If i see nobody is obsession, i always tunnel

Its very simple. If nobody using that perk why i shouldn't tunnel ? I always win if nobody use DS
And this is why survivors use ds...
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What is the point you want to prove with this post?
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Thanks for telling us you are an arsehole. Have a nice day.
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To prove How badly designed this game
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This is exactly why there should always be an obsession even without someone using an obsession perk.
Games as survivor without an obsession are just garbage.
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The only thing you have proven is that you apparently do not understand how to make many Bloodpoints and XP points quickly. The tactic you are using is hurting you more than others. But ofc you can play how you want...
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This content has been removed.
TC Be like
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I use BBQ and if i even camp or tunnel i get atleast 21k bloodpoints.(with bbq its 42k) so it is enough for me. I already p3 all perks on my main killers. I don't care bp
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No, killers already weak.
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How edgy of you lol
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This is reality lmao
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Do you play as survivor? If so.. Do you have fun when tunnelled?
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i still feel ds needs a rework but this also why even if there no obsession perks in play there should be always obsession
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%60 survivor %40 killer main. So it mean yes. I play toxic too because every killer tunnel no matter what
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You thought you did something
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Okay? Guess your skill rating must be very low. Won't have to deal with you in the high ratings with this new MMR :D.
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You’re kind of pathetic tbh since the majority of the survivors that I run into that don’t use DS are 6-8 ranks below you. Also matchmaking atm is so terrible so it’s kind of dumb how you go out of your way to tunnel.
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I do have issues with DS but killers who do that lose the right to complain about it, as you're the biggest (unwitting) advocates for the perk.
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If it works and puts pressure on survivors, go ahead.
People not liking the idea are just snowflakes that rely on ds
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Tbh going after the injure survivor is the right play and if the survivor unhook in front of you i dont see any reason to ignore the injure survivor and pls dont tell me its not fun for the survivor its not a valud argument
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Thankfully you are reason why DS will never get nerfed...
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Well peanits did say they were looking into locker ds and abusing ds to complete a gen so i don't know if thats entirely true.
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It depends... If they were being toxic tbag clicky clicky god damn right, if it wasn't the case than no... Ill get more points changing targets
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sis really punishing people for not being meta. could never be me 💁♀️
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If I see nobody is the obsession, I actively go out of my way to avoid hooking the same survivor twice in a row. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.
EDIT: Realized I'd typed the exact opposite of what I intended.
Post edited by Orion on2 -
When I play killer, I never tunnel. I even go out of my way to make sure that I DON'T tunnel.
Still seem to do alright.
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This is why I laugh when I read things about No DS means the killer will be "nicer". 😂
The problem isn't with tunneling itself, the problem is that survivors have almost no options without perks like DS. Which in turn, turns the perk meta, because every single killer wants that easy down.
No killer should be limited to how they want to play, but also no survivor should be limited to options either.
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Tbh I'd rather DS get buffed (against tunneling) if it means I can get 2 hooks on 2 different people and not get DS'd by the third.
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I both hate and love going against killers like you. I hate that you’re ruining somebody else’s experience and I love ruining your plans as you fail to catch me until the end while the others escape
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Thank you for reminding me why DS is actually healthy for the game.
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He's just a troll looking for attention.
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Useless topic.
You can tunnel/camp/slug and use mori/iri-heads whatever, no one cares. Do you need our approval and validation?
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How did you prove anything?
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and then you get mad at survivors for using DS because it's a crutch
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That, an a lack of knowledge on how to counter tunelling.
Seriously, the few times I get tunneled I rarely see a gen pop. Everyone's always hanging out near me trying to take hits for me. I just want them to do gens and escape so they can punish the killer...
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What's the point of this thread?
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it proves that you are just an unfun person given the opportunity of course survivors wouldn't run ds if they didn't run into people like you
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If I see there's no DS i will try to not tunnel, but I will have no compunction about doing so if I feel gens are going too fast. In general I try not to tunnel unless gens are going too fast and I need someone out.
This is a problem with game design. It's not necessarily that killers are too weak, but that survivor's objective is too menial and too quick for how easy it is. Chases, in a lot of cases, are just not worth it.
But I think we should tackle this issue by rewarding killers for chasing other people rather than punishing them for tunneling (mind you the punishment should still exist). Because if we ONLY focus on punishing killers for these actions it creates resentment and it makes the roll horrible to play.
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I say it again even if there no obsession perks in play there should be always obsession.
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I have a feeling you'd be tunneling anyway.
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lol I Love threads like these.
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Killers: “DS should be nerfed/reworked!”
Also Killers: “ Aight guess imma tunnel, because of no obsession.”
Increased use of DS
Killers: “ Wait that wasn’t supposed to happen.”
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Even though this reeks of bait - he's right.