queek maths

They though 10% of 1500 was 15, when it's 150. *face palm*.
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it don't matter as long as it makes cents.
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Actually if we have to reverse the 10% discount, we can get that the original price is 1650. 🙂
1650 - 165 = 1485 👍️
7 -
oh mb i thought it was for 1500
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Same, I thought it was 15$. It's actually 20$ darn.
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ohh THATS the price tag? Nevermind me then, for 10€ I would be all in but thats a bit too greedy, I will not support it in fear that it will be the new standard. So pass from my side.
3 -
yeah the new "legendary" skins are mostly cash grabs
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so you're saying the devs did the math right but the price tag is awful. even with the discount? cool.
4 -
Same here I like the skin and was going to get it when I assumed it was another $10 skin but at $20 and it's linked?!?!?! They can go f themselves. This crap is going way to far we need to stop buying these linked cosmetics!!! Hell stop buying ANY cosmetics untill they stop the greed! I don't mind buying reasonably priced stuff that I can mix and match, but this new crap they are push on us is unexcusable! This game is turning into raid shadow legends. Fix the bugs! Fix the garbage auras! Fix the broken matchmaking! Please fix dbd first!
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Sounds like standard dbd stuff, i.e. bad ideas that are actually working as intended.