Honestly speaking, I want to get refund at this point.

This game and its new "MMR system" that is supposed to somehow balance the players based on their hidden MMR...

I know that ranks mean nothing at this point, but it's been almost a week since the system got released. And this is what you get on regular basis.

Ranks mean "nothing" but they still indicate your skill because after the new MMR system was implemented, noone got wiped.

There is a fking reason I am not even above 15 ranks and they are all red ranks. And these matches were all random survivors. They are all bodyblocking each other and know how to play with their "top meta" perks and items while I sit with not-even-meta perks and addons.

I've payed for this game to have fun and enjoy it and by having fun and enjoying I mean "you win some, you lose some" but right now it looks like an open ######### and rekting. And it's not like it happens one or two times. This sh*t exists since the new patch was released and every single match IS like that. If MMR system works and I've lost like this 20 matches already, I'm supposed to lose MMR and get matched with far worse players but somehow it doesn't work and it keeps matching like that.



  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    I feel you, the mmr is a big problem with new players, if you have purchased the game by steam, you can get a refund within 15 days of purchasing it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    Looking at the points you made it doesn’t seem too bad though?

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited August 2020

    It's unfortunate how the MMR works for newer players. I wonder if outright slaughtering the newbies from R 20-15 with multiple gens up could have catapulted you really far forward.

    Edit: Inb4 a "soul memory" like system is in place and it starts checking for twinked out killers.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    I could be mistaken, but hasn't it only been up since Monday? That's 3 days.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Rank never meant anything. 🤷‍♀️

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Rank ALWAYS meant something. It meant you played this game a lot, and recently. People just parrot that because it's not as hard to reach top rank in this game as opposed to other games.

    OP - Why did you prestige 2 your doctor instead of getting better perks?

  • Raptoraizr
    Raptoraizr Member Posts: 10

    Because I don't have other perks since I started playing killer like a month ago on regular basis?

    And this is another example of how fair and balanced. Lost 27 matches like this in a row and ALL matches are of these ranks.

    At this point I want to download hacks and start using them because if developers don't care about players and their enjoyment, why should I care?

  • Raptoraizr
    Raptoraizr Member Posts: 10

    Another match, very balanced.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224
    edited August 2020

    It's a new MMR system. Matches will stabilize the more you play.

    If you find yourself getting discouraged when pitted against skilled survivors, try thinking of it as an opportunity to practice and improve.

  • Raptoraizr
    Raptoraizr Member Posts: 10

    How much more? Lost more than 30 matches in a row?

    Improve? How being outplayed by their flashlights is gonna help me when they run top tier perks and I don't have resources for top-tier-killer perks? This isn't improving. Improving means "you win some, you lose some", not when you "never win" or "never kill".

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I suggest not using distressing, it's a really bad perk even on doctor, instead use both calm addons.

    If you don't have all dlc just doctor, I suggest getting enduring so you don't respect pallets at all.

    I think all you need is more practice and you will get better with time, experience is more important than rank.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Devs already said they are going to work on the MMR more because it wasnt what they wanted to see red ranks or players that played a lot play with new players, theyre already working on it

    On the other hand your MMR is settled but the problem is more that each person has its own MMr and that people that dont have it settled will still be matched against good and or bad players

    Beside before MMR, once at ranks 10 you already fought rank 1-4 si eh, if you feel bad, just take a short break and come back again, dont get sad over something like that

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    I mean, you're running pretty meta perks to be honest. Corrupt, Ruin, and Infectious are all really good. Distressing is decent for Doctor as well.

    The survivors aren't even as sweaty as they could be. In your last one you linked, two of them had self-care which is by far one of the worst perks to use in higher ranks. That really shows how boosted you can be as a survivor and still reach red ranks.

    A tip against flashlights, try to face an object when picking up a survivor to not give the survivors a chance to flashlight save. Other than successfully saving another survivor (which is the killer's fault for giving them the opening), flashlights are nearly useless especially with the changes to Lightborn and Franklin's Demise. I'm sure you don't have those unlocked yet, but they would be beneficial if you see multiple flashlights in a game lobby.

    No one knows how much longer matchmaking will be like this, but instead of throwing in the towel, you can take it as an experience to see how supposedly skilled survivors react to your playstyle and think objectively how you can play better. Don't take it so seriously.

  • Raptoraizr
    Raptoraizr Member Posts: 10

    And this is another example of how these developers think it's "fair and balanced".

    I have only one question: where are all the GREEN ranked survivors? Before this MMR update when you are grey ranked, you could be matched with/against green ranked survivors, but after this update it's all GREY killers vs RED survivors and vice versa. Did Green rank was completely removed somehow? Like there are a lot of people who should be green-ranked, meaning they are sitting in between. But I've literally seen 0 green ranked survivor since this MMR update got live.

  • BrokenByDaylight
    BrokenByDaylight Member Posts: 8

    lol Did that Ghostface happen to be named GravitationalTaco?

    Cause I'm a console player that recently switched over to PC and I think that was me you were facing....

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    I think he meant, before putting in 2 million or more BP for the 2 prestiges you could have unlocked other killers perks, by levelling them.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I dont wanna defend the system since I dont know what im defending. But I will add I doubt dc'ing is ever gonna help your mmr. Beyond that you are getting a ######### ton of blood points for someone who is losing. Whats going on there. Are you letting people run away instead of killing them? Im genuinely curious how you get that many blood points and losing that big.

