New Matchmaking System works great (thus far), a big thank you to BHVR

The new Matchmaking System is so great, as a player who plays both sides this is the most fun I have had in a long, long time!
First, the queue times are tremendously shorter.
Second, the skill level between players is considerably diverse, meaning you will meet 1-2 bad team mates at most. This works perfect for both sides in my opinion and is the epitome of "balance".
Now keep in mind, I have been playing survivor lately and haven't played killer much -because I am that happy that I can finally get non totally useless team mates that don't even do gens- but, from the killer games I have played I notice I get the same sweaty SWF most of the time with the queue times being slightly lower.
Moreover on killers: I haven't touched the Hag in a long long while, yet I still had a nasty SWF team.. I am guessing old Ranks take into effect when you haven't data on certain killer?
So, BHVR, this is a big THANK YOU for your effort! Amidst all the toxic negative crap that comes from spoiled kids (who, let's be honest, most likely survivor-mains that never touch killers), I wanted to tell you: we are GRATEFUL for your EFFORTS. THANK YOU.
That's it, thanks for reading.
I've been getting longg queue times and I never used to I always had instant q. I'm killer who used to get instant q but now even up to 15 minutes.
I get many new survivors can't play and occasional VPN sweat squads from asia I think this matchmaking is realllly bad.
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I just had a game of clearly very experienced survivors against a brown rank newbie killer. I felt awful for them and wouldn't be surprised if it puts new people off playing. The new matchmaking system is not good.
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It's working great so far for me!
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No i don't think so.
First of all, my queue time as killer is increased tremendously.
Second, when i play experienced killer, i got paired with new players. When i play new killer, i got paired with rank 1 survivors.
So.. no, it's not working for now
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I havenโt been able to play killer yet because queues are upwards of 15 minutes, Iโve stopped trying.
My queues as survivor are short but I keep getting placed with people who have between 0 and 50 hours in the game and play accordingly. I think Iโve only played one match so far that felt fair.
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For me it's awful. I'm rank 1 both killer and survivor and killer I don't even play because all I do is just wait for a game, takes way to long. And survivor my good first days my teammates were often one red rank and two rank 15+. Today I hade a game where they were rank 19, 20, 20 and me at rank 1 and killer rank 3. Two days ago I played five games and killers rank was one rank 19 the other four all rank 20 while survivor team mostly red ranks..I did not get hooked once in those five games.
So no it's a disaster.
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โBalanceโ isnโt pairing 2 experienced survivors with 2 survivors that just bought the game.
hereโs what you said โgame is totally balanced because you get 1-2 bad survivors on your team. I love playing survivor now because my teammates arenโt totally useless. Thanks bhvr!โ
ohhhhhkayyyyy ๐ด
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Of course not. You want easy games this is the problem, you want all 3 team mates with 1000+ hours and that you put no effort at all, usual survivor main.
Play both sides for once. I haven't tried Killer yet but Survivor is balanced to me, I get 1-2 good team mates but even the news ones are useful because they actual hold M1.
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As Rank 16 Killer I get four Rank 1 Survivors.
As Rank 1 Survivor I get actual Rank 20 Killers with less than 50 hours.
Yea, great matchmaking!
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Exact same experience as me. Killer queue times are much longer for me now. Survivor queue times are almost instant but the matches are not balanced.
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I guess it takes time to read your skills,right? I started playing after couple weeks break cos i was on holiday but so far got really easy games on both sides, hope this systek will remember previous games far I had no challenge at all
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Still haven't played Killer yet, but Survivor queue are almost instant and matches seems balanced.
Can you explain why are they not balanced? What is your definition of "balanced"? All four survivors should be equally good?
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nice bait
i played 4 matches with oni and i got 4 times in a row bad survivors, they couldn't even get 1 single gen done.
as soon as i played nurse, which i don't play her since weeks, i got sweaty rank 1 survivors.
even as a survivor, you meet braindead people and killers have barely yellow perks. they messed up everything again. it's reverse time!
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My experience last night was horrible, I played for 5 hours yesterday and every single match I was the only red rank being paired with people who did not know how toi play the game.
I mean, they literally were not doing gens, hiding scared, trying to heal while infected by plague, too scared to go for hook saves etc.... absolute terrible experience last night, tried killer, the survs wouldnt even do gens! I literally stopped playing and went play STreets of Rage 4.
No one knew how to play, some had less than 100 hours in the game.
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"Second, the skill level between players is considerably diverse, meaning you will meet 1-2 bad team mates at most. This works perfect for both sides in my opinion and is the epitome of "balance"."
I really hope this is satire because that's not "balance" whatsoever.
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I am personally not having the best experience with MMR, but I guess it will be a matter of giving it time. If things don't get better in a week I may as well lose my hope.
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Takes ten games for MM to work properly.
Also, everything is a bait to some hear-say people like you.
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Well I dunno the secret ingredient but Iโve been playing as a Rank 3 killer and using Killers I donโt normally use and have thankfully been having good games. Survivors and me are making mistakes and learning. Sadly, I have more โotherโ killer experience so I usually 4K after I warm up to my power. I basically only play 7 killers consistently and with confidence. Now Iโm finally able to work out some other killers without getting bullied.
So for me, thanks devs, Im having more fun since MMR dropped then Iโve had since DS released~
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The devs honestly should be more transparent on how the MMR works though, that we all agree on..
