Why change billy again?

Why the devs continue to nerf billy? like he IS in a good spot right now and dont deserve changes in the next patch.
Wait he's getting another nerf?
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His overheat mechanic doesn't really limit his power. It's non existent right now and the Devs want it noticed. They spent time and money on this and they want players to pay attention to it.
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It’s a small tweak. Not the end of the world.
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cause the devs are clueless and think everything needs cooldowns
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Yea, but this small tweak makes it from max 20 seconds for it to cool down to max ~28 seconds for it to cool down. And 8 seconds isn't a small number in this game.
I guess they want more Milly players in this game...
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It was fine the way it was after the latest hotfix, but I guess they look at the back end stats and weren’t happy with the performance so have nerfed it again.
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Cause there was no chance to overheat
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Why can't they leave him alone already..
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The best decision devs can make is to revert Hillbilly and pretend nothing happened. Obviously this will never happen :(
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I'm sure @SpaceCoconut called it in one of his videos.
The cooldown rarely occurred if you knew how to use him and the devs wouldn't want to waste all the 'hard work' they put into him.
I just wish they changed his addons only and spent the rest of the time fixing bugs and game issues.
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Dont worry, we notice AND pay attention, how garbage this mechanic is. ;)
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That’s the rate IF you don’t overheat. The chainsaw heat cools down much faster at 6.6/second if you overheat/get to 100. That part didn’t change.
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To make him the most balanced killer in the game.
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The devs need to revert billy s nerfs.
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They need to remove his chainsaw its overperforming
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I thought the whole point of the overheat mechanic was just to prevent hookcamping. The previous iteration did this. :/ They basically listened to us and rebalanced him, then just decided to undo that out of no where.
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yes give him a toy chainsaw in the next nerf.
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At least I haven't seen a Billy since the update. Thank Lord Mathieu.
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Honestly this one was kinda hinted a dev litteraly admitted on discord that it was not the desired result.
Proof below
Saw this floating on reddit 3rd of August I'm honestly surprised they go to it that fast.
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The goal was to add resource management. They also don't like facecamping, but it's kinda funny they come up with a mechanic to address that as well, when there are many other killers that can easily do it.
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Four of his addons were literally useless. I was hoping they’d change the add ons though.
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Was that rework even a nerf ? Overheat was barely noticeable
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It's still a nothing change for a nothing mechanic that has literally zero affect on gameplay.
The constant tweaking of this new pointless mechanic is even more confusing then its actual existence.
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Who is this Jeff from BHVR? That was refreshingly honest. On the forums we only get carefully constructed (with the aid of a lawyer) press releases and question avoidance. How long did it take BHVR to admit that the MMR wasn't working? How long did it take Jeff? Get Jeff on the Twitter account!
I'm maining Jeff now.
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Nice he may be a load boi but he bring bring breakdown to this game which imo is My favorite perk in all seriouses doe dbd official discord
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It has a major effect on gameplay
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Well with the nurse add-on changes no one asked for a cooldown nerf either i think next on the list is huntress and i dread what they'll do to change her
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Yeah, I am with you. Only Billy's addons should have been touched - same should have happened with Nurse.
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Didn't for me this week but fair enough, different playstyles and all.