Any good tips for playing as Trapper?

Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

I'm doing my compendium/rift challenges and one of them was to Bear Trap survivors, so I figured hey, why not? And it turns out I REALLY like playing as the Trapper. Hearing someone actually run into my traps brings a smile to my face every time, whether they get out before I make it back to them or not. Trapping some grass a few yards away from the exit gate and then standing back in a corner to go insidious after a rough match, having two people run in, go to hit one, they go down, and the other freaks out and runs directly into the trap... it's beautiful.

But those are highlights, I also got worked pretty hard in the Memorial Institute. I figured the endless twists and turns would make my traps really easy to hit, but because there's so many paths around, I found even windows and sneaky placement near pallets resulted in almost no hits. I assume because my traps are super visible on that map, but also I'm sure I'm not amazing at them yet, I mostly just think about how I play as a survivor and try to place traps at those key locations, which was working great for like 10+ games, even if it rarely resulted in a 4k.

I'd be appreciative of any tips on dealing with different kinds of maps, I'm still fairly new to the game overall (been playing for a little over a month now) so I don't even have the map names memorized, had to look the Institute as in my head it's just the "snow hospital."

Been watching some streams based on recommendations in these forums, and saw a fun Trapper game where he just sectioned off a part of the map and let them have all the non-essential gens, which seems obvious in hindsight, but I didn't even think of it since I'm used to patrolling the whole map with Triangle Face. Anyone got any good tips like that? Even ones that seem obvious.


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    Watch otzdarva. That's all you need to hear

  • CrimsonReverie
    CrimsonReverie Member Posts: 3

    I'll add that watching otzdarva can help a lot. He has a few videos that offer tips for trapper.

    In addition to the above tips, consider if you really need to break a downed pallet. Survivors will always land in the same spot when they go across is, so they can be good places to put traps. It's easier to chase a survivor into a downed pallet too, since it looks like free distance.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Here's a tip that works well for me often enough. Don't break pallets! After one is thrown, trap one side of it (especially if it's grassy). This pallet will feel like a safe haven to other survivors in future chases, as well as break the loop of the current chase if they watch you trap it. I've had a single one of these traps catch all 4 survivors in the past!

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I did actually see an Otz trapper video the other day, which, despite not being a tutorial or anything, did help immensely. I guess I'll watch some more. Thanks for the tips, guys! This is some good stuff.

  • NovaDuck
    NovaDuck Member Posts: 10

    The best tip is don't play trapper. Play hag instead. She is similar to trapper but almost strictly better in every way except her move speed.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Sure but if I wanted to just be "good" I'd nolife the Nurse or something.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Otz has a good trapper video or two. Entitylefthand and Humerogamers are pretty good trapper mains on twitch.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2020

    Just thought I'd do a quick follow-up on this, these tips and a few from streams have greatly improved my awareness of what I need to be doing in a match as a Trapper. I barely get into chases at all and just give the survivors enough rope to continually hang themselves. Here's my latest result:

    Obviously not super white-knuckle red rank 4-man SWF tier or anything, but I was surprised to see an actual compliment when I came back to my computer a few minutes later, sadly too late to respond.

    I still have barely any Killer perks since I've only really leveled Pyramid Head, so I decided since I'd be patrolling a relatively small area I might benefit from increasing my terror radius and then using that to power up unnerving presence, meaning the survivors would be getting slightly more skill checks that would be a lot harder to hit. Based on how many exploded generators kept popping up, I think it worked. And since I knew they'd panic, I'd trap the quick exit points, which worked wonderfully.

    I like Trapper now even more than before, and hope I can keep improving because it's so much fun, and doesn't feel unfair or overpowered, but still like you can make a big difference just by playing smart. I also just completely ceded and never even went to the other side of the map, just counted how many I'd need to defend within a reasonable patrol perimeter and that was my home base.

    So thanks, everyone! You've made this game a lot more fun for me!

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Also I still have no idea what to do in the Institute! :D!

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    There are some grassy areas with pallets on the outskirts of the map, they can work. Traps on the staircases around the central room can work too if you place them slightly hidden from view. And finally there are a couple of windows that are really strong so survivors who know the map will always go to them; they’re good to trap.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Always trap the major building in the map. Always. Even if the traps are obvious. It's better to lay multiple traps around the building than just one, to make the survivor think they took care of the trap there, when in fact there are more waiting around. Every survivor will eventually run there knowing it's a powerful loop area and find themselves trapped in chase.

