miserable lives so they try to ‘share’ that misery with other people. If you deliberately go out of your way to make somebody else have a bad experience on a game, it says more about you than the person you’re doing it to.

  • HeyAssButt
    HeyAssButt Member Posts: 35

    I agree. I understand that this is ‘just a game’ but if somebody is deliberately trying to make you miserable, how is that okay? If you wouldn’t stand for this behaviour in real life, don’t stand for it online either.

    I once had a guy teabag me on another game for no reason, so I did it back to him. After the match was over he messaged me asking if I wanted to meet up to have a fight. And he was being DEADLY serious. I just sat there in disbelief that people like this actually exist.

    If you try to justify or rationalise this sort of behaviour, you’re part of the problem.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    It happens on both sides - you gotta give them the proper treatment for misbehaving, hopefully they'll learn from it or get tired.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well, I am 30 years old and maybe didn't really lost my inner child but I also don't understand your point about people, that don't like online toxicity, are part of the problem.

    I understand it in form of "don't react to it, you just show them that it's working". But even then it is quite a far stretch to propose mental treatment.

    I also think being toxic online just because noone can punish you, is an attitude that is not admirable.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Some people can’t have a good time without making sure other people have a bad time.

    As killer its a little bit easier to deal with. Toxic swf? Just camp and tunnel one of them. Even if 3 make it out you’ll get so much salt post game. :) if they want to ruin the game for you then you need to ruin the game for them

    I had one recently when I was playing old Bubba. I started pitching my tent and bust out the marshmellows. Rest were foolish enough to try and save each other. You should have seen the comments I got in the post-game chat. Its amazing how quickly toxicity can backfire.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    You might have missunderstood my posting, or my writing is a bit confusing. I never said that people who dont like online toxicitiy are part of the problem, its the way around. People who defend online toxicity or simply act like its no big deal are the main reason why toxcicity in this game (or many other games) is such a spread thing.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Mori spamming then! If you can push control a few times, I can press M1 a few times. Sadly it was removed.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    That what I also think but at the same time it is next to impossible to get rid of entirely.

    Those toxic people are protected by being anonymous online and hidden by an alias. There is no real way to punish them in a way that would the general public cease the toxicity like in real life with social standards.

    I am all for banning those kind of people (I know my fair share from playing mainly league of legends, one of the biggest toxic swamps in the internet gaming scene). But for most it is too easy to simply create new account etc and enforcing I'd bans is I think either impossible or somehow illegal.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Hard to ban them, since they are not violating any rules... unfortunatly. The overall opinion has to change in the long run, thats the only way to deal with that problem. People need to realise that toxicity and bm has no room when interacting with other people. No matter if it is in sports, online, school, public etc.

    We are doing a fine start here by not tolerating it. Its not much, but better then just give a #########.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Toxic behavior is not the counter to toxic behavior. Its exactly what causes this problem within the community. Endless loop

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited July 2020

    A message to people who very easily get triggered by button pressing.It’s just people pressing to go up and down get over yourselves.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Guess what? Both sides are toxic, there are just more survivors than killers so it seems like they are the only toxic people

    its just a larger population, both sides are bad

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    It would be best if BHVRs took responsibility to handle toxicity the proper way. I personally don't think it's toxic to be toxic towards toxic people.

    At some point you gotta take care of your toxic environment yourself and stop relying on other people, stop relying on the "good" in people. Some people will only learn it the hard way - by confronting them the same toxic way they confront others.

    But that's just my opinion.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    It's not true at all.

    If someone is an ######### to everyone for no reason, then that person is toxic.

    If someone is an ######### to that actual #########, is that really toxic?

    I know most people grow up and are raised "always behaving nicely no matter the circumstances" but in the end that's why many people end up as rather weak personalities, they never learned how to stand up for themselves and rather remained silent to avoid confrontation.

    I think toxic people need to taste some of their own medicine to realize that their behaviour actually hurts other people.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    Gotta love these forums. It's like everyone complains about what they want, feel about this and that, blames one and the other. And no solutions whatsoever.

    I feel like I'm reading everyone's Diary

    "Dear Diary,

    Today was a bad day for me, this one had me so mad. I think they should realize this BeHaviour isn't good for me. I wish I could have someone to tell all I'm feeling and it just change for the better."

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited July 2020

    There is a solution: Play friendly, no matter if you are survivor or killer. And also no matter how toxic the other side is. Its the only way.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    i'd get feeling a bit insulted since they're disrespecting you but i wouldn't get that tilted over it

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    If You play friend and I play friendly. What's to stop the next person to not play friendly? Then the one who played friendly meets that one not playing friendly comes here and again we see a newly made forum all about it? Then the solution isn't being a solution at all. Because not everyone will be friendly. Not everyone will ignore being taunted.

    This is why I say this forum has become their Diary. To vent their feelings onto. But in the end. No solutions are going to be made.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Almost any online game has a toxic community, because internet is the easiest place to be an #########.

    The tbaggers an flashlight clickers just want the attention they don't get in real life, probably because of a miserable house ambient or even school. If you ignore them its the best thing you can do to remember them how miserable they are.

