This is gonna sound dumb but I dont think trappers traps should be invisible

What I mean by this is I feel its unfair that his traps can become invisible and be clipped underneath through floor boards like you have no idea that they were there. Like how am I suppose to know they are there? Check every possible tile that a trap can possibly be at. And before anybody says anything, no this is not a "nerf trapper he too OP". More like a "this just happened to me so Im going to the forums to complain because I have nothing else better to do with my life"
no he is weak. All his traps should invisible. Maybe survivors think trapper will be scary
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the whole point of trapper is you are ment to go slow and steady or end up deady, thats part of why most good trappers will usually let the first gen or 2 pop during setup and avoid long chases.
if anything his traps need a buff not a nerf his weakest "darken traps" addon needs to be baseline along with his trap setting speed and his 2 bonus traps bag, give him those base line and i could see trapper becoming C or even B tier.
likewise same issue with demo, his portals can be strong and his presence can be just as strong but whats holding him back is some addons are awful yet required to play him, making rats tail and liver baseline and buffing some of his yellow and green addons slightly would bump him up pretty well, a C tier at least, maybe even B tier if they gave him 2 free placed portals near opposite sides of the map.
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That is a bug. Record it and report it so it can be fixed.
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This man is complaining about how their is certain spots on maps where you can lay a trap down and it literally will disappear under the floor. Like i know one of the doorways in the preschool is like that. When you put the trap down on a certain board it will hide itself under the board and its literally invisible.
The ormond main building has a doorway like this as well where you can hide a trap under the floor.
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got some proof to back that up? if so would be worth a bug report
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Yeah go to youtube and watch trapper main otzdarva if you watch a couple of his games you'll see him put traps down and he literally says it as he does it. Guys incase you didnt know you put a trap right here and it goes through the floor. Lol the devs know about this but theres a bunch of spots in a bunch of maps.
Then again how many good trappers do you go against that actually know about these spots? To be honest i wouldnt even know about them had i not watched otzdarva
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I'll try and get pictures next time. I've seen many trapper players do this. Hell I'm postive I've seen Otz do this so I figured it was intended but yea ig I'll get a pic next time
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Tbh I find trappers presence scary. I avoid shack unless I know for sure that all his traps are dismantled there. Trapper is one of the only killers for me that make me scared for where I go because 1 wrong step and its over.
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I was bored so i went and found an example.
This is otz on youtube. If you go to 2:30 in the video you can see hes about to down jane after she steps in his trap. You see him reset the trap and this is what it looks like after its reset.
Just one of many spots out there like this.
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Unless his trap is clipped under the ground, how visable do you want these traps? It's kinda unfair if you can see his traps 5m away so you just run around it.
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I was gonna say the same thing, I've seen a few spots in shack with broken floorboards that you can place it. Also a few spots on the new map I always thought it was by design that they could do that.
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The devs regularly remove these kinds of traps. If you see one you can always report it in the bug reports sub forum.
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I could care less about invisible traps, how about we not report it and let the devs work on more important things or the next hotfix is gonna have patched traps but then they'll be like we didnt have time to fix sh1t that matters like auras or flashlights or MMR. Long list of bugs atm and traps not important.
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Just because somebody reports something doesn't mean it will take full priority.
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There is a difference between hidden and invisible. There are plently of good hidden traps that you won't see unless your right next to it. But its not fair to have them invisible and you just happen to step in it because it was underneath the ground and looked like it wasnt there.
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I wouldn't be against darkening the traps, but I feel like full invis would be very frustrating to go against.
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Invisible traps are not intended and are therefore also bugs. I don’t have a problem with them personally since I’m a Trapper main lmao, and feel like there are bigger issues to look at first, but they’re not there by design so reporting them is perfectly valid.
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I have always had mixed feelings on this. On one hand invisible traps are really annoying and kinda cheap feeling. On the otherhand..... Without the darkening addon they stick out like a sore thumb wherever theyd be useful to place. Even with the darkening addon some maps just are really unfriendly to his traps. Honestly without this "bug" i dont really see his traps working out half as good as they are now.....