Buffing and nerfing self-care.

We all know sc is probably the strongest perk in the game hence why over 80% of survivors use it and suggesting it get buffed might sound like a crazy idea but hear me out.

I think the biggest issue is that it can be done an infinite amount of times, so how bout we increase the healing speed to match or nearly match a healkit but it's a 1 or 2 use.

What you guys think?


  • CrimsonPuppeteer
    CrimsonPuppeteer Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 22
    Then why not just bring a med kit? 
  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580
    edited September 2018
    To get an extra 2 heals after self-care has ended maybe? 

    also in it's current state why would you bring in a med kit?
  • CrimsonPuppeteer
    CrimsonPuppeteer Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 22
    I have to admit, I'm a killer main. But I do also play survivor (rank 5) and IMO if you need to heal yourself 4 times during a single game, you're doing something wrong. 
  • rlevet
    rlevet Member Posts: 20

    @CrimsonPuppeteer said:
    I have to admit, I'm a killer main. But I do also play survivor (rank 5) and IMO if you need to heal yourself 4 times during a single game, you're doing something wrong. 

    Or you are just good at the game xd
    It depends, some survs only plays against the killer and some do gens