Which killer do you think is due for an add-on pass?

And why is it Huntress?
And why do they deserve it the most?
Because they are literally the only killer that doesn’t have the right amount of add ons everyone else has 20 and 2 iridescent ones
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Probably Huntress, if any. Mainly due to the outdated nature of some of her addons (goodbye exhaustion perks!), and the strong nature of the Iri head/Soldiers belt combo. That and she doesn't have two red addons.
I really don't want her to be touched though, because the devs will just add a weight mechanic that nobody asked for and give her bad addons like: Iri head instadowns only outside the Humming radius or something like that. They thought PTB mothers helpers was a good addon.
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I think Demos addons need a second look, his brown is legit his best.
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Well, that. All of his add-ons besides extra speed and power recovery are really bad.
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A majority of her addons revolve around her RBT and whether or not they have any real value in game depends on luck. Trap status effects don't do anything if they get off immediately.
And Rule set 2 is trash tier.
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Pig as a whole needs a rework to be honest. Or at least have her traps not be totally RNG reliant.
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Apparently Myers and Pig are next up for some reworks.
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The Pig definitely needs some love. I'm a bit worried what they'll do to Myers though if they change his add-ons.
I think the tombstone pieces and the ones that increase his stalk speed will probably get axed.
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For the love of Jigsaw please let it be Pig
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I doubt it. His increase stalk ones and the ones that increase duration of tier 3 are his best ones. If they are going to give Mikey a bit of a makeover with his power, and I think they will, then I think its just going to be reflected in his add ons.
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Sadly their
butcheringhandling of Billy's add-ons make me think otherwise.0 -
Yeah but they did fine with Bubba's and Doc's. More hits than misses. Mikey does have a bunch of add ons that are pretty weak like the mirror shards, vanity mirror etc. I'd be happy to see them get reworked.
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Legion. Please please please help my boy. He has so many awful add-ons that are just useless or broken.
Frank's Mixtape: You have to throw the game to get a down.
Stab Wound Study: Reduces bleedout time on Deep Wounds...the timer doesn't go down as long as you are running.
Filthy and Nasty Blade: Extra Mend Time is functioning correctly, but isn't effective.
Fuming MixTape: Effective, but somewhat underwhelming.
Killer Instinct Range Extension Add-Ons: Completely useless. Why would I want to see people who I cannot hit while in FF? Bring back the speed add-ons.
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I hope they don't change his base power. I don't see that going well
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Half of Pig's Add-ons could definitely use reworks. Amanda's Letter, Interlocking Razor, Utility Blade, Face Mask, Razor Wire, and all of her common add ons aren't good.
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Demogorgon, I want to use something other than the same 2 addons for once
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Huntress probably needs it the most, mainly because she has only 1 iri and iri head + belt is a problem. Pig is probably second because she has a lot of add ons that are just... never useful and some that actually actively harm her. Third is honestly a tie. Demo is a contender because most of his add ons are in theory very cool and useful, but in practice have really tiny numbers behind them so they aren't useful. Legion is the other contender for 3rd because he has 3 add ons that don't work with how their power works now, then the 3 detection range add ons are just kinda... meh but everything else is pretty good.
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Pyramid Head/Pig/Demo.
All them have boring/really bad add ons, usually their higher cost ones. Some are also just useless (like Pig's skillcheck penalty add ons)
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Huntress for obvious reasons, next would most likely be pig, then demo and probably michael
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Huntress, Pig and Clown (maybe others) considering these three have the exhaustion add-on problem. But I would hope at least Clown and Pig gets more thant just an add-on look over. Huntress is honestly fine beyond her exhaustion and Iri problem.
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Huntress because she needs to still be adjusted to the add on formula.
They're probably going to tackle iridescent head add on but it's very controversial just like insta saw was.
Myers still doesn't follow the formula so he might also be next.
Both Amanda and Legion have massively useless add-ons and need slight tweaks to their base kit so they are also potential candidates for the next one.
Demo will probably follow afterwards it keeps in line with the formula and the only real problem is that most of them are useless.
Huntresses almost all but guaranteed at this stage.
Myers is probably the second most likely. However considering he is the closest to the formula in comparison to The Killers who don't fit it he might not be priority. ( if you don't know what the exact formula is Myers would look like he has it)
Amanda and Legion. They fit the formula but a lot of their add-ons are useless or outright detrimental and they're in dire need of Twix to their base kit. So they you're most likely going to be taken care of after the huntress is mid chapter patch.
Demo is honestly probably that least likely to gain an add-on pass not that it doesn't need it just said it's not likely going to happen for a while. It fits the formula and it's basically it is pretty fine not really needing any massive tweaks or changes
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I was gonna say pig too, please!
The one Iri that lets you see auras while crouched is memey but since it’s like mirror Myers it’s fun to just screw with.
The ones that affect crouching or dash attacks are at least playable, as is the extra trap one.
And finally the extra boxes or timer affecting ones at least do something to hinder the survivor so they’re decent.
The ones that give status effects when wearing a helmet are dumb, as are the ones that affect skill checks since they’re so easy it hurts.
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They showed they were capable of changing things with negative feedback on Billy. I think it's time they relook at Nurse.
