Plague is the new hag. What do you think of her right now?

Think about it, back in 2018, everyone thought hag was weak, besides a small amount of people like space coconut, croquedead, Michi, spectrobyss and me. When she got a major buff to her set up speed, people started watching and listening to us hag mains and people saw how powerful she was. Now plague is barely played and people think she's a low or mid tier killer, but recently she got a huge buff to her corrupt purge, and I hope people will see the potential in this killer.

I am very curious to see what an experienced plague looks like, as I believe she is underrated, if you have a YT and are a experienced plague, you can drop a link if you want.

What are your thoughts on plague?


  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    Plague is good. I use her with Dying Light, Thana, Pop and BBQ which a friend of mine recommended because Plague is his favourite Killer and I can tell that the Build is decent.

    Early Gens will pop for sure but with Thana, Dying Stacks and Pop you'll keep the last few Gens for ages which also gives you more fun chases instead of slugging.

    I usually 4k with 2 or 1 Gens left because they couldn't finish the last gens because of the extreme slowdown.

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173

    Some context first: I've recently come back to the game on PS4 after a pause (I stopped when PH and Cheryl went live), because I've just bought Stranger Things DLC on sales and wanted to finish the trophy list with the adepts. As I play mostly for trophies, I don't rank up very much, especially on survivor side. As a result, I came back two days ago in the game on rank 20 survivor.

    And my first match was against a rank 1 Plague on Midwich... let me tell you that if she knows how to aim precisely with the purge, and infects gens regularly, she's deadly.

    She's clearly underrated but I believe she takes some skill and training to be efficient.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Honestly I've always thought Hag was one of the stronger characters in the game and it is beyond me how someone could even think she's average or something like that.

    However I doubt Plague will ever be considered as strong because she's mechanically just not the same caliber. Without blood vomit she is just an ordinary, VERY TALL (and thus easy to see/loop) M1 killer with average terror radius and no mobility whatsoever.

    I mostly feel comfortable playing the match injured when it's Plague (unless my team starts cleansing, of course). Hag however makes me wanna crouch in a corner and heal like a rank 20 because you just don't know where her webs/traps are so you could get downed in a second the moment you start the chase against her while injured.

    Against good Hags it feels like EVERY loop is prepared 24/7 giving you no chance to waste her time.

    Just my opinion.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    What you say about hag is true, but I honestly think she is amazing. You can use perks like blood echo to capitalise on people not healing. Also, she starts with 1 corrupt purge, and if you have infectious, that can be a snowball win for you. Apple add-ons also help. Even her vile purge is amazing as she gets free surveillance and is basically an infinite tier 3 Myers.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I love playing as Plague; even if I don't do manage to sacrifice many/any, I always have fun playing as her. It can be quite satisfying vomiting over everything, plus it can be a great way to find survivors hiding behind rubbish piles or in cornfields.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I do like Plague. I’m iffy about using Thana/Dying Light on her. A big partof the slowdown provided by Thana/Dying Light is slowing down healing. Since that’s negated completely, the perks lose some of their edge.

    Im a fan of Corrupt Intervention, Brutal strength, Monitor and Abuse over those two.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I love playing as Plague, survivors are either gonna be running no mither without the benefits or they're gonna give me the best ranged attack in the game. Her setup forces her down to top of mid tier for me, there are just better killers imo.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I like Plague and think she’s good and strong. She’ll never be top tier though in my opinion because she has no mobility, and her power is controlled by survivors and/or RNG.

    If you get a lucky pool spawn you can end the match insanely fast. But you won’t get that most of the time. On a big or awkward map your corrupted pool(s) will spawn in the corner and you’ll never have time to grab it, so if the survivors are smart with when and where they cleanse you’ll be an easily loopable M1 killer.

    I agree that she’s underestimated by a lot of people. But I think she has too many weaknesses to ever be among the best.