What is your favorite exhaustion perk?

Hanselpup Member Posts: 187

What is your favorite exhaustion perk? 77 votes

Sprint Burst.
WeederickIhatelifealyssuhOicimauDetailedDetrimentPandamoniumjadssGreenPufferFishAwkward_FiendOwlzeyShrekTheThird69Cinnabon488SkullKidJustZed32GoliathSwitcherooCWill22MSX_exeRIPLegionKateDensonMain3331 20 votes
MiraakDaDevilsSkirtdingusSneakyNeytrixyobudddNuclearBurritodoitagain_AhoyWolfjonahol2000tenoresaxHanselpupMozmattRattiusManyAchievablesoDonutsRGoodZephanUnboundmusefan 17 votes
Head On.
AdelooDimekVixleyRaven014IamDwightTotemsCleanserDerZuntorNightmare_Wallzoozoom6 9 votes
Dead Hard.
WaterlsHertsuFINATerribleBillyPájaParallaxEnderloganYTIcewhisperZackaryFreemanhahadrillgobrrrPior_Morte Antares2332Andevrrprison_mikeNorelzTheDeathslinger2skorlupka1109AggressiveFTW 17 votes
Balanced Landing.
CheersF60_31SWM[Deleted User]mydogmax19notstarboardPopy6978Junsuina 8 votes
Gay Myers (Luzi)peacedeathEliteManny7PainaCleviteneedy 6 votes


  • Miraak
    Miraak Member Posts: 240

    I really like Lithe as an exhaustion Perk, because you have more control of the Perk and the speed boost

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Dead Hard.

    I wonder why

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    Dead Hard.

    It is fun to use it, especially to get into a loop.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,809
    Balanced Landing.

    I only rarely run exhaustion perks, but I love that Balanced Landing can make you extremely safe in some tiles that would otherwise be very dangerous. Meanwhile, perks like Lithe give you a boost when vaulting, but windows are already strong for survivors. I'd rather limit the areas where I'm vulnerable. Head On has a similar benefit, but you can't play objectives from a locker.

    I think Dead Hard is probably the strongest exhaustion perk because it gives you that extra lunge forward in addition to the i-frames, but it's frustrating to play against as killer and a bit frustrating to use as survivor as well because it's pretty buggy and vulnerable to latency.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Sprint Burst.

    Sprint brust and Dead Hard (When it works)

    They are pretty solid, so yeah.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    Sprint Burst.

    Saved me a lot of times from bad position

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    Lithe and Dead Hard are the two I use most. I hate sprint burst the most, as I always forget and waste it by sprinting to a generator or something. Not enough areas where you can make use of balanced landing for it to be very good, especially after the recent nerf.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825
    Head On.

    but if you're able to use a nearby vault do you really need a speed boost? why not keep looping?

  • Pája
    Pája Member Posts: 28
    Dead Hard.

    Dead hard. There is no other perk that will save you so many times.

  • KateDensonMain3331
    KateDensonMain3331 Member Posts: 45
    Sprint Burst.

    I definitely use sprint burst the most but in terms of which is most fun to use I would say Head On, especially when paired with Decisive Strike. Yeah it's a good way to get tunneled but it's still fun 😂 Lithe is also a great choice especially when paired with Quick and Quiet and Dance With Me. I never use Balanced Landing because it's pretty situational and I never use Dead Hard because I'm awful with the timing or it bugs and doesn't work

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
    Sprint Burst.

    You cant run at will, but you can almost aways get into an advantage position in the beggining of the chase. Has the worth of a third hit to down.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    Balanced Landing.

    Turning a dead end into an escape is very valuable, hence why I love it.