He was probably one of the most balanced killers in the game, before they even nerfed him. He had incredibly potential for facecamping though, which was fixed and accepted by the community with the last patch that made the overheat mechanic 10x better from the ptb version, and now they have literally just reverted the changes again.
And for those saying "the heat mechanic wasn't even noticable", you are right, it wasn't until you facecamp someone, but why did that matter when the whole mechanic was questionable as billy was fine before it was implemented? He was according to the devs "fine" before, so why do the keep making these changes? There are literally so many other killers they could rework and balance, so i cant get my head around why they choose to nerf killers that don't even need balancing in the first place.
EDIT: I stand corrected. Billy really isn’t that bad right now after the hotfix, the heat mechanic (although more noticeable) is not limiting his great power in any way if you use it correctly and sparingly. After having read some comments, i have come to the realisation that maybe a nerf was in place for him after all, and in that case, this nerf is definitely fitting for him. I just wish they keep these changes from now on, and no more surprises in hotfixes. As someone who is learning billy atm, constant changes makes him more challenging to learn. I think it might be time for the devs to start considering spirit now aye? Thats all.
I think the crux with Billy is that the devs try to make him different from bubba, whom he is a proxy/expy off.
One way would have been to give billy a leatherface skin and not make them two separate killers, but here we are.
Would the community actually mind if those two would play neigh identical, mechanics and all?
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RIP M1lly
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I hope they do it, so that survivor queues begin to grow in length and the main killers left willing to play as kilelrs rather than stack more onto survivor queue are the sweatiest tryhards with thousands of hours. Just to stick it to ones like some swf punk in another thread that was talking ######### to me earlier because he can enjoy troll with friends but can't take the rare mori.
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Despite both having a chainsaw, i have always found their gameplay to be incredibly different. I really hope that isn't the reason for bringing in these changes.
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Yeah the crux in both of them do kidna hurt to work with, and BIlly is really difficult to play as, you can easily lose a chase if you miss a hit, he's very challenging to master, but I hope they fix it back before 4.1.1 without the severe changes
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Exactly my thoughts. Billy is fairly difficult, especially with the precise curving. Most use him to get around quickly throughout the match, but now we can't even do that. Just tried it out and the overheat will make you require addons if you want to use it efficiently IMO.
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well balanced he wanst soo balanced ppl will reply saying you dont know anything or youre survivor main but i will say it hes top tier and yes hes good cuz of hes insane map preassure he can chainsaw all over the map without limit or cooldown now i dont know what nerf they did put today since they told me it was bad
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True he was top tier, but that doesn't mean he wasn't balanced. I would say out of all top tier killers he's probably the most balanced out of them, hence i dont understand these nerfs.
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What's going to happen if they touch him one more time?
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Billy was having too much utility at no cost. He has perm access to instadown, standard speed and insane map presence without any penalty. All other killers have one or the other at a cost. Justifying overheat just for facecampers is not a viable argument imo.
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Good thing I got stbfl for new billy before the first nerf.
Jokes aside, what did they do to him again? Haven't played today so I haven't read the patch notes.
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Basically the heatmechanic is worse then before, it isn't bad while doing the sprint but it does fill up quickly when revving.
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They just toned down how fast the chainsaw cools down a little bit so you might actually notice it sometimes. Of course, this is regarded as a huge nerf that will ruin the game forever to the Billy-is-the-most-balanced-thing-ever-made crowds.
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Old Billy had amazing map presence at no cost, one hit down spammable power at no cost, no thought needed for power resource management, at all. He wasn't balanced when compared to how other killers are designed, which is why he was nerfed.
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(Holds up a doll)
"Ok Billy, it's alright, now if you could just point out to the court on this doll where the bad devs touched you?"
(Billy nervously points to the little chainsaw in the dolls hand)
(Gasps from the court, Nurse faints into Wraiths arms)
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The usual perma crying plebs, nothing new here.
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The Billy crowd is quite something isn't it. Billy main chill and come play Plague and eventually you'll get why Billy needed a overheating mechanic.
But I know you won't do that. Billy is still one of the damn best killer in the game on most maps.
