Would you like to choose the map you'll play?
What if before the match the players could choose a map to play in and a map to block? it would go like this.
- a survivor can vote for a map and ban a map.
- The killer can vote for 4 maps and ban 4 maps.
- if votes cancel each other or nobody votes: a map is chosen randomly.
- the amount of votes don't affect how likely a map is to be chosen.
- players can't see which maps have been blocked by other players.
Would you like to choose the map you'll play? 57 votes
I think it needs to be realms, not maps.
Survivors would constantly ban the Game and pick Ormond, and Killers would ban Yamaoka, Ormond, Red Forest, and Midwitch. Just a guess.
However, it would get rid of map offerings, which would clear up the bloodweb a little.
4 -
I think this is a bad idea.
How about an outright no option? Otherwise this poll is heavily biased leaning toward your idea, despite it being a horrible one.Don't mind me, I'm just blind. People don't realize that as an Ace main, wearing sunglasses all the time in the dark can be kinda rough sometimes.Dead by daylight is an asymmetric title, you don't CHOOSE anything about it, that's part of what makes it fun (and frustrating) and either way it's a core fundamental aspect of dead by daylight as a title. It's one of the core characteristics that make Dead by daylight dead by daylight, the idea that no match should ever be the same as your last with every survivor being different, every killer being different, the realm being different, the location within that realm being different, the perks being used, the offerings at play, etc. so on and so forth.
By controlling the map selection you control what parts of the asymmetry you want to see and what parts you don't, and that's quite simply not an option and something the devs would never go for, because you essentially strip away part of DBD's core philosophy.
Even if you limited the choice to realms guess what, some realms only have 1 map location at all, namely the licensed realms like Haddonfield, The Game, Hawkin's Lab, Midwhich, etc. So by limiting the choice to realms you're still technically picking and banning maps. Sure these maps aren't the most popular, but the answer is to fix those maps and make them enjoyable to play on not a pick and ban system to prevent ever going to them.
Not to mention pick and ban systems in general are for games that are completely unlike Dead By Daylight by basic principle. In Dead By Daylight, you don't control a single aspect of the game beyond your own character and a slight influence through offerings. Games that have pick and ban systems are meticulously competitively and intensely balanced to the smallest most minute detail, like League of Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, etc. While I would argue Dead By Daylight is competitive and has been heading towards competitive viability over casual mechanics for quite some time, these games quite literally are not Dead By Daylight in basic and fundamental themes and principles.
This is not something I would ever want to see come to Dead By Daylight in a million years.
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I think this is a bad idea.
I like maps like the Game, and there is 0 chance you get 4 survivors and not one of them is banning it. Same for killers banning Midwich and Haddonfield.
It would simply stop several maps from ever being picked (which are also the only maps in their realm so that distinction is irrelevant) and leave us constantly on the boring AF rotation of Corn, Badham, Autohaven and MacMillan.
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I think this is a good idea.
this would be good for casual play, not competitive where it is random
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my thought was that by banning maps that are too bad for you or too good for the opponent the developers would see this data and act on it: "Many killers ban ormond, we should look into that", "many survivors pick haddonfield" we shoud look into that.
The ideia is that instead of waiting for the devs to fix some unfun map, you could ban it.
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I think this is a good idea.
Voting for the maps for each player in lobby would be better, no ban just like GTA online missions.
Ultimately I think the chosen maps needs a huge rework. Im absolutely tired of playing match after match at the same damn map, always auto haven or McMillan. There's so many other choices but it seems to be the only ones played. It being said there's like 5 realms for each of those should have its probability percent lowered especially it seems I play the same realms anyways. Doesn't affect my skill but it makes me not wanting to play just because you always know where you're going. Map offerings aren't super common and you shouldn't have to use it just to get to play a different map. Then there's always the bugs with offerings. If two are played, the one not chosen always gets burned anyways in my experience. Then there has been using an offering only to have it burned and the map chosen being auto haven anyways.
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I think this is a bad idea.
Survivors every round
Mothers dwelling
Fractured Cowshed
Temple of purgation
Mount ormond resort
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I think this is a good idea.
I would love to play on coal tower every game as killer :D.
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I think this is a bad idea.
The randomness of maps is one of my favourite features. If people could vote then there would be only a few maps used, making the game stale and boring.
Offerings already exist to select maps anyway.
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I think it needs to be different in other ways (please elaborate).
Maybe in other game modes
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I think this is a bad idea.
This game doesnt need to copy more of this competitives game modes balance systems. It doesnt need bans or map picks at all. What the game needs is to make every map healthy and balanced, improving the way random tiles works. So far every single update that has tried to make it more "competitive" has been a disaster that hurts the game.
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I think it needs to be different in other ways (please elaborate).
Survivors should not have choice in maps, period.
The best system would be for Killer to just be given the choice between 3-4 random maps, and that's it.
That way the Killer doesnt get completley screwed by RNG, but they also just cant pick whatever they want and get a god-tier map for their build every single time.
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I think it needs to be different in other ways (please elaborate).
I feel that the current system is okay actually. The map being random unless someone throws some offering in is fine (I would appreciate it if we stopped getting twelve variations of the same realm in a row though). I feel that the new PTB offering that cancels other map offerings is the only thing we were missing for this system to be the most balanced it can be.
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I think it needs to be different in other ways (please elaborate).
I dont think banning maps, but maybe a CoD or Halo scenario where you're given 2 or 3 options and everyone votes for their favourite of the bunch :)