What WOULD the killer versions of the survivors be like?

And how would the current roster of killers be as survivors?


  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    There's a high amount of wiggle room for body horror with survivor killers. Entity junk sticking out of them, faces contorted. Just plain corrupted bodies. Would be kinda neat to go the leatherface route with them. Like, they all start out locked and you're just a seething mass of Entity until you sacrifice like, 100 survivors of that type. Then you unlock corrupted versions of that survivor, plus store cosmetics.

    I creeped myself out with that one. gg.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
    edited July 2020

    I imagine Zarina with a camera for part of her head and have surveillance equipment and microphones in her design with some crazy stalking ability, nobody could hide from the twisted reporter that Zarina became.

    I also imagine Nea traveling through twisted murals painted on the walls of maps like Demo and his portals but since her Survivor perks are more stealth oriented having her be a stealthy killer, kinda like a combo of Ghostface and Demo. Or she would straight up be the entity and lean into the joke lol

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Bill as L4D Smoker. Or Tank. Either or.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 965

    Where were ya all answering this when I asked almost the same question. Albeit, it was the og survivors only 🤦‍♂️. Survivor's Revenge

  • MottledElm
    MottledElm Member Posts: 85

    Nea is the entity

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Honestly, I could see Claudette being some sort of killer that involves plants. Like she can place down plants that when triggered cause some serious harm, whether nasty status effects or injuring, with her perks being aimed at really messing people who are healing or otherwise being altruistic (maybe one of her perks lets her coat her hooks with some rancid plants that make them broken or something?). For her appearance I imagine her basically infested with all sorts of vines and thorns coated in a black tar-like liquid, like how abandoned houses get reclaimed by nature.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101
    edited July 2020

    Demogorgon - A creature from another world, able to manipulate electronic devices and feed upon his comrades. His perks - Surge, Feast and Cruel limits allow him to accelerate generator progression, heal by injuring other survivors and limit killer's movement.

    Crawling animation -

    When he gets injured he makes a map-wide roar noise.

    When he gets downed, he makes a hissing noice.

    Everytime he stuns a killer, he makes a roar noise and mouth opens,


    1) Surge - Grants an ability to accelerate generator progression by accumulating energy once per trial. Press active ability button while working on a generator with at least 50%/45%/40% of progression to accumulate 15%/20%/25% of generator progression and remove 50%/45%/40% of this generator progression. Press active ability button again while working on generator to surge it with accumulated energy and add extra progression to that generator. The perk deactivates after usage. One generator can be surged only once.

    2) Feast - Their loss is your gain. Press active ability button while healing an injured survivor for at least 3 seconds to put that survivor into dying state and heal yourself by one health state. That survivor is unable to move or recover for 20 seconds and killer cannot pick that survivor up for the duration of the effect. *Demogorgon and other survivors will be using different animations for that perk*

    3) Cruel Limits - Once per trial, if you complete a generator within killer's terror radius, create a circle of energy with a range equal to killer's terror radius that does not allow killer to enter or leave it for 20 seconds.

    Post edited by Justalittlepeeck on
  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    guess the thread drowned as mine did originally :/

    it could be some mixture of plague and trapper, like that surv get poisoned when stepping on a blossomtrap.

    Mori would probably evolve a venus flytrap or chestbuster-flowers.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    New thought: If we restrict it to killer versions of survivors, who'd have a whip like weapon?

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Dwight would be a sort of Chameleon.

    like, he could turn into fake gens, totems or chests, grab a survivor when they try to interact with him and either give chase or put them into a sleeping state and take their form. their aura would dim (as in only be visible if you're nearby) and you can pick them up, breaking dwight's disguise. if not, the disguise will break if he attacks a survivor. While in disguise he can un-repair gens, meaning it'd look like he's helping, but he's breaking it slowly.

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    I could totally see Kate being a siren. Luring unsuspecting survivors in with her music and then caving their skulls in with her guitar xD

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769
    edited July 2020

    if it helps i remember this old tumblr blog called "Alive By Nightfall" or something that had role reversals. Like David was this massive brawler with a gold tooth, bear skin around his neck, brass knuckles with spikes on em (also very hot but uh, moving on). Idk if it still exists but I loved it.

    EDIT: I found the blog of the creator and their idea for Killer David:

    "Power: Suckerpunch: uses those bear-teeth brass knuckles to deck a survior with deadly force.

    Intimidation: Your strength practically radiates off of you; Survivors within your terror radius become 50/60/70% louder, at tier 3 injured survivors have a 50% chance of screaming in your terror radius

    Hunt and Crave: You become obsessed with one survivor. This is a hex perk, meaning it can be destroyed. Every time you hit your obsession and let them escape, gain up to 5 tokens. At 3 tokens, you can see the aura of your obsession and any survivors within 2 meters of them. at 5, you can kill your obsession and put any survivors within 5 meters of them in a dying state.

    That all you got?: while carrying a survivor, the harder they struggle, the faster you get. Decisive Strike is a harder skill check that can appear anywhere on the screen, but the survivor has two chances to hit it.

    Mori: David walks around the downed survivor intimidatingly before dragging them to their knees, grinding his fists together before hitting their head clean off their shoulders."

    Bearing in mind this is in a world with none of the existing perks except DS from Michael instead of Laurie.

