For the love of god, pleasy hurry up and bring back the MMR system asap.

I've been a high prple/lower red ranke survivor aswell as killer. Stopped playing for months because of terribly one-sided, unfair and unfun matches.
I've returned for the MMR system and had a blast. The best matches I had ever played, Solid back and forth, prettyclose games not just stomp or get stomped kind of matches. I've been only playing killer though.
Been playing survivor now that MMR is disabled. Dropped to rank 20 because I hadn't played for so long. It's been hell. Probably to worst gaming experience I've ever had. Most of the time I've faced killers that shouldn't be anywhere near these ranks. I shouldn't be there, and some of these killers are better than I am, so why are they playing at newbie ranks? Most of the time I then get teammates who seem to have never played a video game before.
I've also seen a fair amount of survivors who likely shouldn't be anywhere near these rajnks. Every now and then I face an obvious beginner and they are getting slaughtered.
There's nothing in between and it is an awful experience, probably not just for me.
I lreally ike this gamne but I can't stand these bs matchups. It is not getting much better once I've ranked up a bunch. I'd really love to have some fun and fair matches and hope you'll get the MMR fixed and up and running again soon.
So sick and tired of derankers and the likes, screw '*em.
I feeled the same. I hope they just tweak the mmr system and bring it ,back because a properly functioning mmr can give way balanced matchmaking then we got right now.
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If they bring it back they need to loosen up the skill matching. I hated the mmr cause EVERY GAME was sweaty ass survivors. ######### gets real old real quick
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New MMR was broken as hell. You just like the easy matches I guess.
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Playing a killer for the first few times was ridiculously easy with the old mmr system. The fact that you enjoyed it while playing killer but now play survivor makes your preferences seem suspicious.
However, the mmr system was showing signs of working once you got past the placement phase. The real issue is that BHVR made it ridiculously time consuming to get past the placement phase with killers for some reason even though there were multiple avenues they could have used to put killers at an altered mmr instead of starting at a baseline mmr. Also, people were just whining non-stop because they don't seem to understand how mmr works and think that the beginning of the system is indicative of how it works when mmr gets settled.
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LOL MMR was a complete disaster. Red rank survivors facing rank 20 killers and opposite. They will never bring that back.
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No thanks. I don't find any enjoyment facing baby rank killers and survivors.
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First few games weren't easy for me though. First couple of gamnes were usually rally tough for mk but I'd get a few easy ones after and then it seemed to have settled in and gave me fair matches. Challenging ones but fair nonetheless.
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Rank system is not perfect but it is wayyy better than the new mmr system, it was completely broken and unfair.
Maybe Behaviour could make a system with the two ones? Idk
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To me feels the other way around.
Maybe they can come up with something better though yeah. I don't mind my games to be a bit sweaty, I can handle that, I just want them to be fair and not as one-sided which is what I've been getting as a survivor now.
I'm rank 5 killer now and that feels fine mostly, I'm a bit sad I haven't tried survivor while the MMR was up, as that has been the role I feel these unfair matchups the most.
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MMR was broken how R20 killer with like 10 hours can go againts R1's with 10k hours? and same goes for R1 Killers against R20's Survs ? Called Fair and Fun ? at least for 1 side ... before MMR Back it needs Fix . All Said
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Now I see rank 20-16 killers with hundreds if not thousands of hours going up against new survivors. Sometmies the other way around.
That'S not fun and fair either, I'm not saying it is. All I'm saying is that my experience was different and better.
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I think the MMR system had some very specific flaws that they weren't able to address in a quick fix. As an example, I bought the game from a steam sale right when the new MMR system came out... and, literally, in my first 5 games on both Survivor and Killer, I was being put with and/or against Rank 1-5s. Every time. And it was awful. The killer would get perfect games, I wouldn't even hook 1 person before they all escaped... it was not fun. at all.
I do hope they bring back their MMR system and make it a bit more transparent. It seemed like it was working for some people. But it was very much not working for others.
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MMR system is now disabled? I feel I'm not updated regarding new info
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I get that it must've been awful, my experience when I was fresh wasn't any better mostly because of derankers.
If something wasn't working as intended it needs fixing, not disaghreeing with that. I'm just saaying that my experience has been pretty solid, better than ever I'd say. So they seem to be onto something. I just hope they get it sorted out. With people deranking and using alt accounts ranks just aren't eorking out very well I feel.
Some more transparacy would be helpful, I agree. I just hope that it won't be too easy to manipuilate your MMR then.BUt yeah atleast knowing how big of a discrepancy in MMR there was (if any) would go a long way I assume.
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Since yesterday.
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This is my only fear with MMR. I love that it will pair sweaty survivors with good killers, but at the same time when you're the good killer getting non-stop infinite climax action with survivors it can get old pretty fast. And there's only so many killers you can switch to after a while.
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That was my experiene. Everyone else was getting noobs i was getting the swat teams mostly. HATED IT 😑
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So you were the lucky 1% with a functioning MMR. Good for you.
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Sorry bud, but the mmr system was busted as hell. Also, it also causes longass ques once u your mmr reaches a certain point.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.0
The can have a little sympatzhy for the devil too if they want.
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I didn't see why they disable it in the first place?
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so it a mess with the MMR now bigger mess with out it?
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I think you should change the title to imply that you want a WORKING MMR system back :)
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The mmr system make me stop to play game were too easy im a rank 1 killer and i was facing rank 20 survivor back to back
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I paid money for this game.
I should be able to expect a functioning game that's generally fun. Bang for my buck, you could say.
If I'm to be beta testing all these half-assed changes for them -- while the game is in a mostly broken state -- then the game should be free.
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Same here dude. I came back when I heard about mmr and had a blast. Sure it was bad and pretty trash and usually got trash players... ok nvm it was bad now that I think about it...
Yeah good on there part lol.
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It's weird reading these posts as MMR made me want to stop playing again. Every game as killer ended in under 5 minutes because the survivors just didn't know how to play. It was so boring and easy.
Now that they've taken it back off I'm getting matches against equal or at least near skilled opponents and enjoying the game again.
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Rank doesn't mean #########
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Huh. MMR sucked for me. I was a red rank killer consistently against brown ranked survivors. Not that much fun.