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SO I camp every game

lordtomato Member Posts: 204
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Check my steam profile - Toxic camper. Yes, just camper, with a potato icon. I camp every game because I want everyone to hate campers, I want devs to know that camping is not alright, I want devs know campers are ruining players' experiences. I camped three games and everyone (12 players) are complaining about camping is sucks, they are all purple and red ranks. In my camping games although I didn't reward much, but I am reducing fun and making everyone unhappy. Camping had been the biggest problem since the game 2016 and devs never fixed it. I will still face-camp with trapper and Bubba and making other players have no fun until devs finally fixed camping or will do some punishment. Campers should be banned, I will make lots of camping vids and post it on forums soon, to tell devs what camping actually looks like, removing fun.


  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335
    edited August 2020

    I'm going to go ahead and post my solution again:

    Make it so hook progression goes 1/2 as fast when the killer is within X meters of the hook. Maybe even denote this with a purple health bar, akin to deep wounds. While the killer is in a chase, this does not happen.

    (I don't think campers should be banned, but I do think camping should be something the killer sees as choosing to lose).

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    What do you mean? When I first read Steve's Camaraderie perk, I thought it might be something like this, but alas, no.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    This would be abused, since the survivors can just be chased around the hook. The timer should stay the same if the killer is chasing around the hook.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    great job boy! but do FACEcamp rather than just camping + torture on hook + nod head + equip 1-hit-down + FD + LB

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I'd hope this shifts so that killers can explore around the hook if they choose to do so instead of feeling like they're camping. So many times people (even my SWFs) want to call something out as camping that's just the killer taking a few moments to look around.

  • Keeper
    Keeper Member Posts: 27

    the timer only slows down after like 10s~15s gives the killer enough time to search around the hook

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    How often do you get camped that you feel the need to spend your time doing this now? Bc it's very rare in my survivor games that someone is just facecamped from the start.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Imma guess any solutions said will ne countered with "nope, it'll be abused" but I'll continue to reply. Just give the camping g killer a Blind-ing Headache (pain animation like survivors do when PH perk makes survivors scream healing another, Visual effect like being Flashlighted) on the killer who is x amount of distance to a recently hooked survivor. Make it unaffected for other survivors taunting/distracting as it wont be an abuse

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335
    edited August 2020

    I'd say I see it happen to someone about 1 in 10 games, which is why I make an effort not to be the first downed.

    That said, it's much more common in brown/yellow than green/purple. Weirdly I see it tick up a bit more in red though...

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253

    There is nothing to "fix" if you face camp you just lose against any half decent survivors. It's a bad strategy and any killer that has half a brain does not camp. I as a red rank survivor don't remember the last time I was face camped and I do my fair share of long chases and stuff that might get a killer ticked off.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    Watch my Youtube - Protato.

    If can't find my channel search ( They think they did a pretty good silent hill job so far )

    I will upload lots of camping vids

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    You can facecamp every simgle survivor every single game but that won't make the devs introduce a stronger penatly for camping. You're just ruining other people's fun for nothing.

    Also camping has never been the biggest problem in DBD. Infinites, permanent sabotage, unremovable NOED, 7-blink Nurse are just an example of something that was a bigger problem in 2016. Moris, keys and iridescent head are still a bigger problem then camping now.

    And if you consider camping that much of a problem, then congratulations - you are now a part of that problem.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    No, I don't think devs will let players ruining people's fun. I did this to show devs how bad is camping and how is camper ruining this game

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Devs already introduced so many counters to camping. Maybe rank up so you don't get matchmaked with potato survivors.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    That sounds extremely interesting, I can't wait to Like and Subscribe

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    I agree on you with new chase mechanics. Looping killers, throwing down pallets is getting a little boring. Add a new prop or more props that survivors can use for chasing. Maybe even some perks that make chasing more interesting. Dead harding or sprint bursting is as killer to play against though but i am getting bored of the minimal tricks survivors can use. If there are more perkcombo’s or tricks then pls tell me.

    windowtech and dumbtech is just too known and bores me because i use it almost every game

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    You overestimate the significance of your actions. There are currently more than 50000 players on Steam alone right now. If we take you and 4 survivors whose fun you ruin that's still less than 0,01% of players on a single platform. Actions that ruin fun of less than 0,01% people that are also not a bannable offense won't even be noticed.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Partially because the BP rewards for survivor in a match that has no real killer interactions is pitiful. That is my problem when I play survivor and get into a camping or tunneling match. Though I am "safe", I get crap BP for doing gens and leaving.

    So many problems in this game on both sides, I'd almost say they need a full revamp. Time for Deader By Daylight? The next chapter......

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    Vid one, I camped everyone and ruining people's experience

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    survivor need to have something else to do other then gen why genrushing a thing killer camp and tunnel.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    Camping vid 3 about to upload!! It is about how a killer can get 4 kills with 2 more than 3000 hours rank 1 god survivors!! Showing how dump is camping and even pro players will fall for it.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Camping, as facecamping, as tunneling, as slugging, as generator rushing...

    Everything is alright. You chose how to play, every action has a cost. They're camping someone? Then do generators and escape. If the killer thinks its a good change a survivor for the entire match, let him do it.

    This community should stop searching ways to tell people how to play. This is a game fellas, play whatever you like if that makes you happy. You love to play mori with 1 hook - die? You love to bring 4 full man toolboxes? Its okay.

    As long as you don't use third programs to cheat, every tactic its okay.

    Annoying? Maybe, but this is a cooperative game.

    Every day i read hundred of posts like: "Its time to quit playing" - "Don't tunnel/camp" - "Don't genrush" - "Don't mori, key, hatch"...

    Those are players who actually gave up because they didn't found a way to counter those playstyles. There's no rulebook for killers nor survivors (out of the Samination universe, i mean).

    Let's do this but in another game shall we? Let's use a shooter genre for example.

    "Don't camp with an Sniper rifle!" - It only works when you go for him or you actively go for his zone. He can camp with an sniper rifle if he wants, he's having the fun of looking the amazing textures while other players shoot themselves and gain points.

    You can barely get 8k BP with a camp. Surviving (leaving) grants you 5k full BP (not counting the door and generators) so...

    Well, maths are on your side.

    Have a nice day!

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2020

    Vid 3, camp against two 4000 hours survivors.

  • Shredder16
    Shredder16 Member Posts: 19

    I mess around as a survivor and still win.

    Devs should know that survivors have it to easy and should be nerfed like all the nerfs killer receive every week.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    It is only three vids but they clearly show how camping is ruining player's experience, I only use about 10 % of my skills but can still get multiple kills. Developers said it is fine because all suggestions they are getting are from Rank 20, camping is cancer and should be fixed


  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    You know what you should do? Ebony Mori Spirit with Stridor.

    It honestly feels dirty to just phase back to the unhooked survivor, down them and Mori. Usually after that happens everyone else just gives up.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    Love this! Great words. I still think it would be nice to examine the incentives players are given. If there's no reason to camp, it would stop. Thus why I don't try to make up rules and instead hope for intuitive design. I think we've come a long way in a few years, but the game can always improve.

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162