  • Tuscan
    Tuscan Member Posts: 14

    Pick a corner with 3-4 gens, Trap loops where the trap will be hard to see, Make them three gen themself, Slug survivors to wait out their DS, Only chase survivors if they're in the area of ur gens, if they run away far dont follow and go back and hook the slugged survivors, get 3-4 kills and be ready to be called a "Three gen camping-(Very bad word) " and they will tell you that you need to learn how to play etc even if you got the most BP's and 3+ kills

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    At the Institute you need to change your mindset a bit. It's no longer about hiding traps, because they'll be visible. On this map it's more about closing down loops and passages. When they realize a door or window is blocked by a trap, their choices become limited and you can catch them more easily. If they don't notice - SNAP! So go for nice bright "detour" signs to force their path.

    If you DO want to try to hide a couple traps, I've found that putting them right on the transition of a doorframe can help camouflage them a bit. There are a few grassy spots, but those are often anticipated. And as was mentioned earlier, staircases pay dividends. Trap the very top step. Any further out and they can dodge around it once they realize what they're looking at.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Otz has a decent quick tips guide here.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i'd say one of the biggest things a Trapper needs to learn is how to optimize his trap usage.

    in general, there are two types of traps you can lay out:

    1) the Catchers

    2) the Deniers

    a "catcher" is a trap you place around loops that is supposed to catch survivors who try to loop you off guard. those are the main traps you will want to be placing, as they will be the ones that wont get found and disarmed ASAP. you need a decent looping knowledge for them to be effective though, as you will have to predict the survivors path and then trap it. this trap will also not work when a survivor just holds W and throws down every pallet in existance, but sometimes you can force them to loop a certain area you trapped previously. you can also place "catchers" on routes that are not even at loops, but you expect survivors to run through when trying to get to something specific, such as a loop or a hook. you always want to hide these traps within the environment though - tall grass, objects they can partially clip into or hidden around a corner where survivors dont expect it (best shot at using these on indoor maps, yet still ineffective)

    a "denier" is a trap you place to deny the usage of a certain window / pallet. these traps are placed right in front of the pallet / window and are extremely obvious to survivors - they are not ment to catch a survivor, all they have to do is to stop them from using this specific pallet or window. you should usually only really place them at god pallets though, as these are a pain to loop around and you want to lure survivors away from them and into the other, prepared tiles. one important thing to note here is, that you never want to place it directly in front of the window or directly inside the pallet! you always want to place them in front of the pallet, so that the survivors cant just drop the pallet and vault over the trap and you always want to leave a small area between your trap and the window, as survivors could otherwise fastvault the window from the other side, jumping over the trap without being caught.

    you need to find a good balance between those two trap types. since you only have 6 Traps by default, i would suggest placing one denier at the shack pallet and 4 catchers around the area you want to defend.

    you should also always leave one of the Traps in your hand, as that is a very strong loop denial tool. if you end up at a loop you havent trapped and dont want to run around, trap the pallet right in front of their eyes. they are now forced to leave the area and potentially end up in one you prepared earlier.

    you will also need to get creative with your trap placements. if your catchers are placed in well known spots, they will be disarmed by survivors rather quickly - you should also not just reset the same catchers over and over when they catch someone, as that will lead to the same outcome. always move them around so the survivors never know when they are about to step into a trap or not.

    also, be aware of SWFs, Small Game (or any other trap / killer reveal perk) or Maps. if you suspect the survivors to be in a SWF, you can not trap hooks anymore, as the traps will get called out immediately and then disarmed. if you see someone with a map, you also need to be aware that they might be able to track your traps and reveal them to themselves and, in case of a certain Add On / SWF, to everyone else aswell.

    the best thing you can do here is to get rid of the survivor who keeps disarming your setup asap.

    in indoor maps specifically you are basically screwed.

    all you can really do is to place deniers, which will only benefit you when the survivors dont spend some time checking their looping locations for potential traps / when the map doesnt come with a huge amount of pallets to begin with (hello, Hawkins).

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Thanks for the further tips, I've taken them on as well. On top of hitting survivors off of traps so I can pick them up, or in certain cases reset them. I was previously just grabbing people off of them every time. I actually had a pretty good indoor map earlier, so that was a nice change! But I just got the wild west map (I don't know the names of all the maps yet) and it had like 400 generators. Or, well, at least like 9. How on earth do I deal with that? I couldn't carve off enough of a zone to protect gens on one side of the map before they had already split them up in such a way that I had to do long patrols because there were just so many available.

    Are there any particular strats to dealing with really big maps with lots of generators like this? I think I still did kind of okay, but it was still a pretty hard loss, despite trapping a fair number of people and people missing a LOT of skillchecks.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    I think the number 1 tip is to be unpredictable.

    If someone gets caught in your trap never reset the trap, just place it in a different way around the same loop.