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Here’s my honest guess/assumption about Nurse. She is wayyy to hard for them to work around when it comes to new maps, almost every time a place pops up she can’t blink to. Even older maps somehow develop these places after patches.
I think they would prefer as few people as possible play nurse so they’re trying to keep it as annoying, buggy and hard as possible.
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Legion. Duration addons the only viable one
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Simple. Pig needs them more than any other killer, as a good portion of hers actually HARM her by using them.
More skill checks? Faster removal of the RBT.
Status effects on RBT's? You shouldn't be targeting those players anyway, and if you want to pop heads, the Gears and extra box add-ons are better for that, but they also rely on survivors doing generators. The exact opposite thing you want.
No auras of RBT's until activation? Better do a generator!
12m Wall hacks? Hand over the RBT's! Oh, and your buddy Wraith gets a purple with no downsides, and yours is a pink.
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Yeah I don’t understand the exhaustion trap, the WORST thing to do is tunnel someone wearing a trap...
As for the skill checks, a neat series would be based on actually making the box skill checks worse. Like one to make the skill check Overcharge sized, one to make it appear all over the screen like doctor (think being lightheaded from blood loss,) things like that.
I was thinking a cool ultra rare would require TWO people to do the box together because in some movies you required help... but obviously if you’re the last survivor you’re screwed. Or solo and your teammates don’t help.
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She has Amanda's Secret.
Enough said.
In all seriousness though, her add-ons in many regards don't work or frigging make sense...
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That would be a good guess. It explains why she gets so few bug fixes and why they take literal years to get fixed.
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I think i they regret her, I mean she was a cool idea but so hard to integrate and the fact that she ignores the basic mechanics... I think Spirit was their attempt at a weaker nurse and they got that hit still too strong by a lot of people’s opinions
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Demo and Pig
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I think Demo May need a sound rework honestly. His undetected addon, especially the one that makes it 10 seconds would be really fun and decently powerful if he didn’t walk like a Mack truck.
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An idea that I've had before is to make it so that the effects apply on a successful Ambush attack, but they'd need to change the names to various toxins or paralysing agents.
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Pig. She has a large number of add-ons that are not just bad, but downright worthless.
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That would be interesting. It would also fit the movie where the pig appears and objects someone to make them pass out.
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I think huntress because hers are the only outliers now.
I hope spirit because every add-on pass comes with changes to the basekit too (######### you spirit) and sometimes like with Doctor there are changes to maps (######### you Yamaoka).
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Huntress and Clown
Rework their ultra rare addons because either they're busted or not worthy of being an ultra rare.
Remove the exhaustion addons - They were fine when exhaustion recovered while running. Now they seem out of place.
Tweak every other addon. Huntress is even missing addons.
Clown however needs more than just an addon pass so imo Huntress should be next.
I'd vote Pig but imo she needs a full on rework.
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It certainly would, but then you also have the issue of the devs wanting her power identity to be in that Reverse Bear Trap.
SAW lore and gameplay support the idea of ambush applying status, it goes against Ambush being a secondary power and people would just call her a GF/Wraith hybrid if the dash got more focus, but I believe her power(s) should be at a 50/50 split.
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I think they should rework multiple killer addons WITHOUT touching anyone’s base kit that should fit the time frame right?
Hunteess for the number of addons and to remove Iri hatchet.
Legion, Pig, Demo to make their useless addons (about half) somewhat viable... doesn’t even have to be good or great just useable. Some of their addons run counter to their actual powers.
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I mean she’s already a weaker version, in my opinion, of the other stealth killers. Honestly maybe her rework should remove that facet of her altogether and just buff the traps more?
Im a Saw fan that’s the only reason I even play her at all, if I ever think I’d like to actually play a stealth game I’m picking up GF, wraith or even Myers before piggy
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Oh I think he needs much more than just an addon rework as well. I was just mentioning addons specifically because it was the thread topic.
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Trapper, because he's unplayable with out them and bags should be part of his base kit. He's the most trap starved of the killers that have traps by far. It's sad.
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I most certainly think that Huntress will be next. Next to Huntress, Myers is the only one who doesn't follow the rule of having 4 common and 5 uncommon, he has 6 uncommon and 3 common but everything else is fine.
Huntress completely misses out some Add-On rarities, and she also has either extremely overpowered Add-Ons or very underwhelming Add-Ons cough Pungent Phial.
I don't think they'll change anything about her basekit (this time) because she already has kind of a cooldown (the reload at Lockers). But her Add-ons will definitely see major Changes.
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I'd agree with this. Pig is one of my main killers and her addons are pure luck/rng-based. I often run without addons because many don't work with specific builds. Her end-game build is a joke now that her traps mean nothing if you put them on post 5th gen. Only her most powerful addons have an impact on games. Most of her addons are too dependent on her RBTs, which are very very suspect due to rng. I'd like to see a few tweaks to her addons. Honestly, I'm not that dissatisfied with her overall power package, just the addons. Sure, I'd love to see the rng tweaked a bit, but not so that heads start popping left and right. Maybe make the traps so they can't be removed until activated? Or give her a couple more traps as her base kit. 5 Traps are not very much when at least 2 are removed within seconds in every match.
Would love to see an addon that causes a box to malfunction, making you not able to use it for 30 seconds. Waste a bit more time.