    For the blog, check here. you may have to go digging for a it.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Know what? Have Caleb as Survivor:


    Caleb Quinn (Survivor)

    It was just a whim, a voice in Caleb's head that had him be wary of the Warden's deal. *Greedy people only see each other as humans* it said *he's not on your side and never will be*. Caleb listened to the voice, and declined the offer. When a prison riot erupted not too long after, Caleb had a hunch that this was just a facade to get back at him. He was right, and having been right he was not just able to ward the attempt on his life off, but also slip out of Hellshire's walls in all the chaos.

    Swearing vengeance he became an outlaw, set on making the lives of Bayshore and the Warden as miserable as he could. This game of cat and mouse lasted for four years, till one fateful night Caleb decided to break into Bayshore's private office, having heard Bayshore not only held on to letters to the warden that would prove their guilt, but also Caleb's original designs Bayshore had sold as his own.

    Cracking the safe was child's play, but Caleb had made a mistake. To late did he realise that while the information was correct, it had also been purposefully planted to lure him into a trap that brought him face to face with Henry Bayshore once more. In the ensuing fight Caleb shot Bayshore, but not after the office had caught fire. Grabbing what he had come for Caleb scrambled for the window, unaware that Bayshore was still alive.

    That he learned when a bullet ripped through his knee and he fell off the high window ledge.

    Only to awake in a gloomy, damp forest with pain in his leg and nothing in sight but a flickering campfire in the distance


    Luck o' the Irish

    You have a 5/10/25% chance of spawning next to a Hex Totem or the hatch, but also a 4% chance of spawning next to the killer.

    Eccentric Engineer

    If you do not bring an item into the trial, you can upgrade an item you find in a chest to a higher level in exchange gaining the Broken and/or Exposed status (both if upgraded to Iridescent) until the item is depleted by you or another survivor.

    Bayshore's Folly

    Each time you are chased by the killer you gain a token. Starting at 2 tokens you gain a speed boost during chases until the killer loses sight of you. At 5 tokens you gain an additional struggle phase upon after being hooked. The counter resets if you are knocked down within the first 5 seconds of a chase.

    Increases the chance of becoming the obsession

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I want to see Dwight all muscle and hulked up throwing lockers at survivors

    While wearing the tattered remains of his elf costume

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't know about the rest, but I'm fairly certainly Nea would be some horrifying eldritch monster that feeds on hope and fear in order to grow strong enough to consume reality.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I've genuinely wondered about how time space works in the realm, and what survivors might be like if they caved in to killing. Here's a rough idea for Dwight Fairfield:

    Killer: The Disappeared

    Weapon: A blackened, single-handed sword that materialises out of the fog when swung, and dissipates afterwards.

    Power: A stealth ability that turns Dwight into a greyish mist for a short period. Works like a time-limited Wraith power, with the downside of short usage, but upside of being able to pass through solid objects.


    Unbonded: A successful hit severally reduces any aura-reading ability, including regular hooks. Does not cancel out the ability alltogether, and a survivor becoming hooked causes the "failed skill check" explosion that can be seen by survivors, so the hook isn't completely visible, thereby rendering the perk not so overpowered.

    Better Alone: Survivors have a minor increase in solo gen speed, but drastically reduced efficiency when working with other survivors on gens

    You're Not Here: An obsession gains a minor speed boost to any action other than gens, but if within a survivor falls within a certain radius of the obsession, their actions can be heavily slowed, with exception to gens.

    These are rough, on-the-spot ideas, but likewise alternative forms of survivors could be a lot of fun!

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310


    Weapon: Drug Dropper. Dwight will drug his boss victims and they will all see each other as the killer.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Alternatively, let me pick back up what I mused before:

    The Chameleon - Dwight Fairfield

    Weapon: The Mimic - A shapeless sphere of shadows than can change into the weapons of other killers

    Secondary Power: Mimicry: Turn into an object of your choice: Generator, Locker, Totem, Pallet. You become immobile till you step out of your disguise or a survivor tries to interact with you. If they do, you can either attack them or encase the survivor in a cocoon of shadows and take their shape. while in the guise of another survivor you can interact with generators and totems, recessing respectively rebuilding them. if you attack a survivor of if the caught survivor manages to break free or is broken free the mimicry ends.


    Living Shadow: Gain a boost to your speed when walking on 'shadowed' tiles.

    Now you see me : when staying close to obstacles such as walls, you TR is reduced.

    What you see... : After hooking a survivor twice all of their movements will leave scratchmarks.

  • feathery
    feathery Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2020

    David King - "The Beast" - a hulking and muscled brute whose body is covered in strange, undulating tattoos. (Think: the Eaters from Digimon Cybersleuth). He has filthy gauze draping from his body and a bottle lodged in his right eye. The heavy scarring over much of his visage makes him almost faceless, but for the twisted and ingrown teeth jutting from his perpetually bleeding maw.

    Weapon: Brass Knuckles - he swings his large, almost simian arms in a wide arc to deliver a brutal roundhouse

    Power: Dust Up (it takes two hits to bring survivors into the 'dying' state. However, for the rest of the game, they are afflicted by the 'Broken' status effect and can never be fully healed)

    Hard Death: Increase lunge range by 1/2/3 meters when you have Bloodlust.

    Just a Scratch: If a survivor fails a healing skill check, the one who screams gains the Hemorrhage status until they hooked and has their aura revealed for 4/5/6 seconds.

    Nobody Lives Forever: Reduces the attack cooldown by 5%/10%/15%. When a Survivor is unhooked outside of your terror radius, you do not lose bloodpoints.