Cross Play is problematic for Killers

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

I think that the majority of the Killerbase is on PC and adding consoles into the mix created more Survivors that needed games. I haven't played against a single full red rank team since the update... I also haven't had a game where the Survivors finish more than two generators.

Destroying Survivors because the matchmaking is now desperate for Killers and lowers its standards for my opposition just feels bad. I'd be fine with waiting 2-3 minutes for a challenge than 30 seconds for an easy 4k. Hopefully something changes because slugging the entire team as Legion since the Survivors are rainbow rank just isn't very satisfying.


  • janeromeroismyqueen
    janeromeroismyqueen Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2020

    Yeah, I mainly played killer tonight on PC with crossplay enabled and it was a blood bath. I played a game as a 1 perk Wraith to complete a rift challenge and 4k'ed pretty easily...I've never really played Wraith a day in my life. One of the players in the lobby was a rank 2 Nea with a really good flashlight and build. The others were all rank 9 through 5. I'm killer rank 8 for context. They were all on other consoles though. It made getting all my killer challenges done pretty easily but let's just say I felt bad and gave the last survivor the hatch for most of my games. Lol. It makes me worried for how my solo survivor games are going to go in the future.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Wait, are you the same guy who said mending on tier 3 madness is broken?

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    People on this forum are weird as hell bro, ignore that LMFAO

    Also, my boyfriend complained about the same thing and just decided to turn off crossplay when he plays killer or practice a killer he is otherwise bad at. You run the risk of getting a sweat lord team, but it's not too difficult to get a match that makes you feel better afterwards, ha

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I main both sides at a high level. So I'm simultaneously an entitled Killer main and an entitled Survivor main.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Personally I didn't have any matchmaking issues yesterday. Played 3 games to get back to red ranks and got exclusively matched with red rank survivors who had the global icon. Didn't see one single purple. They played crazy good, too. Wasn't used to that kind of caliber to be honest. Matches were pretty fun and close as well.

    Then again those were just 3 matches so I don't know if I just got lucky with fair matchmaking.

  • HolyLadyGaga
    HolyLadyGaga Member Posts: 51

    Weren't survivors queues on console already terrible because no one wanted to play killer though?

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I can only speak for myself (XB1 europe) but I had about 20 second lobbies as survivor and near instant killer lobbies. Basically both sides are/were really quick. Haven't played survivor since crossplay. Will take a look later on, though.

  • ChaoticCoven
    ChaoticCoven Member Posts: 2

    I have not been fond of a lot of changes they have been making lately, but, it ruins the game. For survivors it is now impossible to play- not fun at all. For Killer it's sooo easy (which admittedly might be nice after getting your ass ripped open as survivor). My very first game in Crossplay was up against a speed hacking Bubba (who is OP to begin with in my opinion).

    IMO [as a survivor main (rank 1) and killer-ish player (rank 6) and a console player] crossplay has ruined the game. It's not a fair mach going up against PCers and if you turn it off then the games take forever to find and are not well balanced at all.

    I wish they'd take the time and $$ to fix all the glitches and balancing issues instead of releasing all of this uneeded content and changes.

    Idk..i guess I'm just ranting because I'm so annoyed at pretty much every change since their anniversary after I have put so much money into this game :'(

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    For now I'm ok with it. I think that's karma, I guess?

    In the past with the horrible matchmaking killers got into lobbies of 4 red rank SWFs even being brown ranks.

    Survivors had a lot of fun, now we can have fun. I have nothing against it.

    If they don't want cross play, they should turn it off. I'm not going to have any mercy.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    interesting. i did play 3 games as killer last night (rank 14) and i got 2 vs all red ranks swf (yes i know because i asked them afterwards), and one vs 3 red and one purple rank (only 2 of them swf). Got easily outplayed every game. Now i think about deinstalling the game and taking a break. But the fact that you can play a quick game in between other things makes it still appealing vs some rpg or adventure juggernaugts.