Hag is a powerhouse, I’m surprised more people don’t play her.



  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    The Hag is a very powerful killer on her own, and if all 4 survivors are not experienced enough when it comes to playing against her then 5-generator escape can be trumendously difficult, and any successful escape can come at a substantial cost in the Evader and Benevolent categories.

    However, if the Hag equips the Rusted Shackles as one of her add-ons, she becomes almost god-like, and the add-on should really be of iridescent ultra-rare quality, as it grants the following

    Shackles once used to hold prisoners and carcasses in the cannibal village cellar. The trapped life essence within unlocks tremendous potential in The Hag's power.

    • Tripped Phantasm Traps do not spawn a Mud Phantasm.
    • Tripped Phantasm Traps give no indication of being triggered to the Survivor.

    Furthermore, combining the above with the iridescent Mint Ring, which grants:

    A small piece of cotton torn from the dress worn by Lisa Sherwood on the day she disappeared. The trapped life essence within unlocks tremendous potential in The Hag's power.

    • The Hag can teleport to any Phantasm Trap on the Map at will, with a cool-down of 15 seconds in-between Teleports.
    • Tripped Phantasm Trap Teleportation remains unchanged.

    offers The Hag god-like map traversal power. The two add-ons equipped in tandem make her traps virtually invulnerable to destruction, as the first requires survivors to waste time searching for her traps to prevent hook rescue fails, while the latter enables her to place two traps close to each other and always teleport to one of the two, upon receiving notification of trap destruction (action that requires an equipped item in itself) .

    While the Hag is a rarely seen killer at red ranks, those who do use her, use her extremely well. In fact, the fact that she is so rarely used only works in her favor because any vital tactic - regardless of how effective it may actually be - will fail without sufficient and repeated in-game practice .

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Excellent killer with insane map pressure and chase ending capabilities. But I hate setting up for the first minute, same reason why I dislike Trapper. She's fantastic but seriously not my type.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    ehhh boring playstyle not that rewarding compared to huntress or curve billy just boring to verse and to play imo


  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    She’s not on my list of favorites to go against.But if we don’t practice going against ones we’re not fond of we won’t get better at learning how they work.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I see Trapper and Clown get called boring all the ######### time, especially Clown, who I would agree is in the top 5 most boring killers to face

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Have you ever been a part of the SWF you're desecribing that can shut down a good Hag? Have you ever played against one if you're a really good Hag?

    Her traps are hard to see, she sets them quickly, and you will not constantly have eyes on her throughout the match. It is just not realistic for even a SWF to be so aware of her trap location to be successful at breaking them faster than she sets them without taking free hits and while also doing gens.

    The only thing that makes me lose as Hag is that my PC often microfreezes whenever a trap pops, so by the time I'm able to teleport it's often not possible to get a free hit. Even if I know the trap is about to pop and I'm spamming the teleport button I'll often have an annoying delay on being able to teleport.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Not at all. The beam needs to be aimed near the trap for it to glow and it takes a moment to aim and remove it. Batteries are also tiny, and you can't use flashlights while running. So, if she's chasing you into a loop, you can't use it. If not, and you're checking every loop you run by with a flashlight, 1) your battery is going to die fast, and 2) you're wasting a lot of time you could be spending on gens.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Let them call her boring.. She stays the way she is and won't be nerfed hehe

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,016

    I guarantee you that if she was played more often and to a higher level, people would complain about her the same way they do Spirit. It's just that her playstyle revolves around set up and strategy, rather than that traditional standard chase. Her set up playstyle isn't for everyone, but I would not label her as "boring" because of it. Hook trap spamming Hags are what gives Hag a bad name.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Most hags I play against end up using the traps to hook camp. Even crouching past them won’t help as they tend to come back to check.

    And then you get Hag’s that lock down a part of the map and totally obliterate solo survivors.

