Why people hate mori so much?

I'm trying to understand why people really think mori it's unbalanced but they think keys aren't whenever a bring a mori i use on the last hook but i still think as a survivor i have much more power with my key than when i have a mori playing killer.

Yesterday i was having some "fun" with my main huntress, the match started i had corruption intervation so 120s on three gens blocked no gen rush right?, 25s after walking in coldwind one gen was already done, i downed a guy easily in 10 or 15, another gen was done again and corruption was still active so i thought "they gonna three gen themselves sooner or later".

I hooked that guy and 10 ou 15s later i started another chase and in 20s again i got another down and another gen done, 3 gens, two hooks in less than 2 minutes 2 gens left no problem i can still win right? nop, the other three guys let the jane die on the hook(I was not camping i was walking around the whole map) and they all escaped throught the hatch.

Okay i know some people gonna say "You should tunnel the key guy it's your fault" but i don't wanna be a tunneler because someone brought a key but obviously i gonna give him some special attention but this it's clearly a example of how keys are extremely powerfull so don't complain about mori because we have keys playing as survivors and if you're good at looping you can easily get almost all gens done without the killer has the chance to mori you.

I think mori and keys yould can be easily fixed, keys maybe should let just one people escape but this may sound selfish and not so fun since it's really great when you save your team with a key and mori should only be usable after a x number of gens done OR a x number of survivors hooked(diferent survivors).


  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I have read that the devs are working on nerfing both the key and mori.

    I can't see how they can nerf the key on the same level as they can nerf a mori since there is an achievement tied to all 4 survivors escaping with the key.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Who ever thinks keys are fine, is either a troll or someone not too bright. Or a survivor main that has never played against it. But with that said a mori has the potential to be a lot more powerful than a key does. You said you dont tunnel or camp, good on you, but a lot of killers with a mori would do just that to mori one person, get them out of the game and have a massive advantage. This is coming from a killer main, but someone who plays also plays survivor once in a while.

    But if a killer moris a survivor even if there are already done 1 or 2 gens (which is pretty easy if you tunnel), getting 2 downs before 2 gens is just like you described. You are now in a 1v3 situation and possibly if you felt like being evil you brought an ebony mori, which if you tunnel, ofc you did. This is an insanely strong position to be in.

    Unfortunately you key change probably wont happen since there are achivements that require all 4 survivors to escape through the hatch. The mori change is more likely, a lot has made similar suggestion where if you have hooked all 4 survivors then you can begin to mori, and then maybe 3 different survivors for the next mori. That or the gen where the fewer gens are left the more moris are available. But I dont know where the balance is. It would still be better than it is now at least.

    As for keys I would have made the same request you did, before I learned of the achivement, now I think hatch just shouldnt spawn unless all 5 gens are done, or you are the last one left. But then again since the only people usually getting that achivement is 4man SWF they should just all bring keys and it would be fine.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    I've gotta say I disagree. A key is useless unless either the survivors have already won or the situation is hopeless to the remaining team. A mori can be (and usually is from my experience) used after a single hook. Even a green mori hands the killer the win

    Make it so hatch spawns at the first gen done but key grants only the user an escape then it would be equal. Only if the hatch spawned at first gen and all 4 can escape on a single key would it be more powerful than a mori

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Firstly, people hate moris because they shave off 2/3 of a killers objective (4 hooks instead of 12), and they're practically a brain dead win provided you don't get Ormond as, say, Wraith.

    Secondly, I've never seen someone say keys are fine but moris aren't. I've only ever seen them say they want both changed or both are fine.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    They can always make a requirements in order to use the key though

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    Keys are fine for solo tho. You have a huge key showing in the lobby, you get tunneled/mori'd. If you managed to survive that you earned your escape.

    Like most thing in the game. It start being very strong when there is coordination.

    Mori are op in any situation. It remove a huge chunk of killer objective.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Ever played CS:GO? If you get awp'ed 5 seconds into a round, that's how getting moried during the first 2 minutes of a trial feels.

    Keys are powerful during endgame, Moris during early game. Both allow you to earn a cheap victory, because you skip a portion of the game and it allows you to fix mistakes.