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I dunno what you mean but I can guarantee that a group of human beings will never agree on anything lol๐
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I mean they should be exact on what parameters the algorithm takes and based on what it does the "matchmaking" process, instead of just "new matchmaking is on, we been collecting data y'all!".
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MMR has vastly improved my experience. It also helps further an earlier point that the ranking system was not a good measure of talent. There are yellow rankers far better than some purple or red rankers, amd this is starting to show now.
Personally, BHVR have made a genuinely good improvement to the game.
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Glad you having good time, however, I didnt even see any yellow or purple. Last night, for hours upon hours I was the only red rank in games full of rank 15-rank 20 and it was terrible. Hoping its better tonight. The game is matching up people like me with 1000s of hours with people with less than 50 hours. There is never going to be a reason to pair people with 9000+ hours with people who have 42, 42 hours.... 42.. ??
That is broken.
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who paid you and how much?
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So, is that to do with the platform you're on? I'm on Xbox, and I'm guessing by the details you gave me, you are on PC?
Is it plausable that those 47 hour profiles were newly-made profiles by experienced players who go on a crushing spree, or maybe new people who had some successful matches, resulting in their MMR score being too high, hence throwing them in with you?
Also, what was their skills actually like? I ask that because before I started this game I had watched quite a few videos and having learned certain skills and experimenting, I was beating some purple ranks with less than 24 hours. Either that was me being a fast learner, or the purple ranks played trash. So sometimes time doesn't make someone better or worse. Even those Youtubers who play this for a living make heavy mistakes.
You also do bring in a decent point with MMR and early ranks: Should MMR have some ability to match those who have fewer hours with each other? If it doesn't, ought it take this into account?
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Lol well it's not working for most of us. Maybe you're just more of a casual player who doesnt mind the imbalanced MM in the first place?
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Are you being sarcastic right? Because its completely the opposite. As a rank 1 killer my queue times are a bit longer and the MM face me with new players with gray rank... And as a solo survivor is even worse.
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I still got 10 - 15 minutes wait as killer
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๐๐ is the OP sarcasm, irony or absurdism? ๐๐ The PS4 MMR is just an awful test of "how many mismatched bad games can you take?"
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Before MMR as a green ranked Killer / Survivor I'd be matched against red ranks on an intermittent yet regular basis
After MMR as a green ranked Killer / Survivor I am matched against red ranks every single match without fail guaranteed 100% of the time
So yeah MMR has ramped up the toxicity exponentially
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I only have the sample size of 6 matches (2 survivor, 4 killer) in the new system so far but my experience has been quite the opposite. Solo queue survivor has been a mess for a while now but I had the easiest teams against my main killers. Maybe it'll get better with more games.
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My biggest issue thus far hasn't been the quality of the people, it's been that the queues are LONGER not shorter.
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just got an idea about managing swf without taking them out of the game, killers who frequently when survivor are in lobbies of 3 or 4 players should be given higher priority to be the killer against 3 or 4 playe rlobbies while they are playing the killer while those who duo or especially usually play solo survivor are least likely paired with those over other killers when they queue up as a killer. swf somewhat resolved. if they can dish it out then they can surely take it, plus theyw ould have the benefit of the experience of playing in a large group and understanding the mindset would be a better match for them as well as just deserving to deal with it over somebody that solo queues their own survivor or rarely plays larger tha a duo compared to their accumulative total of survivor matches in their recent weeks to their current queue. That would leave some room for reform so that as a killer you wouldn't be prioritized for the swf lobbies forever once you change your survivor ways. Fair and balanced. Nike says just do it.
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you ONLY playing survivor dosent give you the right to tell them to play a diffrent side for once lol, a good match making system would put all good survivors against a good killer or all newbie survivors with a newbie killer, I'm sure the match making will get better after some time tho
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with my main killer,pig, i cknstantly get low rank survs, actually i suspect they are new players,it ends up in absokutely non challenging wins,so no fun at all for me and big frustration for survs...this dynamic is making me highly bored with the game
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they would need to update future rift challenges to consider that killers would eventually get no more potato filling in the random spot on a 3 man lobby, and no more potato swf meaning every single swf they'd go up against would be a nightmare once their mmr got too high. rift challenges such as kill all 4 by any means or before doors are powered would all need to be lowered by one count, such as never dealing with a kill all 4 rift challenge ever again at least never one that is a roadblock to progress on a rift rather than a branched off optional one. 4 should become 3, 3 should become 2 etc. all the difficulty should be lowered a slight notch, especially since they've already said they're gonna ruin moris down the road. "looking at them" we all know translates to "make them not be helpful in the situations you need them in if not render them useless or nearly impossible to use". remember, you don't have a game without killers. and killer was sweaty enough already, even witht he hope you'd get potatos sometimes... now there's not even that any more once you've performed too well on killer. enjoy the stress, enjoy the sweat, and remember to take your blood thinners. or just go back to survivors after mid chapter updates and let the mmr drain so that you'll be able to enjoy the next killer that comes out for at least a half dozen matches or so, so you wouldn't feel you wasted your money unless you're a masochist or the survivor in the pack has good perks.
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sounds like it working backwards.
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I have no idea on what you are on but with all due respect you are very wrong sir.
The new matchmaking is a complete joke. As a red rank w devotion 10 Getting paired with randoms who have no idea what the game is about yet is completely atrocious.