MMR Disabled/Killer Lock Disabled too?

With MMR being disabled can we also disable the killer matchmaking lock?
Good question. I too, would like a response.
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Yes, DBD twitter announced the MMR will be disabled this morning. They may not disable killer lock though. If the problem is it is working but needs time to build a calculation for the players, then they may continue to have it run in the background so the veterans can be properly placed ahead.
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It's still locked.
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I thought they did just that. It was running in the background for like a month. I guess it wasn't enough data.
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MMR would work much better if they revealed tiers to their MMR system. Then, place all Rank 1s in the highest tier, red ranks in a tier, purple in a tier, etc. Then start matchmaking. The system won’t be perfect, but the player base will see ranks that make sense. Over time, they the MMR will place them in their correct tier.
the only killers where you should start in a separate tier would be Nurse, Spirit, Deathslinger, Huntress. Everyone else works more or less similarly. It’s not like you need to learn how to moon walk with different killers. Even then, you should only drop hose killers down 1 or 2 tiers to start with, then the MMR will begin to place them accordingly
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I thought it was something like it was running but didn't end up saving the data. At this point it's hard to keep track of why something doesn't work in DbD.
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Naaah, thats gonna be a left over feature for sure.
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So you are telling me that Spirit, Deathslinger and Huntress play differently than other killers while Hag does play like other killerd? I completely disagree. While you still chase with the former 3 Killers, Hag doesnt chase and plays way more defensively compared to any other killer. You could argue that all 4 play different enough, but Hag plays more different.
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That an also add a baseline MMR for all Killers since people with 1000 hours that never touch a Killer were paired against Survivors with 3 hours.
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I would very much so like to have different mmr for each killer not just a few. Cause not everyone is a trapper player, not everyone is a wraith or doctor player, if they all started in the same then there really would be no point in adding mmr cause learning a new killer would still be just as hard at red ranks or high mmr.
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Yeah something needed to take rank into account. I know rank is a better representation of time online than ability but time online eventually equals experience. If I play demo, who I never play, I at least know enough about how to run tiles and where survivors are likely to be that even with his abilities being new I can still chase down folks who don't have that game experience yet.
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Thank gods.
and exactly, like everyone is saying- their data collection isnt going to be case by case basis. Even if your rank is time online (which is arguable because if you are really bad at the game you will depip as frequently as you pip) there is a level of knowledge there. And with a system that uses collected data, its super likely to have a percentile factor involved for matchmaking. But someone who has 1000+ hrs vs 100, even if their percentiles are the same- there is a NOTICEABLE skill difference and it only gets worse because of the bad matches making the percents worse.
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My dumbass waited atleast 2 hours for a lobby. smh
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they can run it background but why? how many killers stay on lowranks cause highrank games are unfun? they can implement the best system in the world if ppl won't tryhard cause rank 1 is just unfun and means nothing then there is no system that can calculate the MMR.. we need DECENT rewards first.. or idk.. the fact is i'm competitive player in every game tryharding, trying to climb.. but not here.. here i'm not feeling it.. something is really wrong with this system
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Imagine sucking so badly that one feel sthe necessity to push their rank downwards so that they can bash on newer players otherwise they wouldn't be able to achieve nothing
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you are very good boy.. i maintained rank 1 for months.. even when there were harsh resets in ranks.. and yep i won't tryhard anymore for nothing.. :) i'm playing for having fun trying new killers, new builds, and just chillin.. once we gonna get decent rewards i'll climb.. but not for 250k bp :D
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In fact I didn't write "you", I wrote "they". Don't understand why you took it as a personal attack :)
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i didn't i just tell you that i can understand the ppl who don't wanna stay in red ranks