It's just not as fun anymore...
The new MMR system has really ruined the game for me. I used to play everyday and I was a rank 1 survivor, but I am now a rank 8. Ranks don't really matter to me because if I de-pip it's normally my fault but this time its not, I keep getting put with rank 20 survivors who have 10 hours in the game while going against a rank 1 killer. This then leads to me getting into a chase, being chased for 5 minutes for them to not finish a single gen, and when I get hooked I see them all huddled in a corner doing nothing. Or it's a rank 20 killers against red ranks, I'll get into a chase, gens will get done and the killer gets humiliated. That's hardly fair nor fun and things like this normally wouldn't annoy me to the point of complianing but it's every single game.
The worse thing is that I genuinely enjoy DbD and I don't want this new MMR be the thing to make me stop playing, but it sure as hell feels like it...
Its the first Day of this New mmr system and personally i feel the matchmaking is more fair compared to pre mmr. Its definitely not perfect and should be a bit changed. But remember it is only out for 1 day and every survivor and killer need to play 10 games before mmr Will be accurate.
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I've played at least 30 games on both side.... Its really not the fair as well, how is a rank 20 killer going up against red and purple rank survivors fair? And same for visa versa. If you check most of the peoples steam profiles (obviously you cant do this for console but pc and switch are the only devices I use) they have 10-20 hours in the game, I have 3000+ hours.... That is definitely not fair
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I have to admit when playing killer yesterday I found the games far more balanced than before. Typically I'd get smashed by a rank 1-2 red team with a single low rank who are obviously smurfing to get easier games. This has become more and more common over time and resulted in really one sided matches. Typically I sit in the green to purp ranks as that's where the game is least sweaty.
Now I've gotten better and can usually 1-2 k against such teams but yesterday I didn't get a single match like that. I got games where I never felt completely outplayed, often had a 2k by game end sometimes 3-4 and generally had fun. It was probably the least toxic day in DBD history for me without any post game abuse or tantrums from opponents. I didn't feel the need to tunnel or camp because I didn't have to in order to get kills.
There is a bit of rainbow matchmaking still but generally it seemed ok. Also while trying survivor I had roughly the same experience. Although no one at level 15 or below does gens hehe. Now its early days but so far its been an improvement for me.
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The new mmr has made the game so easy I always get incredibly good teammates against a new killer.
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I think that the reason why some of us keep getting rank 20s as teammates isn't because of our own mmr, but because of theirs.
I'm sure these rank 20s haven't played much so because of that they are sent our way to have their skill tested and given that this mmr system was released recently, I'm sure that not many people have theirs set yet.
I mean I've read that some of you had already played 30 games in the very day it was released, one of you even said that you played a few hundred matches. Like no offense, but that isn't just a few matches.
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the new mmr system does not work. I notice that i get put up with low ranks all the time. people who hide in corners. not doing gens. not saving, not blocking. immediatly gets downed on chases. no it's not working. it's total bs imo. ranking gave an indicator on where people was. and matchmaking was more fair even though it had it's random matchmaking flaws. they say that ranks is not a genuine way to measure because of it depends on hours played. YES. excatly. a person with 1k hours played is better normally than a person with 10 hrs played. so they're comment just does not make sense. the rankings isn't perfect. but it was better than what we got now. also as killer i can tell who is the better survivors. and usually low ranks are way worse than high ranks in the same game!. also you don't rank up if you do your part. so yes rankings was a better indicator!
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not working like they said it does.