    3-genned yourself? Let 1 die, look for the hatch, 3man ez escape.

    Can't create pressure? Tunnel the first hook and boom, space created.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    They both need to be reworked

  • PajterTV
    PajterTV Member Posts: 3

    i Love getting Mori, and the HAG the most <3333333333

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    Hatch just spawn when te gates are powered mori can be only used when the gates are open, i think that this is a good idea

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    Because you have to down the survivors 4 times less, and that is a lot

    instead of down them 12 times, only 9.

    and they can't really do anything to evoid it... and you can even tunnel hard because you can ignore decisive strike with the mori.

    is unfair. still waiting for a nerf to moris AND keys. because both are unfair.

    something like this:

    Key Changes:

    • Hatch only spawn when 1 survivor left, and when the doors are powered.
    • Delete Broken Key spawn chance from chest and Bloodweb.
    • After use a Dull or Skeleton key, instead of disappear, become into a Broken one.

    Moris Changes:

    • Cypress Mori (Allow to kill the last survivor, When the doors are powered allow to kill survivors you hooked atleast 2 times.)
    • Ivory Mori (Allow to kill the last survivor, When the doors are powered allow to kill survivors you hooked atleast 1 time.)
    • Ebony Mori (Allow to kill the last survivor, When the doors are powered allow to kill any survivor, no hooks needed.)

  • Omputin
    Omputin Member Posts: 142
  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that.

    Also I'm 100% sure a gen can't pop in 25 seconds, even if all 4 people were on it. And then you said another gen popped when you got a quick down on the first guy meaning all the survivors definitely weren't together. Something ain't adding up in that story XD

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    But to answer the question of why people hate Moris. It's because they're basically a free win unless you're trash. And most killers are going to tunnel and Mori you off the first hook, making the game very boring because you don't even really get to play.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    You can but it requires the survivors to coordinate a BNP play. It's a huge waste of BNPs and Toolboxes but you can.

    Each BNP shaves off 20 seconds off a gen so if you go to the 4 man gen or a 3 man gen and slam them on you can basically insta pop.

    But once again, it's a waste.

  • SIeepWaIker
    SIeepWaIker Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2020

    Yep, every poster I hear claim that Keys are OP neglects the fact (and maybe they don't know) that for 3 to escape, 4 gens have to be done. For 4 to get hatch, 5 gens have to be done. I've been in some 2 person escapes (still a 2k for the killer), never been in a 3 person escape, and the 4 person escape is Bigfoot. I've heard it might exist, but have never seen one.

    Survivors complain about moris because they usually end with the killer getting 4k. Killers complain about keys because they might only got 2k instead of 4k.... if the survivors with the key is not sacked, and they both find the hatch. Mori's - 4 survivors lose vs. Key's - 2 survivors might escape, but 2 survivors still lose. I've lost probably 20x more keys than hatch escaped. The killer can actually kill a key carrier. How many times has killer not gotten 2+ kills using Mori?

    Moris and Keys both result in Kills for the killer. Unless you are the unfortunate killer that can't kill a key carrier, and runs against map + key toting swfs 10 of 10 times which always finish all 5 gens before you get them. If that is the case, the 4 probably would've escaped without the key.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Literally 90% of the player base wants both moris and keys nerfed, and since the devs said they're working on it no one has complained. It's a very requested adjustment to balance and you're just seeing one side of it.

    Moris are boring as hell because they tip the scales in the same way keys do, they end the game sooner than it should've and it kills the fun for both sides.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932

    It's not really that secret. Literally the only secret killer offerings in the game are the 3 moris and the shroud of separation which usually hurts you as killer by making survivors start split up and often work on separate generators.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited August 2020

    I don’t really like to use them when I’m playing as killer.As a survivor I know it’s a killers best friend.However though sometimes as a survivor I feel survivors should have a little bit more to protect themself against a mori.With David we all known he can pick himself right back up when downed.But I really feel survivors should have more perks or whatever else BHVR can come up with so survivors can stay alive a little bit longer to at least fight especially if you are the last remaining survivor.Feel free to disagree with me but I truly feel survivors should have more fighting power.