About Jane's new upcoming cosmetic

So in the trailer she has this ashy blonde hair colour but in game it's just... brown? I mean I don't mind it that much but I was hoping for a full blonde Jane
I think it looks like that because the screenshots were taken on Low graphics, although if that's the case, I hope they improve and match the hair color for Low anyway.
I'm just confused why they take the screenshots on Low instead of showing them in proper quality, especially since hairstyles suffer the most with Low graphics...
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Yeah I hope it’s the ashy blonde because it kind of ruins the skin for me. But they’ve always had a weird thing with hair color.
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Stunning 😍
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I just hope the hair isn’t part of the set
sets are supposed to be 2 or more linked items, and if they end up linking the hair to the body I’ll be very disappointed cause that hair would look amazing on other skins
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Where did you hear that it can be 2 I thought it was all 3?
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I really hope it's because of low graphics but at the same time they do mess up the hair color sometimes and it just ends up being a different color than shown in trailers/art so I wouldn't be surprised if we are gonna end up with brown instead of blonde but seriously, if they can do Kate's blonde hair then they should be able to do it on Jane. Like please just take this color from Kate if you have to, it would look much more like in the trailer than that brown.
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getting sick of link outfit hope it not.
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Side note: I REALLY hope that the head is not locked to the set, that would be so pointless IMO.
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The head will be locked to the set.
Just like everything else
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The head will be linked to the set.
That's why they called set
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Sets were defined as "2 or more pieces that are linked" it doesn't have to be 3 pieces linked, devs just seem to like it.
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Where did you get that from?
I'm pretty sure they said that the set is always 3 pieces.
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A bit off topic but damn, Jane has got some big ol' feet.
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Clown was shown with red hair in the trailer, it's grey/white in game. So Jane's hair is prob brown in game.
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It's shown in the trailer that it's linked, aka a set.
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well yui wasn't locked so we have hope....
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i see that now also i think you quoted the wrong post.
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And the cosmetic's name in the trailer is "God of the Wilds" yet the cosmetic they released in game is called "Lord of the Underworld" . What's up with that?
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Yes because Yuis new cosmetic was an outfit not a set.
Only Outfits have 3 seperate pieces,
If a cosmetic is a set then the 3 pieces of the cosmetic will be linked together which will be the case for Janes new Outfit.
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It’s for things like dresses which is what Jane is wearing I mean look at Fengs dress skin it looks pretty bad because they made it two pieces
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What annoys me is that they still put that golden plant detail around her waistline (exactly where all of her pantsuits divide) anyway, so it could just as easily be two parts.
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Yeah but I think with the assortment of other leaves it would look weird
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The patch notes in 4.0.0
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This content has been removed.
I mean, looking at the leaks there will be no seperate pieces, if you look at feng you can see all pieces but with jane it's just a full piece, doesn't seem that you will be able to buy just a head for example
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I wish this outfit wasn't a set. I would love to customize the hair with other things. :(
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The skin was meant to be based off Hades and Hades is definitely not the God on the Wilds it might have just been a mess up including the original name for the skin kind of like how the Silent Hill spotlight still states that forced penance gives you the oblivious status instead of broken
Post edited by Volfawott on0 -
I mean you still can if you use the Nea trick on Jane because her default recolors give her the same conditions but considering that is a bug don't buy the outfit with the guarantee that you're going to constantly be able to use the bug for the hair as it might get patched
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Speaking of the Greek Legends, Spirit and Oni are by far the ones with the best cosmetics and now best cosmetics overall
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That is the one problem I have with that outfit I love each piece of it as they are great with Mix and matching with almost anything but the top and skirt just look really awkward together. The head is not awkwardly connected so it's fine no need to bring it up really
The top looks great with her shorts or her trousers.
The skirt looks great with almost all her other cosmetics.
It's just together because they're separated it looks really awkward not terrible to the point where I can never run the full outfit it just bugs me when I do
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Well that really sucks considering her head doesn’t need to be linked
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I'd honestly try the Nea outfit glitch with Jane. Pretty sure it won't work anymore, but it couldn't hurt to try! I'll still buy her set just because I love the glitter on the face.
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i just get feng.
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Is it just me or does her makeup doesn't look fully there? Aka the glitter. Also that hairstyle doesn't look the same to me either?
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It could be because of the low graphics but since they couldn't even get the hair colour right I wouldn't be surpised if there is no proper makeup either. I was really hyped for this skin but now I'm prepared to be disappointed lol. There's hope that they are maybe still working on it before the release tho.
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I think it is the low-graphics and maybe that's why the glitter didn't render (and why i didn't think the hair was the same) but.. It wouldn't surprise me either if they removed the glitter, not only because they got the hair color wrong, but because they took away Min's blood and makeup in her Lunar outfit.
But I agree, I was really hyped for her outfit too. Heck I was still willing to buy it even though it was a full set, but not anymore after this post. Though, even though I mentioned the Lunar skin and what they did with that.. I'll have hope with you because I really like this Jane skin a lot.
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Lol saaaame, I was hoping to get just a straight up dress as a cosmetic but those leaves at the waist pissed me off when I saw them.
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So, looking at the render from Skemooo it's pretty much gonna be brown hair, I just don't really get why make it blonde in the trailer but whatever, I'm hoping the glitter will look good in game at least
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I was thinking they might have messed up on the hair like they did with clowns cosmetic which doesn’t make sense, like how do you mess it up like that?
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Yeah you'd think that with it being a set outfit and all that you can only buy with auric cells they'd get it right at least, also I think that blonde would look better with this outfit, it would match the white and gold nicely, Jane has enough brown and black hair cosmetics in the first place
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Yeah I was really looking forward to the blonde hair it looked gorgeous. I wish we could ask the cosmetics team to change it.
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Well I think they'd only change it if there were enough posts on the forums asking for a change (which I doubt). Or maybe if someone who has the model could do a good recolor and try to convince the devs to change it
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so u can buy both with shards? btw jane is gonna be full it said that the promotional video aswell.
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No I believe Jane will be only with auric cells, all the leaks have shards but once they released it on live servers you will only be able to buy it with auric cells
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I mean I don’t wanna flood the forums with posts about her hair but I might
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Honestly same, it really shouldn't be that hard for them to change the hair color
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interesting, tbh both look good (i dont like janes shoes but whatever) but feng looks better, i hope she is the one getting the shards treatement.
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According to the leaks Jane is both shards and cells Min is just cells
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Yeah like can’t they just copy the code from one of the other survivors hair colors onto hers? I mean I don’t have any experience in game design or coding but it does seem like a minuscule thing.
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is what i thought has more sense, because only the bad characters or not popular got the shards treatment as expected so far. Clown, David, is expected that now will be Jane, lets see tho.