How entitled can survivors be?

Saw a post where a guy was literally asking other survivors to report killers for being "impossible to beat" and going on an epic rant about how those killers have no lives outside of this game. I just wanted to say, this game is not hard at all. Learn the mechanics of it and it becomes easy to play. Everybody will have a bad game and that is to be expected in a game like this. Insulting people though because you can't get an easy win is a bit absurd in the long run. Those "impossible killers" are people who work 18 hour days cooking food for ungrateful people and then come home to survivor mains who feel the need to insult them every step of the way regardless of the skill gap. I just think it's a good practice to be kind and y'all should try it out sometime cause it really works wonders and will change your life.


  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162

    I tend to be kind but if you send messages with death threats i will report you. Its one thing to get upset over a match amd say bleep you but saying ######### and ######### i report.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    It was probably just a troll post. But people do tend to get mad if they are having a hard time in the game.

    They could be venting because they are a new survivor and getting mostly matches with higher ranked killers. Or they could just be toxic and entitled.

    They could just not be having fun in the game and decide to spread their misery on the rest of us.

    There are just as many angry killers here as angry survivors. Sometimes you just gotta ignore the trolls, instead of promoting more toxicity by call one side entitled.

    Killers feel entitled to 4ks too. There's toxic people on both sides.

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    Personally i don't feel entitled to a 4k. I feel like I want to pip every game cause I'm competitive but that doesn't happen all the time and that's okay. People need to stop caring so much over something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable In the first place.