Indoor maps + Amanda's letter

People don't believe me but i always say this. Pig has NO counterplay and has disgusting combo. She is UNLOOPABLE because of this addon. You can't hide too because she always see you with WHISPERS and her addon. If you don't believe me watch this DISGUSTING video.
Spine Chill.
Look, I found counterplay. And it's even a meta perk. POGGERS, my dude!
Imagine complaining about Pig, one of the weakest killers in the game...because one of her Ultra Rare addons is...wait...mildly powerful? You don't say!
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Your taking this joke far my man, I'm excited to see whos gonna fall for it.
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Spine chill? Waste of perk slot
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if you think its a waste of a perk slot...well there isn't much help.You dont need ds,ub,dh and bt combo to survive.Ive been using bond windows open handed combo for years.
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Spine chill is a great perk against spirit which alot of people seem to complain about and the pig might as well not even try to sneak up on anyone with spine chill they'll be long gone
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Always nice to see a fellow open handed gamer.
Also this looks like bait
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Bad b8 m8
8/8, low r8
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Wraith, Myers and Plague have hacks, too. :^)
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Don't forget gf and his reverse infectious add on
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And look at the downsides of it, you give up 3 traps, which means you give up all of your built-in slowdown to be better in chases. Sounds like a pretty fair trade TBH.
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It is also the best defense against Spooky Myers... only way to sense him coming actually.
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Proof that you can still lose with this combination
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Are we talking about Amanda's Letter? The "All Seeing - Blood" but worse in every possible aspect?
Jokes aside, stealth killers have always been strong in indoor maps, with or without addons. The 12 meters aura reading is good, but it's pretty easy as a survivor to guess the killer has it, and once you do you just stop playing stealthy and start playing aggressively.
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Best bait I've seen in a while.
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Spine chill is weak perk. It doesn't save you like bt or DS
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The prıblem is you can't play agressive too. Because she know your location all the time. Pig can easily crouch without a penalty. That the problem
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Pig no counterplay with letter, I can’t with these pepegas man...
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Channel that inner Tofu.
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Yeah totally busted addon. She just gets wallhacks for free like #########.
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Combine it with whispers and 0 TR that makes it disgusting
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You can't even escape her she will always follow you at 96% speed while crouched due to whispers you simply stand no chance.
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Spine and Running works ^^
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I beg to differ, and judging by the Survivors of potent Rank I keep playing against, so do they. Spine Chill is the MOST common Perk I see on potent Survivors I pull up. Clearly by popular vote alone, there must be something to it. :)
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If someone using spine chill. They are trash players
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I'll take Otzdarva's opinion over yours any day. :)