*Non-Meta* Perk builds that irritate Players?
Let's hear your builds that have absolutely infuriated Killers/Survivors that rewarded you with angry words in the post endgame chat. I'll start:
I'll sometimes run an all Hex-perk build for fun, mainly to give Survivors control of how many perks I as a Killer have. Usually it's: Lullaby / Devour / Ruin / Third Seal.
However damn near every game, I get the common comment of "Who hurt you?" followed by racial and homophobic slurs due to me running a build they weren't used to. My response typically?
Do Bones
Literally anything with head on annoys me
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Doctor with lullaby, distressing, pop and unnerving with calm addons. Usually get a few people who just want me to hook them so its over
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4 men SWF with head on build (Head on, quick and quiet, etc...) Not a strong build but rather a really annoying and paranoid inducing build (you won't pass near lockers after the second chained head on)
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Iron Maiden. Head on users hate it
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I can never get any use out of it, it's too situational and those situations are seldom.
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Chase build for killers, brutal, bamboozle, enduring and stbfl(to recover quick and for survivors to cover less distance) or spirit fury
for survivor wiggle build, flip flop, unbreakable, and boil over
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On huntress and doc its pretty good
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It's hard to say exactly when a build "irritates" people, but I did have a survivor call me trash for "using mori" when I got a 4-kill using Devour Hope. 😄 (I mean seriously, if the survivors let Devour Hope get to 5 tokens it's kind of their own fault.)
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What he said.
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Iron Maiden has got me a couple of hooks. I wouldn't recommend though on most killers except like Doctor who lockers are a direct counter and Huntress for reloading.
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Inner Strength users hate it more XD
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I usually get hatemail anytime I run Franklin's Demise.
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As an Inner Strength user myself, I make the Ghostface stun sigh EVERY time I scream leaving a locker.
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One that I LOVE running, is No Mither, Flip Flop, Breakdown, and Soul Guard. The more people with breakdown the better. Just find a nice part of the map with very few hooks and let them hook you. Once unhooked taunt them and make them want to kill you. Run to the corner and wiggle out. They get mad and want you more. Go back to the corner and most of the time they try to slug you for some reason. No mither up and soul guard away, or flip flop for even faster wiggling. It wastes so much of the killers time and its hillarious.
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Bamboozle, honestly. It's just a lazy perk for killers that would rather burn a perk slot than learn how to run tiles correctly. I understand there are certain windows in the game that are busted, and I understand bamboozling them, but it seems like every other bamboozle user I run into vaults and blocks bloody T L walls.
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Anything with my Devour Hope-focused build.
They rarely complain, it's Devour Hope after all, just gotta find it and take the right moment to cleanse it.
But i just know that some are annoyed that i successfully pull it off every now and then.
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I've got a couple individual perks I'd like to share, and coincidentally a lot of them are survivor perks.
Distortion: When I manage to evade the killer the entire match with this perk and they notice I have this in the post-game summary, I can only imagine how they must feel.
Breakdown: No one ever expects you to have this perk, so when it manages to surprise my teammates and screw over the killer, I just laugh.
As for perk builds, I've been having fun messing around with a kobe build on Ace, or as I like to call it, the "You know what? I don't feel like being on the hook right now. Later loser!" build.
Slippery Meat and Up the Ante, plus two other perks of my choice that help me after I unhook myself.
Up the Ante in particular annoys both my teammates and the killer, for obvious reasons.
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The Sabo/ wiggle off build: Breakout, Mettle Of Man, Dead Hard, Sabotuer and A Toolbox or a Medkit with a styptic.