I'm getting tired of this game

I started playing this game several months ago on ps4 when it was free with ps-plus. I liked it and played it a lot, especially as killer. I used doc (pre-buff) and hag (mainly her perks) to get to rank 1. The more I played the more I noticed that it was a survivor-sided game and also many people online thought the same. Over the time the developers did some improvements to make it easier for killers but the situtation didn't changed that much. A couple of weeks ago I bought a gaming pc and the game was on sale for 7,50 € on steam so I decided to buy it, because (although all the issues) I still have fun playing the game. But then I discovered that at the beginning of the game you have unlocked 7 survivors and only 5 killers, also among them there aren't hag and doc. So my question is: how is someone supposed to play this game as killer? You are in disadventage and you have only 5 killers, so either you buy other killers with real money or you play a lot to get iridescendt shards to unlock them.

Now i don't now what to do: keep playing the game, getting destroyed by survivors at mid-high ranks? (because also the matchmaking is pretty bad). I hope not to be the only one facing these issues.


  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Not really, i play pretty much all the killers without great troubles and i started learning all the killers that i didnt knew, it takes time but its nice

    So play and learn youre not gonna get destroyed all the time and if a killers power helps him catching the survivors, its mostly your controls and mind games that ends the chase

    Beside most of the dlcs have huge discounts in summer and around Halloween so eh

    The number of free survivors doesnt change much over the number of free killer when you play the game...i mean you then have to up bill if you want BR or UB or nea if you want Urban Evasion, being the best perk in the game and everyone should totaly have it

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Keep playing, get shards and get the killer without spending money.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Tell that to people who think "most survivors are potatoes", "SWF does not exist" and game is killer-favored.

    People don't even play both sides at high rank and judge.

  • Bregobrocco
    Bregobrocco Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for the advice, i think I'll start playing Billy (even tho he was nerfed) and nurse but I won't buy new killers with real money. It will be pain at the beginning but I hope it will be useful.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Keep your money, and time (if you don't have plenty). Because even with best killers/perks, it ain't changing much.

    Game is survivor-sided and they almost always have the upper hand the control the flow of the game.

  • Bregobrocco
    Bregobrocco Member Posts: 7

    The "problem" is that I still have fun playing the game as killer, sometimes I meet nice people but most of the time are toxic survivors with no reason. People saying that I was tunneling when I wasn't because I don't have fun doing it, or simply idiots writing random insults (doesn't matter if I won or lost or how many people I killed). I won't spend any money because I don't want to.

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    I've heard Civilization is pretty good

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2020

    This is very, very common experienced by literally every Killer player. It gets only worse and not better especially since the devs keep nerfing Killers.

    Take a look at this topic I made about how entitled and e-bullies those survivors are: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/1509383#Comment_1509383

    But the nutshell (tl;dr) is: You can camp, mori, tunnel, use all add ons (iri head etc.) and play however you want. Don't care for survivors and them calling you a tunneler or BS rules they made up when they literally don't hold back and abuse everything, and even more! They use communication (SWF) which is basically cheating. So don't mind them, you are not a toxic or bad player for using anything they are just e-bullies that don't care about your enjoy-ability.

    This is why I tell you: Decide now if this game is worth the time and/or money. It still is going worse way.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    You're complaining here yet you got the game for free on playstation, which is usually £30 btw .. and then you got it on steam with a discount. Sure maybe hag and doc should be included because they are included on PS4 but why do you expect the game to be free? Why not invest in the DLC that interests you the most? Or take your time to learn how to play the other killers that are available.

  • Bregobrocco
    Bregobrocco Member Posts: 7

    The problem is that the game is not free, so you shouldn't expect to have so many advantages by paying dlcs. And also survivors have access to almost all the meta perks without buying anything while the killers don't (even tho there are good perks already at the beginning). The other issue is that you don't need to buy a survivor with real money because you need only their perks and you can buy those with iridescent shards. While every killer has an unique playstyle and abilities (and also perks), you can actuallly buy one but for 9000 i.s. and some are even locked with real money (which i think is bs). I'm not saying it's a pay-to-win game because both killers and survivors must be good at the game, regardless of perks and abilities. What I'm saying is that the game itself doesn't induce you to play killer, I simply don't like the fact that after buying the game i have to spend more money to make things easier. Anyway, as I wrote earlier, I'll start playing with Billy and nurse hoping to imrove with them.

  • Drywatr
    Drywatr Member Posts: 135

    The characters you have to buy with real money are liscensed... And killer is not hard once you've mastered 1 to at least know the basics of the others. And for someone who got 2 copies of the game basically free you have no right to whine about dlc. Go play a $60 game that also charges dlc lol.

  • Bregobrocco
    Bregobrocco Member Posts: 7

    If you think that's a good argument to defend a not-free game with this kind of dlcs is wrong. I got the first one for free and the second for sale but that doesn't change the fact that the game is not free and so dlcs shouldn't work like that. The last sentence doesn't make any sense so I don't even know what to say.

  • Drywatr
    Drywatr Member Posts: 135

    The dlc is optional. And most you can get for free. Dont like it? Quit the game because they have to charge for liscensed characters.

  • Boomer_Zoomer
    Boomer_Zoomer Member Posts: 29

    You can do what I did trying to start at a bad time. Buy Leatherface for BBQ and use it to get points.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I would still consider buying the licensed killer with money on discounts cause thats the only way to get them, beside Bubba having Chilli and Bbq.

    Also everyone complains about Billy but honestly hes fine, his nerf didnt change much to his base kit so dont be scared

    Trapper can be a lot of fun to play after you watched a fiew vidéos with tricks and traps :)

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    Well to get the non-licensed killers you can spend 9000 iridescent shards which doesn't take that long to reach to be honest, so to buy non-licensed killers but having to farm them is fine if you're opposed to paying. Even if you don't want to do that, you can wait for the shrine for perks that may be there. I'd say the only perks you'd really need from non-licensed killers which you won't have to spend real money on are ruin and/or PGTW and possibly corrupt intervention. I don't know if I missed any but I believe these perks are all good. To buy cannibal to get BBQ & Chilli I swear that DLC is only £4 anyway. So it's not necessarily pay to make it easier and it shouldn't put you off playing killer - if you enjoy the game enough, you will either pay for the DLCs or farm them with iridescent shards. The licensed killers are fun but you're not missing out on much. Good luck with billy and nurse though!

  • Bregobrocco
    Bregobrocco Member Posts: 7

    Thanks everyone for the advices