    I have no idea how the system works, I worry it might have something to do with bloodpoints though, and considering how many you are getting compared to survivors its probably thinking that you are where you should be and I wouldnt blame it lol.

  • Raptoraizr
    Raptoraizr Member Posts: 10

    Because I find one survivor, try to catch them but while I do that, 2-3 generators are done. I leave the survivor who runs infinite time from me and try to catch other survivors.

    Also, getting 8k points as Doctor is easy when you spam your ability so I don't think those 8k points should even count into the statistics.

    And by the time I finally catch and down ONE survivor, all 5 generators are done and there's like nothing you can do about it. You hook him, they unhook and then tbag you at the exit gates while they let themselves to be hit like 2 times and on the second hit it counts as they escaped.

    You can count those 8k points, one downed survivor and other hit survivors and minus them theoretically and imagine, how many points you get by true playing/catching/other things.

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    True, but trying to legitimate the lack of programming capabilities of the past 5 years with this excuse is really...unashamed.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I dont know if you only play doctor and only have played him right now. But its supposed to be specific killer mmr. So I would stick to playing doctor for like 10-20 games or something like that and see if that helps. Maybe try to not get that many bloodpoints to see if it changes anything. Besides spamming doctors ability hurts him a lot, you wanna restrict it to stop them from vaulting/throwing pallets.

    Im only trying to see if it helps and give you some sort of possible help. Getting that many blood points is nearly impossible without they basically all being on death hook thats just where I am not understanding the situation I think. If you are having trouble winning you might wanna play a bit dirty, hooking one slugging another. Slugging someone just off hook and chasing someone else to force 3 survivors to not be on gens.

    At this point im basically not talking about the system just trying to give you tips to have a better time. Because I havent see your games beyond the pictures I am just still suprised at the points. And no even on doctor thats a massive amount of points for a lost game. Mostly reacting to the 27k.

    But I dunno playing doctor until you get better matches, waiting til BHVR responds and tells us whats happening/fixes it or just learning from the games (what you can) and then try to enjoy that. But beyond that I have no clue what to say beyond, yup that sucks. But a lot of people have been complaining about similar games before, so I guess it got better for some and worse for others.

  • BrokenByDaylight
    BrokenByDaylight Member Posts: 8

    Damn, No unfortunately that wasn't me then lol

    I believe we were on Auto Haven and all I had was I'm All Ears lol

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited August 2020

    It definitely needs to factor in how long people have played. There's literally zero reason someone who just got this game should be playing with 3 High Rank survivors against a Rank 1 killer. That's not only a miserable experience for the new guy, it's horrible for the other 3. Hell even killers in half my games seem to feel awful afterwards as there's not much join in getting a perfect game that was 3v1 from the very start.

    This game is really fun but I feel bad every time I play it because I'm screwing up every game I touch because this ridiculous system keeps putting me with Red or Purples.

    And it hasn't been "just a few matches" - it's been over 10. I'm at the point now where I'm just going to stop playing for a few weeks and hope it sorts itself out.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    This is a Gods honest question: didnt bhvr test the MMR on Xbox? Didn’t hundreds of folks post in the forums about how awful it was? How could it be anticipated that it would all of a sudden be better to launch it on all systems without figuring the problem out first? This just seems like a severe lack of quality control much like every other patch that comes out.

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251

    You have done 25k points in every of these games so i guess the chase is good.

    Change your strategy i guess. Tunnel a little more or at least don't hesitate to tunnel/kill a survivors after you have hooked 3 times.

    And try to unlock some perks that will give you more time : sloppy butcher, thanatophobia etc...

    Continue to play killers, you are on the good way. If you don't rank up, who cares ? You play against good survivors and you do 25k points.

    Enjoy and don't take it seriously.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    "We've been testing the MMR in the background for months but still released a broken system, sorry folks"

    ACTIV3_GNASHER Member Posts: 75

    So the average rank 20 is as good as the average rank 1? That’s what you’re saying and that’s ######### stupid

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595
    edited August 2020

    @MandyTalk Can you by any chance pin your statement at the top of this forum, as well as having your statement displayed when we first start the game (like when we are usually notified of new chapters and hotfixes.) I think that would be the best way to relay the information to many people as possible without having to repeat the statement to different people in different threads.

    I think part of this entire problem is, from players' point of view, we don't know if these lopsided matchmakings are how the MMR system is supposed to work from here on out, or it's not functioning correctly. I think you are the only person with some knowledge who has mentioned that there is something wrong with the MMR system. We're repeatedly told to be patient and give MMR system some 'time', but we don't know whether we are expected to simply give time to new players to adjust their MMR scores, or to give time to the developers to fix codes that are fundamentally broken. If we interpret it as the former - that nothing is broken, that would mean that new players will always be first forced into broken matchmakings until their MMR scores are adjusted - just like how it is for many people right now - maybe that is part of the reason why people are so frustrated.

    My opinion is that, as a company, admittance of mistakes is very important part of its growth and potential.

  • TheDFD
    TheDFD Member Posts: 64

    I recently spunked money on the switch version, aaaah to be young and full of hope.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    "As fully as we anticipated".

    It's not working at all. Get it right.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    One major thing you're missing here.. Steam wont refund you if you've played the game for more than 2 hours.