Why is Watching DBD Videos more Entertaining Than Playing...

This may just reflect my own personal experiences lately, but I've found it increasingly more difficult to actually have fun in the game. Instead, I've turned my passion to watching more DBD videos and specific content creators such as Monto, who provide a different outlook on the game and a sort of hilarious comedic element which I find intriguing. That put aside, I want to know what's causing this lack of inspiration to actually play the game - are others experiencing similar occurrences? Is it just me? Honestly, I love DBD to death and also despite the bugs, I've been thoroughly enjoying the mobile port. However, I just can't shake these feelings of boredom...

It really angers me, because I'm on these forums for more of my day than I am on DBD itself.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I've never been a huge fan of watching DBD on youtube, although I'm just one guy. Wonder what the rest of the forums think.

  • kkkk
    kkkk Member Posts: 1

    Feeling the same,especially after last weekend when I have faced 3 bm swfs in a row in 5 games.(Don't tell me swfs are not that common,I checked their profiles and they are all friends)

    p.s. English is not my native language so sry for any gramatic mistakes

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    There are days I want to play for 6 hours, days I want to just watch Otz play, and days I don't care about DBD at all. It's really just about your mood? Idk, but I will say DBD is one of the only games I've ever enjoyed watching someone else play. I could never understand people who'd rather just watch. However, in this game, watching different people gives you different perspectives on how to play, and since the games can have various outcomes, sometimes funny, sometimes anger inducing, etc -- it's actually entertaining and a learning experience. DBD has a certain something that many other games don't, which is proven by the thousands who tune into watch those streamers. And if it ever gets balanced appropriately, I could see it being a e-sport. It would be a lot of work though and hinge on how popular DBD stays years down the road.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    Yes indeed. I have only ever been able to thoroughly enjoy DBD gameplay, and not many other games. Yes its popularity determines a great deal of things, indeed, but personally playing has been rather boring lately...

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Because both Killer and Solo surv are stressful and unfair as #########. It's sometimes dreadful thinking of playing the game and watching someone else play removes that stress.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    CowsIAm is the funniest DBD YouTuber. No competition.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842
  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    With th exception of HybridPanda videos and Ohmwrecker I don't watch DBD videos. The experience of playing is much better, and I can have my own viewbof mini stories that evolve within each trial.

    I've heard of other streamers such as Otzdava who are also chilled and enjoyable to watch on the couple of videos I've seen, but I don't get a sense of storytelling from them (from what I've seen his videos appeal more to those who want a greater understanding of the ways to play and tactics). Plus, some others I watched just grated on me too much.

  • TheFrog
    TheFrog Member Posts: 56

    It’s because they can’t balance anything.

    A minor list of what’s stupid and needs fixing:

    1) SWF will always beat Killers and Killers always beat SOLO Q, the game should be fair, a swf should not be able to massively bully a killer just like a killer shouldn’t be able to always 4K a SOLO Q. (My opinion)

    2) They don’t make killers fair to verse, LF can be so far away from me and still be able to get me with his tantrum, it shouldn’t be as long as it is and he shouldn’t be able to move as fast/far as he does. He can get someone further away then 3x the distance of Myers EW3 lunge which is complete stupidity. (Yes I make him bump into objects but he’s just right back on me)

    3) Spirit.... just gonna leave this here.

    4) Gen Speeds are absurdly fast especially playing against a SWF.

    5) 90% of the perks in the game are pure trash so everyone needs to use the same sweaty and toxic metas just to win and curse anyone who doesn’t use them because they don’t want to be a [BAD WORD]

    6) Tunneling and Camping killers (ITS NOT SKILL OR A TECHNIQUE ITS YOU JUST BEING THAT AFRAID OF LOSING THAT YOU DO ANYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO MAKE THE GAME WOTSE FOR EVERYONE) (this one hits close to home if you didn’t pick that up)

    7) Survs who hook suicide on their first hook because “oh no I got downed, well screw this game onto the next where I hopefully won’t get hooked at all”

    8) Last but certainly not least. DCs, for the love of god stop DCing because you got downed first, it ruins the game for everyone else. And please give more them 600 BP to those left, give them a boost to atleast make black pip.

    Thank you for coming to my TED TALK.

    (close to just uninstalling the game because I’m done with the amount of bs that comes with it)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Most of your points are just opinion-based. Most of the others are player issues that BHVR has no way to solve.

  • TheFrog
    TheFrog Member Posts: 56

    Never said it wasn’t was just stating why this game is more entertaining to watch and not play.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    I really like watching Fungoose play he is very good and he talks so fast about everything going on in the game and what is about to happen, it's quite amusing. He reads the game so well.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited August 2020

    You also said it was BHVR's fault for not "fixing" these issues even though most are just opinion-based. To me, that indicates you think they're objective problems with the game.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited August 2020
    1. Because its usually a best of as opposed to every game they played. At least on youtube.
    2. The better you are at the game the more fun your going to get out of it since this game punishes mistakes heavily. So a lot of popular streamers and youtuber's who have a lot more experience then average players will often have more exciting games.
    3. Experiment with weird builds but dont expect instant results. Even monto and I'm paraphrasing when I say this states in order to try different builds you will experience more losses. But if you do get your weird build to pop off like 5 stacks autodidact then its incredible. So my advice is to try and move away from meta perks and focus on trying out weird builds to add some spice to your dbd experience.
  • TheFrog
    TheFrog Member Posts: 56

    A lot of the problems I listed can actually be fixed, here’s some ideas

    2-3, Put together because basically the same thing: They can Nerf the clearly Meta killers so that they become on par with the non metas and so that the game is balanced around 2 sacrifices and 2 escapes (which is what it should be according to BHVR)

    4) They can definitely fix gen speeds by just slowing them down a bit

    5) They can buff the non metas or Nerf the meta perks

    7) Pretty sure they were already trying to fix this issue by trying to implement the skill checks on hooks like PHs cage

    8) I already mentioned a way to fix this, give a little boost to make black pip to those that are left.

    HOLY COW would you look at that, 6/8 of the problems I listed can be helped. Well damn who’s have thunk huh? Not you that’s for sure :)

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    Couldn't be more accurate. It's scary to even consider matchmaking nowadays; you're too afraid that the tiniest mishap in your gameplay will amount to a massive loss or penalty out of nothing but pure effort. Ashamed to say it, but it's stressful even contemplating playing sometimes.

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253

    Usually when I get burnt out and stop playing I still enjoy watching Scott Jund and Otz. Your comment sounds to me that you need something to spice up your matches like Monto does with various funny or gimmicky builds he does, if you main killer start playing more survivor or vice versa or switch your meta perks for some niche perks and have a mission to make it work.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Why is watching football more entertaining than playing it (for some people)?

    Personally, I like to play. Never found the appeal in watching, but I do watch sometimes while waiting for a queue.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Side note I watch a lot more DBD then play because even as I speak I'm still in queue.Why is the queue times longer then the actual games I will never understand. Give me a quick play option already!

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Im right there with you as i watch monto as well and he does add that sense of comedy to it and its fun to sit back and just watch other people.

    With MMR being so all over the place its hard to get a good game now adays.

    Im rank 1 on killer and survivor and im always paired with high ranks which is no fun on either side. Either im steam rolling over babies or i run the killer for 3 minutes and all 3 potatoes on my team are just crouch walking around everywhere.

    Either way its not fun to physically play DBD atm.

  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 280

    You don’t easily get burned out from watching dbd video’s tbh 😐