Perspective of a new DBD player

I am pretty new to DBD with around 60 hours on the game, and a vast majority of them on killer. I've only started playing survivor in the past few days.

Beforehand the rank system was not good for matches. As a rank 11 killer I'd get put up against red ranks every few games. With this new MMR system it is every game. I know what you're going to say, "I need to play more for my rank to be calibrated".

If the new MMR system has been running in the background for months, why am I getting put up against red ranks who destroy me every game? Experience is the most important part of any game in my opinion and its blatantly unfair to be matching against vastly more experienced players than me. Even then, its clear to see we are in no way the same skill bracket.

What is also frustrating to me is that there is no casual mode. Why can't I mess around with different builds and have fun instead of having to tryhard every single game? Competitive play is fun but sometimes it's fun to just chill, and that's not possible on DBD.


  • ManlyMartha
    ManlyMartha Member Posts: 9

    Also to follow up, I have played well more than 10 matches on killer since the new MMR system has come out.

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    There are way too many complains to just simply ignore....i mean, they dont have to admit that something goes wrong, it is pretty clear.

    Admit it, and do something...

    or deny it, and we are out.

    Your choice.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    Agree, the funny reason that BHVR explain is "Rank doesn't indicate your skills", I laughed. This is why now the new MMR is randomly separating ranks. Also killers are villains, and kids don't like villains to win so BHVR make all high ranks survivors to play with low ranks killers to make sure there is a 100% survive rate. Also, if you complain about the new MMR to devs like me, you will get jailed just like how I am now, lol.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    Sorry about your horrible start to DbD. I am at around 2.5k hours atm and I feel awful everytime I get put against new players. With the emblem system it happened every few games, but now it's almost every game I get put against new players. The first day I figured I just had to play a couple of matches to get to my right place, but now we're 3 or 4 days into the new MMR and I still get matched mostly against new killers and survivors. Just yesterday I went against a Spirit with 0.3 hours, they had no idea how to hook or that survivors could wiggle out of her grasp. It's a pretty unpleasant experience to know you're ruining someones elses first couple of games. Most of my games end with me apologizing in end game chat.

  • ManlyMartha
    ManlyMartha Member Posts: 9

    The annoying thing is I really enjoy DBD, it's a game with tons of potential. I enjoy playing killer and have no issue with getting beat by better survivors, however when you get beat 4-5 games in a row and they all happen to be red rank it is incredibly frustrating. I don't think you need to apologise, it's not your fault the matchmaking is the way it is.