All 5 gens in 3.5 minutes!

Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

Just watched a match of Otz' and noticed all 5 gens got completed in 3.5 minutes. (video with timestamp below).

No, I'm not complaining about gen rush or anything. Everyone knows about the pace of games and how quickly things can go on both sides.

I'm just genuinely interested how quickly all 5 gens can be repaired at this moment if everything goes perfectly for the survivors.

What do you think?

Is it realistically possible to repair all 5 gens in the high-2-minutes range under live game conditions?

What's the quickest you've seen under current game conditions (so excluding original Brand New Parts)?


  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    If the killer chases one guy the entire time in a corner of the map which in current mmr hell is very normal the only variable is how fast will it take for the rest 3 to find the gens.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I think killer side will become better with the implementation of start game collapse or whatever it's called.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Apparently slugging/infectious fright complaints are new to you?. But yeah I would say most of these type of complaints (the gen rushing kind) are almost silly since its very rare for gens popping this fast. But 3 gens popping before you get your first down because survivors just casually spawn all of the map is very very common.

    And one of the reasons that you dont see that many complaints about survivors instantly losing is usuallly because the type of killers capable of winning that fast dont get played a lot. Hillbilly, Nurse, Oni, iri huntress and sometimes very very lucky plague or myers. The type of killers capable of it has to be able to insta down or instantly follow up on the first hit.

    Thats a least my guess.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    This is the kind of mechanical reply I was looking for - Thank you.

    On a side note since we're talking perfect conditions I figure the two "non-prove-thyself" survivors would bring Resilience so that could save up to 7 seconds per gen as well if the killer tries to spread damage without committing to a chase.

  • MalEducado
    MalEducado Member Posts: 139

    If a survivor need to genrush, it means that the survivor is a noob ... It's not necessary to rush gens for winning ...

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I'd say about 3 minutes, giving ample time to let survivors find other generators. I assume one will always be running from the Killer, they may have gotten 10 seconds on a generator before being caught.

    1:30 for the first three generators, giving every survivor 10 seconds to get to one. Plus another 1:30 for the last two, assuming one generator has two survivors on it and the other is solo, even if they all started at the same time, the other two would have to find the last generator being worked on, which might take upwards of 20 seconds depending.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Doing your objective efficiently makes you a noob. Alright that's cool and totally makes sense I guess.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Even without any tools or buffs or great skill checks, a solo survivor can do a gen in 80 seconds. So if three survivors do solo gens while the fourth is chased for along time, then they can complete the first three gens in about 85-90 seconds, spend 5-10 more seconds each running to another generator, and have the last two done in another 80 seconds after that for a total of about 180 seconds or three minutes.

    Mind you, that's all without any buffs or toolboxes or anything. Three survivors just doing solo gens while a fourth gets chased for three minutes straight (or the killer is afk or something.)

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Every time i read comments like this, a few of my brain cells die out of sheer protest. Nobody, not even killers (unless they are spending time setting up) is going to 'hold back' on their objective for cool points. I see a gen in front of me , i'm going to do that gen. If as a killer, i'm lucky enough to get a chance to snowball fast and furious, then that's what I'll do. As the OP stated, this thread is not for bashing either side, a point you seem to have missed with your stock "Grrr. Survivors Noobs because, reason No.55"

    If doing any task efficiently means you are a noob just because you could complete that task in a less efficient way, yeah i'll go ahead and wear my noob cap thanks!

    As for the hows and why's, well someone has already provided a pretty in depth guide. Sometimes it takes a perfect set of happy accidents, other times it's a swat team with dedicated perks, tools and a runner to entertain you while they work away. Add the fact that changes were already made to the start game, which made splitting up on separate gens the smarter idea.

  • Jirikki
    Jirikki Member Posts: 1

    I live in the world where survivors are 4k'ed 85% of the time. Seeing generators finished In 3.5 min is some kind of fantasy land.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Unfortunately, the difference between quick gens and quick snowballing is that one of these is consistent and the other is reliant on a while bunch of things outside of your control.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Can confirm this has happened in just under 2 minutes. Corrupt Intervention 3 lasts for 120 seconds, and I went up against a SWF Team that popped all 5 gens in under 120 seconds.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    They said "needs to" not "if they do".

    Nice try at twisting their words from "you can win without having to genrush, and use other skills" to "if you do your objective, you're a noob".

  • shmoul
    shmoul Member Posts: 97

    What the hell are you on? 3 gens popped in exactly 2 minutes.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240
    edited August 2020

    I think it's possible to do all 5 in under 3 minutes with Resilience/Prove Thyself and BNPs. My team usually averages 5-7 minutes in tournaments, a little quicker in pubs if we're actually practicing. And that's without Prove Thyself or toolboxes. It's kind of why I get tilted in solo queue. The game should never take 10 minutes, let alone 12.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    With no perks, skill checks or items 4 gens can be completed in 80 seconds.

    The remaining gen can be completed in 36 seconds for a total of 116 seconds or 1 minute and 56 seconds.

    I'll calculate the fastest time with perks and items and stuff later. But for now just understand that this time can be lowered by a lot.

  • BestGame
    BestGame Member Posts: 69

    need old hex ruin anwyay.... for prevent gen rushing.. pop still not enough...

    gen pop too fast...

    many problem in this game anway... open gate too fast... 99% all gate.. and Dev said not side with survivor

    SWF party with keys , Object , or Head On ??

    while killer only red mori...

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited August 2020

    How many times Otz checked his gens in that video? 2 times? Yes, he is Trapper, but its not an excuse to completely ignore gens all game. :D edit: If survivors are not injured, nor pressure, ofc, they will do gens as fast as they can and get out. Time doesnt stope while Otz play with traps.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2020

    "If a survivor need to genrush, it means that the survivor is a noob"

    At the end of the day, he's saying right there that if a survivor needs to genrush, which at the end of the day is simply doing your objective efficiently, that it means you're a noob.

    This take is perhaps one of the dumbest things I've seen on here in awhile. The way I worded it doesnt matter. The idea was to say that no matter how you look at it, being efficient in a game that revolves around time efficiency doesn't equate to being bad at the game.

    I sincerely apologize for not sitting for 12 minutes analyzing every last space he had in his wording.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    "Back to the other guy before he starts flying away somehow"

    I felt that in my soul.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    And if 4 survs receive a phone call at the same time and they left the game for 1 min. you can kill them in less than 30 secs.