First Impressions

DietDrBass Member Posts: 19
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Okay I bought this game not even a week before this latest patch.

I enjoyed being a killer, sure the match making process was long, but I didn't have much issue against players near my rank and play time.

Winning and losing didn't feel hollow, or meaningless but rather fun and challenging.

Enter the update

I get matched with people over 100x my playtime.

As the killer, I'm finding almost no one and then get griefed with crouch spamming as they sit at the exit door taunting me, when I have 1 passive, no addons or anything equipped.

They know the lay out of the map far better than I do, noticing 100x more coordination than my previous games

Their equipped far better than I am, I'm carrying around brown equipment, and they're purple and red, how's that actually fair?


edit:It's even worse for the fact that I can't complete literally any challenges, I get scraps for blood points because I can't even get to these players who know where I am at all times since I'm basically lvl 1 on most killers.

Yes, it should be challenging to beat the survivors, not **impossible**


As the survivor, I'm getting found in less than a heart beat by the killer, and then paraded around for about 5 minutes while my team mates leave me to die.

Either the killer in question throws me on the ground several times, or puts me on the hook and waits for me to die

I then, BOTH WAYS, end up only gaining what? 3k blood points, while a brown common ritual bare minimum cost is 3k?

My last match as the killer, a person tried to give me a free kill when I thought they were griefing. It's so bad, I'm so inexperienced and under equipped that they have to give me mercy killings so that I don't just rage quit.

That's just terrible design. I don't honestly care what the excuses are, I paid for a product that started out good, and then immediately slaps me in the face, how else am I supposed to react?

Post edited by DietDrBass on


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    'I think we did a pretty good job so far'

  • DietDrBass
    DietDrBass Member Posts: 19

    Seriously what am I supposed to learn from hunting survivors I never find because they know exactly what to do against me?

    It's like putting Mike Tyson up against a Pre-teen, and thinking the kid is going to walk out with the tactical mind of Sun Tzu

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572
    edited August 2020

    I want to echo that I got back into the game last week after not playing since a handful of hours at launch and the games post update have been absolutely miserable. Games were great fun and felt fair pre-update but now it feels like every killer I face just has way more map knowledge and experience than I do. Not to mention now it's guaranteed that they're crazy perked out whereas before most of the killers weren't, just like me.

  • DietDrBass
    DietDrBass Member Posts: 19

    I had those same guys in the match I mentioned earlier with the mercy killing try and convince me to keep playing.

    Like it's pretty sad when you have players begging you to just deal with terrible design choices.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    To be honest, I would advise any new player to not buy the game in its current state, or if they did, shelve it for maybe six months to a year. BHVR stated on their Twitter that they also feel new players being tossed against high-hour vets is unfair and not what they intended. And that they have some ideas forming on what to do. And that the MMR is a work in progress.

    That's the main issue. It's way too much of a "work in progress." You don't design an MMR system, have it run in the background doing data collecting and mock simulations in matches that are not using any sort of MMR system at the time, and then toss it live and hope for the best. You have to test it internally, live Beta Test it with many, many players, and tweak and adjust and redesign areas from there.

    Instead, BHVR did what I stated above (they even said how it was running in the background for months and "predicting" the outcome of matches . . . matches that weren't skill-based created in the first place, mind you) and felt confident and sent it Live.

    And this is what we have. They claim 10 matches to settle an MMR on Survivor or a specific killer. Yet, feedback is clearly showing tt isn't 10 matches, and some have counted between 30 and 40 matches before anything even started feeling "fair."

    Thirty to 40 matches might be fine for someone who just plays Survivor, but can you imagine chewing that much glass if you play, say, even five or six Killers out of the 20 that currently exist? I, for example, enjoy playing 17 of the 20.

    This MMR is more akin to a Beta state MMR system. It needs work. But BHVR is very, very slow in getting bugs fixed, never mind an MMR tweaked or areas redesigned. Thus why I advise shelving it for six months to a year. See if BHVR has their mess sorted out by then.

    I'm fairly certain I am going to be taking my own advice before this week is over.

  • DietDrBass
    DietDrBass Member Posts: 19

    It was generally fine before the update, I wasn't getting ######### stomped every. single. game.

    They should've just put it into a beta testing server and had sample sizes of randomly selected players.

    Even an incentive like a skin or something

    I'm just not going to play at all, if so, against my friends in a private match, but then again they have far more experience than I do still, so I'll still learn zip nadda.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Precisely what they should have done was a separate server test, with a large sample size, you are exactly right. And a good way to do it, given how crazy this player base is for skins, is the exclusive skin or two like you stated.

    But, this is BHVR. The same studio that bugged the living hell out of Nurse and, many months later, still haven't fixed those bugs. The same studio that fixes, then breaks, then fixes, then breaks, the audio in the game.

    I hope to be wrong, but I honestly think it's going to be close to a year before their MMR system is working as it should be, and that is only if they can get it working properly at all. Matchmaking in DbD has been a mess since the game launched, and they already tried a few Rank and Emblem versions that failed to work as intended in the past.

  • DietDrBass
    DietDrBass Member Posts: 19

    Yeah no the game lost me, I'm not sacrificing my time and energy for zero fun just for the sake of eventually getting into fair matches so I can learn the game by PLAYING it.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I can't blame you at all. As I stated earlier, I'm likely about to take my own advice and just move on. I'll just keep truckin' in Overwatch with the Friends & Family team, and do my new play-throughs of State of Decay, Alan Wake, the Telltale Walking Dead and Batman seasons, and maybe finally play the Borderlands Pre-Sequel. Hell, I might even play through the Batman Arkham series again.

    I'm nowhere near enough of a fan of DbD, despite loving playing Michael Myers, to deal with this crap.