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    The DBD community is easily the most toxic game community that I've personally been a part of. And I've heard that same sentiment echoed by a few a people. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is. Like this thread shows, toxicity might as well be encouraged because people will just blame you for having a problem with it. It's like bro, win or lose, I don't want "just ignore the chat" to be the standard. I don't want to be harassed on my steam profile either for being a "camping/tunneling loser". Not to mention the mandatory 1 DC per match that you STILL get flamed for because you didn't play nice and let all three of them go like you're their dad or something. You see it a lot more with survivors primarily because they are the bigger player base but it's almost part of the culture.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    If you are not toxic in any case, you take action by making toxicity unpopular. Its really not a difficult concept to understand. If you spread out good behavior, people will see that and some might change their attitute. And some can lead to many, and many can lead to almost all of them.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    That's very naive of you to believe. Not everyone will be nice. Not will being nice will stop those who are not nice to change their ways. Say you are nice the entire time. How often did that make another stop being toxic? At that moment when they are already not nice to begin with? How often have you experienced change to being nice after you encounter those being toxic?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    True for about half I agree.

    The other half though, nah there are just some bad apples out there

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    I don't think you can't change a persond attitude via a video game.

    Why are people toxic and want to make other people suffer? The root of that toxicity is probably much deeper and it can't just be solved by "being nice to them regardless of their behaviour". It more often backfire in them taking advantage of nice people.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Uff, its actually really naive to believe that cause and action does not exist. Because with your statement you just did that.

    Everyone can change things, trust me. You might take also a look at history.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    Don't take the game so seriously. Rank means nothing, it's not competitive in any way. Getting triggered by pointing is pretty sad. Sounds like this isn't the game for you, or you need a break. If that is rage inducing I am scared to know how real life things affect you. O.O

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    if you see them, just tunnel and kill them.

    no reason for your anger be on this thread instead of the very survivors who tbaged you

    if it's an exit gate tbag, eat it up. you're gonna see that all the time.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954
    edited July 2020

    Yes, everyone has the ability to change things. For themselves, you can't change others

    Cause and Effect? What does Newton's Law got to do with The Will of People. Choosing to be who they are.

    And if you wanna bring up History

    Has Racism really changed? Ot has the info of it changed?

    P.S. you didnt answer my question

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    By changing yourself, you change others. This is really not worth discussion for me, because i see it as an undeniable fact. Not agreeing with this just leads to nothing, and nothing cant change anything that should be changed, right? The better question is, whats the point of not beeing nice to each other? Just your believe that you can not change anything anyway? Ignoring a problem is suporting the problem..

    You ask has Racism changed? Oh god yes it has. It is no where near perfect, but compare it with the past. Or women's rights... Simple people changed that, not some strange force that came out of nowhere. Poeple make opinions. And people make attitude. The question is not if you can cause anything, the question is only WHAT your inpact in society (in our case a game) is.

    How often did that make another stop being toxic?

    I had a lot of moments but it is also not always the direct and immediate effect i am talking about. That should be clear by now.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    I dont speak for others. I actually play Fair. It IS just a Game. I at times message GG. To those who play fair. Did what they were meant to do. But more often than not. There are those who go beyond and wait by the gates clicking and tagging. Alright, that's there fun. I dont go near the gates when I know I lost.

    It takes time. They eventually leave but still. That level of toxicity is there because obviously they won. Just leave. Right? Be nice and leave?

    Where's the change and effect ? And it's obvious the forums are filled to the brim with toxic forum posts. So where's the change?

    Just leave right?

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Yep. These are the survs you face once you reach red ranks. Funny dbd teabag bully killer game hahahah this is going to my dbd funny moments compilation. How do you even have fun with people who don't take the game seriously?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The change is right here and you experience it right now, all the time. Imagine everyone would say that toxic is the coolest thing on earth? Trust me, after a while most of them, maybe even you might jump on that train. The human brain is evolving and its learning (from enviorment and other people mostly). We are learning all the time, hopefully the right things.

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    Never have I ever teabagged a killer like those survivor do at every pallet and at the exit gates. The only time I do it is when I want to say thank you to the killer for letting me go or farm. I don't use flashlights (honestly, I'm not good with it either), this clicking noise drives me crazy. I don't point at the killer when they are stunned with the pallet. Why waste time and add more stress to the game? I mean maybe I'm an empathetic person because I can imagine how BM it looks from the killer perspective. I'm a mediocre player who can barely do something toxic in this game. But when you achieved everything and you are too cocky and confident, or you just like irritating people, good for you I guess🙄

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    Believe me or not. I'm already nice. It was how I was raised THAT'S my environment at play. I play nice, as I just posted. And still when even I lose. They don't give 2-piece about it. But oh if I downed them, hook them, chase their friend. I get called out with hate.

    Same situation, I'm a solo survivor. Always have always will. I am doing my job. Fixing gens. What does that Stranger Survivor, wounded and running, do? Run to me while I'm healthy fixing a gen near complete. Bringing the killer to me


    I'm playing fair, but they need me distracting the killer. Then that same player, wants immediately healed, "tbagging" to get my attention off the gen, when they find me working on a Gen after the fact

    Did my nice playing effect and change that player's egoism?