
We have less than an hour before we get that beautiful Min skin.
Honestly every piece of this cosmetic looks awesome.
The hair would look perfect with her Chinese lunar New Year dress, her pink ruffle top. In fact it would look amazing with almost anything
The top would look great with any of her trousers or shorts with the possible exception of the Demon Slayer pants as they kind of look awkward when not with the demon say outfit.
The pants would look perfect with almost all the cosmetics just like how the headpiece would look good with almost everything.
I literally can't wait this is going to be great.
hopefully its available with shards
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It should be as Feng is not a licensed character.
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I haven't watched the video so sorry if it stated so in the video, but what happens if it's linked?
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it's not
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Only reason to play the game imo; aquire skins, disregard currency!
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She's great
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That’s not how it goes though, there are plenty auracell only cosmetics for original characters..
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Yui's new skin is not purchasable with shards. Nea's new skin isn't either. So it's 50/50 if Feng's will be.
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Yeah true, i hope you can use shards though.
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I'm so excited for it! I wish instead of pants it was a skirt 😕 but hopefully we will get some recolors of the skirts she already has in the shop (I want a black or white one tbh LOL)
Her hair looks so GOOD
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I think Jane's releases on that day too??
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While I do agree since I have all her cosmetics. I want to point out that those pants remind me of the black yellow rarity ones that came out in the SciFi collection.
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Every skin that is very nice and community gets all excited about ends up being Auric Cells only. For example Kate biker skin, New Nea skin, Bunny Feng (the pink one that's actually good unlike the green one).
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Person I wish we got a purple bunny Min
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That's the only reason why we are getting $15 skins that's nothing special other than having a white color. Buy, buy, buy! Consume!
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Probably, all parts of the skin will be locked, so no buy. :^)
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I hope you can buy her new outfit with shards so I can come back and laugh at you but it's doubtful as you say lol 😉
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I like to change body parts, but, probably, it will be locked.
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It's confirmed to be unlocked by the trailer
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I didnt watch trailer. Thanks for info!
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I'm really unsure about the pants due to someone pointing out that they sorta look like the ones from the SciFi collection, plus like almost all of her tops, I think it would pair better with the shorts. Still a beautiful outfit and I can't wait to purchase at least the hair/top!❤
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Honestly I'm not gonna lie I do wish the pants had a little bit more to it.
It already has some nice flashy attachments but I do wish they added a little bit more to give it its own personal flare in comparison to the Sci-Fi pants. Honestly the only thing that really stands out in comparison is that she has sandals on and you're not going to really notice that.
Maybe a similar metal accessory to what she has around her arms and neck around one of her legs.
However I'll definitely test it out in game to see how it compares.
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I wish it did too, because I noticed that the chain like thing that's over the pants, is on the shirt.
But I agree, give her something else flashy like a metal accessory on the leg. Since like you said, you won't really notice or even pay attention to the sandals.
I'm sure it will still look great in game though. 😊
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I have every cosmetics for Min so even if it wasn't I'd still get it
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Get ready Min mains
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It will be either Jane's or Feng's that is buyable with shards - I'm guessing Jane's will be bought with shards because she doesn't have that many available ones for 'free'
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I'm pretty sure Jane will be shards and cells and Min will be just cells
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@Volfawott yeah literally, either way I'm buying that feng one with cells because I don't have any shards atm!
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Min was going to be in an insta buy hands down.
I'm assuming the topic about Jane being a linked set is going to be brought up considering people have had concerns about it.
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@Volfawott Haha I know that's right, same wavelength
Do you think Jane will be linked? The shoes are the exact same they have for the pink and blue skin with the ghostly face but she slyly looks like Kim K
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It's already confirmed in the trailer that it would be a linked cosmetic I don't think they can change that it might be possible that they could probably edit the cosmetic and unlink it but I highly doubt it
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@Volfawott Oh damn I didn't know, either way it looks good!