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They only reverted one of the 2 changes they made to his kit after his PTB release (this being the dissipation rate, his heat gain rate is the same). I agree that something needed changing because they basically gave him a limitation to his chainsaw that never even activated unless you forced yourself to. While I do think overall that the Overheat mechanic isn't necessary on Billy, if it's here to stay it might as well actually do something rather than be a pointless addition.
The devs are gonna need to just monitor their changes & make sure they can find a sweet spot for Billy & his new mechanic. I don't think this hotfix will be as debilitating to him as some seem to think. It will give his Overheat some purpose though & actually in theory would buff his one yellow addon that reduces his TR when overheated. In the end, I think Hillbilly will be fine & that people are currently just overreacting.
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You are absolutly right; i should’ve tested him properly before posting on the forums and whining about the changes. He is still great, and not at all as bad as some made it out to be (cough me).
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They really want him DEAD!
His problem was not his strength, because he had plenty of counterplay. His problem was his licensed brother was less stellar than him and not popular. You are playing a game where the devs are as greddy as it gets. I doubt Freddy will ever be nerfed and he had a higher killrate than Billy and EASIER to play. Think about that.
The devs stopped posting killrates for a reason but I remember the last ones.
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One runs across the map. One swirls around until a hit happens.
How the two compare to each other??
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Fun fact: Killer queue are currently 30 min, while survivors q are instant.
But yeah, keep saying nonsense, you seem like the definition of a butthurt entitled killer main.
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OP: And again trying to sell us the "billy was balanced" argument, this is gets really tiresome lol.
A killer with easy map pressure, instadown and a lot of other things is "balanced" yeah sure.
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ok all killer should have penalty what are survivors penalty then?
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The penalty is: dying. (Getting hooked)
And there's a lot of survivor penalty, even on gens LOL, if survivors repair together they get a slowdown (lmao) isn't this supposed to be a
Co-Op game?
But hey, it isn't worth to discuss with you, we can clearly smell your bias towards killers, soo yeah...
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dude i play both sides and yes solo can be hard but killer is much more harder then survivors and sounds like your more bias then you think i am.
on that note have a good day.
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Please read the entire post before commenting, thank you. Besides, im not trying to sell you anything, i honestly couldn’t care less if you think Billy was too op before the nerf. We clearly have different opinions, which is totally fine. And please, read the edits made in the og post.
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But is it really as bad as it was on the PTB?
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Not at all. It is more noticeable but not as bad as in the ptb.
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I don't think in your life you played hillbilly
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Its funny that every killer should have these weird or unfun drawbacks when using their powers that go above requiring the ability to be used well. Imagine jn skyrim if you missed woth a dragon shout, the cooldown was tripled because you "missed" or if in mortal kombat you got stunned because you got blocked mid combo.
Instead of being able to play and use your abilities and have some room to breathe with them, so many killers are being put in situations where people dont want to use their powers because they are a hindrence or flat out annoying to use.
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Thanks bud, I will check him out in a bit to understand the complete fuss about him since the last update.
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The title to this thread made me lol 😂
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my killer queues have been 5 seconds on the longer end since crossplay, so keep saying "nonsense". this was well before PTB, btw. you don't wanna start losing kilelrs since it seems that most console players are survivors since it happened immediately after crossplay and has beent he same for me ever since. mys urvivor queues got longer, and then the night before PTb for the new killer my survivor queues were sometimes almost 10 minutes. they'd be even longer with even fewer killers, and temporarily are already while some are trying the new killer out on the PTB so I haven't played for almost a few days now since starting a day or two before PTB I began seeing nothing but rank 3 and 4 killers, and I am a purple rank solo survivor. I was not ready for the sweat there since coming back to dbd, I couldn't fool around any more after that between not wanting to sit ten minutes in queue just to get immediately tunneled out or slugged for 2 or 3 minutes and wanting to actually get some bp. So while I can escape against many of them, it's almost as sweaty for me now as survivor as it is on killer... which is why I don't enjoy playing killer. Hence, haven't played for 3 or 4 days by now. You don't want too many people to feel that way, or you won't have a fun time in queues. Nor matches when they become full of the sweatiest players after pushing casuals away from the game. I've seen 'leet' attitudes like yours kill plenty of other games, including "asymmetrical" games. I'm a survivor main btw, because killer is not fun. I prefer to be paid for work, I won't provide their entertainment for free.