This new MMR System is super accurate.

I guess this company heard I just bought the game yesterday and decided to roll out a new MMR system to account for me...
They got a few good licks in there, but I still feel I won the fight.
you actually sacrificed one? good job.
17 -
"Don't worry, he's just a noob" they said.
"I Pallot stunned this guy 3 times in one chase" they said.
"Exits open and he's only hooked 1 guy! lololol" they said.
"He'd never leave a trap in the grass by the exit!" they said.
This Rank 20 may have all the Dead by Daylight skills of Potato Mac & Cheese... but he thought to leave a trap right next to the exit. ;)
16 -
I was playing against a ghost face main (or at least his name said it) and I could tell he was still learning him, I mean he is arguably one of the harder killers to learn to play if you aren't matched properly along with nurse and of course trapper. He was so upset, discouraged, was only rank 20, and said he has had nothing but bad matches... I felt so bad... But in the same hand I played against killers I had zero chance against. This system better work itself out a bit faster...
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It's a very, very strange system. I'm too new to judge it, but I can't imagine they were hoping rank 20 killers with no games under their belts would run into games after games of survivors between 1-10. They had to be trying to address some issue from well before my time and just swung to the moon on it.
On the plus side, it's OK for me... I don't mind a challenge... it just sucks for survivors who are looking for a fun match only to run circles around a potato like me while teaching me how to play the game.
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you killed a rank 9, and got 20k bp with only 1 perk on your second day with a long setup killer which you should be proud of once the frustration wears down a little lol
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you would be surprised by how often people fall for a trap inside the exit gates. not even a hidden one, just there in the middle or near the edges of the door.
"HAHA, I escaped!"
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They grow up so fast sniffle
Soon you'll be red glow mindgaming and everything
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I just can't even seem to get a Killer Que ???
Been waiting for around 30min now for a match without a single lobby...
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Update: Okay this system is starting to work. It took like 5 games to get there... I guess it's just really wonky at first.
All those PainReliever vids I watched for like a week before I bought this game seem to have taught me a little more than I thought.
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They grow up so fast. i cri evei tiem :')
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I like this 4 points in "Did you have fun" section 😂
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MMR only settles after 10 matches played. And will adjust further after that each match.
also you can’t use ranks as a single factor if matchmaking worked or not. Seeing your results, the first game wasn’t really more unfair than your 4 kill match..
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Not bad, keep it up
Watch guides if you're planning to play killer more often, they really help
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4 ds and you just bought the game, I'm so sorry
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welcome to the brotherhood of killers.
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The rankings shown don't mean much now since the matchmaking/new ranking is hidden, so you don't really know how well you are performing against who you are vs'ing. The rankings you are seeing are just remnants of the old ranking system.
The problem i have with that is, this could mean i am being matched against certain players much higher or lower then my rank, but i can't argue that the system is working or broken, if i can't see it, making feedback literally impossible to provide until they show the actual rankings.
Who really knows if the ranking/matchmaking is working as stated if we can't even see it?
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It does seem to have OP in the correct matchmaking bracket at this point after a few games. But why would it have a fresh account starting from a neutral position rather than the lowest possible position? You get to the right place either way eventually, but a fresh account is more likely to be just that, a fresh account....not a smurf.
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Regardless of how you play, you are going to get vitriol like this.
Whether you let people go, wreck them instantly, camp, play fair, etc, you're going to be harassed, verbally abused, and mocked.
I don't know if this was actually said or part of your story, but either way, welcome to the community .
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I'm so glad someone else caught that. I was worried that reference dated me. ;)
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I was born in 1990, i guess we are officially old now.
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You did well judging by the amount of points you earned in the situation you were in. Be sure to do the 2 tutorials on the title screen for 50k points.
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Cries in 1979.
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Ha I'm a year younger 🤣
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