  • zireael_
    zireael_ Member Posts: 25

    she can consistently put you in a situation where your skill doesn't matter... if you had 20 hours or 2000 it's the same result. that's the same reason survivors don't like slinger or spirit, it takes away all the survivors skill in chase.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 322

    I recently started learning hag since she is part of the new tome. She is strong with good trap placement, I don't worry about losing 2 gens before hooking someone. She can even keep the last 2 gens for a long time. With a good survivor team you need to replace traps otherwise they keep triggering them leaving you without your pressure. Unexperienced survivors who don't see hag to often are just sitting ducks. Had a team a few days ago who kept flooding the basement and triggering the one trap I placed there over and over. If survivors don't learn quick the match is done in a few minutes. But even against great survivors she is good, I'm totally inexperienced with her and I still keep my map pressure up.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,972

    She's usually towards the top of most people's tier list. And she's strong for a couple of reasons (really only like 2)

    -Her entire design is built around camping which survivors still have no effective strategy against while also being able to make saves and pip (and at rank 1, you're not going to pip if you have no altruism) And saying "just do gens" is not a strategy to "beat" camping because it doesn't help the person on the hook. At best, it's a stalemate and lets the killer have what they want in return for making a lot of uncontested gen progress

    -Her traps make a lot of baby survivors crouch around the entire match which massively slows everything. I even have friends that I play SWF with who will literally urban evasion the entire match against a hag because they don't want to accidentally set random traps off. -_- (irritates me but they're my friends so it's whatever)

    That's it. She's strong because survivors slow down and don't run too often and she's the best camper in the game besides a facecamping Bubba

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited August 2020

    Wish I’d play against her more in red ranks. She’s so fun to face. Her and Myers are the only 2 Killers that jump scare me, still.

    edit: auto correct is annoying -.-

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Has no one ever seen Michi play? We've known the hag is at least High tier for a while, the only people who disagreed that she was that strong never even played her like that or only played survivor against someone who only hook camps. She is very dynamic and you can never really get comfortable with her because there are almost always spots where a survivor can't avoid her traps, especially in a chase.

    I can't even understand how you'd call her boring, she's literally amongst the most high risk, high reward killers out there with potential to cut loops completely, has strong gen defense/3 gen potential (and her red add on that lets her teleport to traps at will makes her stronger than demo, because she has traps AND the option to teleport anywhere she's payed a trap, making her map control potential insane), and she has add ons that augment her playstyle (though to varying degrees of effectiveness, tbs).

  • riotangel
    riotangel Member Posts: 176

    After her rework, within a few matches i recognised her as the new tele-camper; a lot of hag players just roam a circle around hooked survivor hoping someone else will step on a land mine so she can "swoop in" for an another kill. That's why a lot of survivors find that "boring" as it's camping from a distance.

    A good hag (just like trapper) however will lay traps in other places to hunt down other survivors, as you have experienced yourself.

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    Hag is the worst designed killer in the game.

    1- Hook someone

    2- Trap them

    3- Teleport the minute someone activates a trap

    4- If unhooked without activation it means they are crouching and you can get there before they are even up the stairs

    It's unfun, badly designed, and requires no skill.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    she only needs to take one to bassement JUST ONE, and is GG especially if she is running save the best for last. and thats why i run Agitation on my hag build, it doesnt matter if u go agianst the most coordinated teams as long as you get one to bassement even if they have flashlights hell im comming back if u destroy one with flashlights + always using make your choice. Hag is meant to create a 3 gen zone with corrupt intervnetion and camp especailly near to baassement is not that simple as saying a good 4 man is gonna destroy her by triggering all her traps by doing that u are jsut giving her free hits all the time wich might not be the greatest idea because you may run to another trap you didnt see. im not saying u cant beat her what im saying is the coordination doesnt beat her easily if she played her cards properly it should be a nightmare to beat, you better be a 4 man meta death squad with thousand of hours and you are not having fun against that either.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    i mean it doesnt requite much skill to bring Unbrekable, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike and especially holding m1 on gens, i dont get these people. 🙄