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Best legion build for an aggressive player?

Just want some opinions!


  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    bbq, thana, blood echo or dying light and any other perk of your choice

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Sprit Fury, Enduring, Iridescent Pin. The goal is to land a hit in FF as you get hit with a pallet. The pallet breaks, and the stun is is much less than the fatigue from FF. Breaking pallets with Iridescent Pin counts towards Spirit Fury.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I use BBQ, Bamboozle, Blood echo and Pop. With defaced smiley pin to apply mangled and mural sketch for feral frenzy duration. A fun build.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Using Dark devotion is extremely fun with legion too.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Monitor & Abuse with duration add-ons for much stabbing. Brown ones work fine.

    Ruin to slow the game down. Just a little bit.

    BBQ & Chilli for BP to get more add-ons and some detection.

    4th perk of choice. I'm running Hex: Thrill of the Hunt for farming.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    just try not to get depressed

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    Brutal strength fire up save best for last bambozle

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Not sure if this will fit your playstyle, but this is what I have been running since I got my 20 something 4K streak with Legion at Rank 1.

    Perks: Monitor and Abuse, Corrupt Intervention, Sloppy Butcher and Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Explanation: M&A will allow you to get closer to Survivors, thus reducing chase times and allowing you to better chain FF hits. CI and PGTW both act as gen control. Sloppy makes healing difficult, and since you have M&A, Survivors will almost ALWAYS heal.

    Add-Ons: Stolen Sketchbook and Defaced Smiley Pin

    Explanation: While many will argue that the Legion Pin is better, I have found that Survivors simply will not heal and will rush the gens if you make them broken, but if you give them Mangled, they will usually heal, which means that as a Legion player, you almost always win. Stolen Sketchbook allows you to stay in FF longer, meaning you can give more people the Mangled status, even if you do not down them with Sloppy.

    Hope this helps you out!

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    bbq, pop, sloppy and anc


  • Eradik
    Eradik Member Posts: 63
  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    Enduring, (spirit fury maybe) agitation, to quicken things up.

    others like sloppy, spies i guess. discordance to find ######### fast.

    and dying light i guess

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Thana, Pop, Blood Echo & Discordance w/ defaced smiley pin & mural sketch addons.

    And a Robbie the Rabbit costume for good luck.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Thana, sloppy, and dying light work very well together on a killer like legion. Since he's all about injuring people they'll never be able to heal without wasting tons of time. Last perk could be whispers, bitter murmur, BBQ, or discordance depending on what you like. I prefer discordance with how bad auras are right now.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Enduring, Surge, Sloopy,thanatophobia

    Mural sketch/ Iridescent button

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,093


    • Enduring (Is a must on a aggressive Legion build)
    • Spirit Fury
    • Bamboozle
    • BBQ / Fire Up (Depends on if I want more points)


    • Cold Dirt
    • Joey's Mix Tape
  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Ruin, Surveillance, SF, Enduring and double fatigue reduction.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    When I was grinding for the rank 1 archivement, I played Legion with:

    • Thrilling
    • Pop
    • Thanatophobia
    • Brutal or Nurses

    I did pretty well with it, got that archivement and really like the Thrilling + Pop combination on Legion. Gives a lot of information and helps to slow the game down. That is basically the recommended build from Otzdarva.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    If you want to play really aggresive, my recommendation is:

    Enduring, Spirit fury, Ruin and Surveillance.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Discordance/ BBQ. Your pick

    Thana/ Sloppy Butcher

    Spirit Fury


    Eat them pallet stuns and run them into the dirt.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Well, legion is kind of an aggressive killer, so any build you run will end up being "aggressive". Nemesis/PWYF is a good combo on them. If you don't want to worry about actively controlling gens, Corrupt/Thana/Dying Light can give some pretty significant slowdown, but (and it seems counterproductive) I'd probably stay away from M&A and/or Infectious Fright. M&A can give you loads of false positives, and Infectious is pretty bad on an m1 killer, even Legion. You can absolutely get good use out of it, just as long as you understand that it will lose you more games than it wins/be completely useless.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I run Brutal Strength/Thana/PGTW/BBQ. Have been seeing some good success with it.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512
    edited August 2020

    I like to use the perk I'm All Ears.

    At windows and jungle gyms it can get you hits that otherwise would have been near impossible to mindgame and predict as killer. No survivor ever expects this perk either so you won't see people trying to counter it. Legion only needs to outplay survivors once after they are injured which paired with their shortness, this perk really shines on them. It even helps a little if you frenzies too early and survivors try to juke you when you can't see their scratches.

    This perk is awesome and I'm surprised nobody mentioned it already.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Thrilling Tremors, Surge, Dying Light, and Bamboozle. Add ons are Cold Dirt and Joeys Mixtape. The add ons make this cool down much faster and can catch a lot of people off guard. The other 4 perks are standard Legion stuff but are all passive so you can continue pressuring survivors. I use this build whenever I want to use the cool down add ons and I've never lost.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    I'd reccomend using both of Legion's duration add ons. Legion has insane map pressure when he has enough time to go after the entire team across the map.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I quite like Unnerving Presence / Distressing / Discordance and Whispers. Great for disorienting Survivors who are used to a standard terror radius and for those extra special occasions Iridescent Button for Survivor confusion most of the match

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Few things to be wary if you do decide to run this:

    - Ruin is still a HEX and you can't rely in it all game.

    - Monitor adds TR so sometimes you'll be a bit far away. Especially without add-ons. If you don't INSTANTLY detect anyone, cancel FF and chase that first survivor.

    - Sometimes this build is better with being aggressive to generators, rather than survivors. If Ruin is broken, then kicking a generator is the better choice. I specialise in slowing the game when I play killer.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    Sloopy Butcher/Thana/Dying Light/Blood Echo

    There you go, toxic but probably effective

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Spirit fury, enduring, bbq, pop I use cold dirt and either iri button or green sketch book makes fools of pallet wasters. I love hitting someone in frenzy following them to a pallet with sf up and Bam on the floor

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Thana, Dying Light, PGTW, Surge.