Better prestige benefits

IMO, everyone, survivor and killer, should get one extra perk slot for prestiging, because as it stands its pretty pointless. Even if you only get one more at P3, its an incentive to play more and play better rather than blood covered cosmetics that people rarely use with all the new ones they are bringing out.
the devs have stated interest in adding more prestige rewards however i doubt itll be anything game-changing like this.
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They've said in the 4th aniversary. There'll be more prestige reward.
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Anything would be better than what we have now
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Yeah, let's see how they break the game this time.
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I think, instead of taking away ALL our perks, they should just be reset to tier 1.
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Yes, because trying to get your usual perk load out can be a pain in the anus when they don't appear again until the higher levels
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More perk slots would be much too powerful.
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I get that, was a suggestion for an additional incentive, because its pretty piss right now.
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That's a good idea but I hope that's factored in to a rework of the bloodweb in general.
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like the rank rewards they announced in the 3rd anniversary kek
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I think getting all perks that you own at tier 1 would be amazing, but I'd also love to pick any ONE cosmetic outfit (like one from each category so that way for players who mix sets can still have fashion but if the set is linked then that full set obviously) that I bought to be blood soaked.
I only P3'd Steve cause he was my survivor main at one point, but besides his on the survivor side I only like the P3 outfits for Kate and Cheryl.
Killers I don't even bother for that same reason, either I don't like the base outift or there's just too much blood.
Perfect example: Ghostface is my main, but I think it's pointless cause all I'd get is his bloody mask since I only like his classic outfit. Another: when I play Legion, I'm always Suize but only Julie and Frank get P3 outfits (same with the crown from the 4th event).
The only ones I like aren't killers I play as so imo Michael, Huntress, and Pyramid Head.
My point is: It's pretty upsetting when you like certain killers/survivors and their P3 skin is not the greatest (in terms of too much blood) or that the base outift isn't the greatest. (for me: Feng Min and Jane are another prime examples, since I do play as them a lot)
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I will never prestige every killer and survivor. It takes way too much time. Would much rather get every perk
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I'm pretty sure the dev's have stated they only added prestige as a means of something to do for long term players. It's not something they necessarily think everyone should be doing.
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An extra perk slot would be too extreme. Something more reasonable would be the bloodweb being 5% cheaper for each prestige level you have on that character.
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Watch them just hand out charms
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You're stupid if you're really thinking that you'll get extra perkslots for prestiging someone.
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Was a suggestion as to an idea, its dbd, of course you will never get an extra perk slot.
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I disagree, just because its already hard enough to get decent perks as a new player with the current bloodpoint grind, having to prestige your character just to have perk slots would be a little overboard, though i would be interested in a better reward, maybe a way to influence your bloodweb so you could spec into, say, more flashlights appearing in your bloodweb
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No no, you would still have your 4 standard, prestiging would give you a bonus
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yeah so basically 4 would be considered unviable
also imagine 7 perks lmao that would be so crazy unbalanced and would just further divide new and veteran players
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I'd personally just be happy with a unique outfit for each character instead of the bloodstained one. If they change prestige, keep the Bloody version for 1-3 but add a unique costume for 4-6. It would be something to work toward and who doesn't love a good cosmetic.